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Found 472 results

  1. Harnu

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    That's like bad 1980's rap. Â Good, I'm not the only one who thought that. Only time I listen to techno is if I'm doing some kind of photo editing or something like that. Kinda helps me focus more on what I'm doing and drown out the surrounding noise. Eventually I don't even realize I'm listening to it. And only certain techno, not sure what "genre" it is though. But other than that, I can't stand the stuff.
  2. hellfish6

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    That's like bad 1980's rap.
  3. walker

    The Iraq thread 3

    Hi all More news on the Torture Prison at Abu Ghraib. After a prisoner was aparently tortured to death we find that the head of US intelligence in Iraq was involved. My use of boldhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2755-2004Jun24.html Further we find the Col. Thomas M. Pappas head of intelligence at the Abu Ghraib torture prison tells his Boss he aint going to take the rap for the murder. My use of boldThe Rot clearly reaches the top of the Intelligence Chain of Command in Iraq so the question then becomes "Who above him put the soldiers up to the job of torturing prisoners in occupied Iraq to death?" Since we know the soldiers are being tried for their crimes at the Abu Ghraib Torture Prison. Who is going to prosecute those futher up the Chain of Command who clearly ordered it? The other question remains did George Bush Jnr. and TBA give the Contractors a get out of Jail Free Card for acts up to and including alegedly pedophilia. I have seen neither hide nor hair of an investigation into the Civilian Contractors. It leads me increasingly to speculate as to George Bush Jnr.s position on child molestors. Is he for them or against them? If it is the latter then let him prove it by bringing a case against the aledged pedophile. Disgusted Walker
  4. hellfish6

    Your favourite online radio station

    BFBS kick butt! I remember listening to it in Kuwait constantly because the US Armed Forces Radio was so shitty... constantly playing all the genres that I hate (hip hop, country, metal, rap, Britney Spears). Thanks for the link, Tankie. I'd totally forgotten that they had a web presence. God, I learned about so much good music from BFBS. ::
  5. booradley60

    Gta san andreas

    They said they'll keep variety with the music, so it won't all be rap. Â lol I can see myself as the only black guy in Compton listening to Pearl Jam's "Even Flow" or maybe some Red Hot Chili Peppers... are these fakes?
  6. SpongeBob

    Gta san andreas

    Just think about the soundtrack... all rap and hip hop music... is this set in the present or like in Vice City, 80s? It could be the 90s. Its for the PS2 this fall (october) and for the PC in the following Spring (May usually). Any word on multiplayer?
  7. Veovis

    Why america is the great satan

    There are many good reasons to hate America. Let me make a list. 1.)Rap 2.)People Magazine 3.)Cose proximity to Canada 4.)Britney Spears 5.)McDonalds 6.)McDonalds commericals 7.)Reality TV That's all I can think of right now. I guess the only pop culture worse than ours is Japan  But seriously, this topic is a giant flame war waiting to happen.
  8. Derek Baker

    Ofrp gazelles raid

    At least it's realistic then: the Gazelle got a bad rap in the Falklands for exactly that reason. Derek
  9. liquid_snake

    Custom faces

    This one was not a request, but I felt like making it: It is 50 cent. . . I don't like rap, but I thought it would be fun to make  Â
  10. SpongeBob

    The things they do in the name of religion

    You know what would be entertaining? Â If Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses acted more like street gangs than religion groups. They'd have turf wars to battle for neighborhoods to do their doorknocking... The busy street corners would be contested for their religious material pimpin'.... The sale of stolen gold bling bling crucifixes would take place from the back of minivans in the church or temple parking lots... Three words: Christian. Gangsta. Rap.
  11. Baphomet

    Albanian terror on kosovo

    While intentions may be the best in the world for peacekeeping. I'm really glad I'm not doing it. The idea of being shot/attacked out of nowhere would probably drive me absolutely nuts. I'd also be scared to death if it was indeed very plausible. Someone mentioned Chechnya somewhere back there. Could anyone tell me what the whole deal with them and the Russians are? To my knowledge it was something about them wanting to cede or break apart from the Russian federation or something. The problem with something like that (if that indeed is the case) is asking where you draw the line between a poorly armed undermanned milita/army and a terrorist cel? I think that would be largely subject to interpretation. However civilian targets in any military campaign is essentially terrorism. There are exceptions however. I saw this one thing on the history channel about this secret plan that (Churchill?) made on the contingency that Germany did in fact successfully invade Great Britian. Select operatives were bred from each small village and would carry out covert sabotage operations to discourage and harry the invaders. One of these things involved killing anyone (civilian or not) who was in a position of power that aided and abetted the enemy. In that context I do not believe that to be terrorism. It's certainly not one of the more honorable facets of war. Still. Small units that are inadequately equipped to fight a conventional (relatively balanced) war. Must resort to guerilla tactics. Again, however this shouldn't involve killing utterly innocent people such as blowing up trains or bombing civilian buildings. In the context of fighting for freedom, your cause has no credibility if you're trying to free yourself from so-called oppression when you have no problem doing some form of oppression yourself. I feel bad for Radnik if he does live over there. Thing is though. Kosovo refugees of which some live in my neighborhood, have gotten something of a bad rap around here since many of the young men seem to cause trouble, picking fights with people, engaging in acts of vandalism. Suspected drug dealing. Where I live it's a relatively nice quiet neighborhood as far as much as one in an urbanized environment can be. This behavior really disturbs and distresses the residents here. While I know some families from Kosovo whom are our neighbors who are very decent friendly people. I can see how someone would be quick to judge the people there because of the bad ones. It's not right, however it is easy for some.
  12. Pipski

    Us presidential election 2004

    Anyone else noticed that Ralph Nader is an anagram of `rap handler'? Was hoping it was going to be `panhandler'. One letter out.
  13. cef71

    Game crashes

    Hello i have owned ofp for a long time now, and just tried to re-install. when i attempt to begin the campaign, it crashes to the desktop and says, "use\'my name'\saved\tmp\1985.sqc.raP:'symbol' encountered instead of '=' p4 2.6 xp home 512mb ram latest patch geforce 5200 sb live thanks
  14. havocsquad

    Swear words

    I totally agree that for almost all regular conversation and most areas of an OFP mission or campaign heavy cursing should NOT be in.  You can simulate regular and convincing conversation without hearing F**k, FU, STFU, or other heavy foul language. For example, my Aircraft combat campaign "Havoc's Fighter Campaign", I am keeping the heavy swearing to an absolute minimum as possible, but there are certain circumstances where people and humanity break down thru the worst circumstances and the worst always comes out of people.  (Verbally and thru actions.) Here are some qualifications for heavy foul language usage in a mission/campaign: Genocide, all alone and having an enemy platoon on your six comming after you, losing a family member or very close friend during a war, an ESSENTIAL combat mission that MUST be won and crap just comes from one end to another with no end with your comrades dropping like flies. Yes, heavy foul language should be limited and kept out of OFP missions/campaigns as much as possible but in missions I do not oppose it in such occasions where I would expect nothing less said than that out of someone in that dire situation. I however have one song for the campaign that must portray a corrupt atmosphere with drugs, sex, guns, money, and hoes.  I've tried to find a filtered version of the song but to no avail...   Sad isn't, it?  Can't find a decent rap song to fit it without hearing all that extra filth.  Anyways, it should be the only song like that on the whole campaign.  No, this campaign is NOT a drug cartel busting  campaign.  (That would be boring and I believe illegal since you'd be in the U.S. military.)
  15. SpecOp9

    Needing suggestions for music for an ofp mission

    It's definately going to have to be some type of rap song, knowing drug deals here in the U.S. are mostly with african american, spanish, and very few white people.
  16. AKM

    School shooting

    The really funny part here is that nobody seems to recognize that when it comes to passing absurd gun laws and other such registration. I can understand registering your firearms (Type) but I can't understand having to have registry stickers on the barrel (In Canada) and all that other legalized bullshit they seem to get high off of. Its retarded. I can understand the need for weapon restrictions (Who wants to face a drive-by shooting when the gunners are armed with Kalashnikovs?) but I can't understand why people continually bitch. Blame this, blame that, blame Jesus, Blame Rap, et cetera. It really is quite pathetic. AK
  17. denoir

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Yeah, I think that most people here know that. It's just that the more obnoxious people tend to be the loudest. From a European point of view, the Republican party is really a caricature. They really highlight all bad things from a liberal point of view. Now I'm sure that it's a pretty rough and inaccurate picture, but media outlets, such as FOX news and politicians like Bush certainly reinforce that picture. Now, you shouldn't over-idealize Europe either. We have a good share of our own morons. Politicians like Berlusconi make Bush look good in comparison. I'll drink to that Yeah, he's been on his best behaviour the last years. Not so long ago he paid the victims of the Lockerbie bombing etc He has also cooperated by giving out information on terroist suspects. So obviously this is another step in the campaign of getting Lybia to rejoin the international community. What I find most humorous is how Blair and Bush called Khaddaffi's statement "courageous" and "good news" and "welcome". When Saddam said the exactly the same things then he was called a lier. Now tell me, why should we trust a mr. Khaddaffi over a mr. Hussein - both dictators with a very bad rap sheet with regards to the international community. Actually Khaddaffi has much more ties to terrorism than Saddam ever had..
  18. toadlife

    Gun control debate thread

    LOL. No!! One more thing. <ul> [*]I don't like rap/r&b/hip-hop music one conlcusion about you...
  19. FallenPaladin

    Military photographs

    Hehe, the world is soooo small... Better run, Rap! Â Â "I will make one limitation, though - you or someone you know must have taken any pictures displayed in here. Nothing from militaryphotos.net or any other website or magazine. All photos must be original." Â - Quote from Hellfish6 That`s what I meant this thread to be. I`ll come up with new pics after my next duty shift. Â I`ve already posted those photos somewhere else here on the forums (military stupidity) but now they`ve found themselves a nice, cozy place. I`m not angry on this photo! A column consiting of 22 Leos. Here are a few of them. Here are the Leos of the same column driving through a small village.
  20. ralphwiggum

    The american dream

    yeah. last guy that gave me such attitude ended up getting chased by me on freeway at speed of 85mph. Â so what is uniqie about 'American' aspect? I think social dynamics is. US has been traditionally a fertile ground for social class change. Jimmy Hoffa was a ruthless union leader, and his son is now a lawyer leading the union. a poor kid who can bitch about his life in ghetto can rap his way to Brentwood or Malibu. as long as you are putting up your best, there is a chance to get to better life. comparing to EU, US's tax rate is less, meaning more money ends up in your pocket. thus your reward for an action is paid a bit more, thus more incentive to give it a shot.(of course this is a contributor to materialism and its dominance).
  21. SpeedyDonkey

    Music video!!! (and poll)

    heheh that would be pretty darn good. That, some indy music i found and some really strange rap.
  22. SpeedyDonkey

    Music video!!! (and poll)

    Im either gonna do a mission with this new version of invasion 1944, a mission with the upcoming BAS Blackhawk or (most likley) some crazy video with some really lame RAP from the 80s. i haven't decided yet.
  23. Heatseeker

    Favorite videogame music

    Mafia, very nice music! GTA vice city, best thing in that game is the music, nice pop and rock themes, Foreigner, Mr. Mister, the cult, flock of seagulls, ozzy, Maiden, even Anthrax very 80s. Vietcong. Great songs, really makes you feel back in the 60s, hey joe from shades of deap purple fitted like a glove. OPF, not only the rock themes but i like the 1985 main theme and most of the small songs, the guitar bits in resistance were great too. NFS: hot pursuit i agree most themes are great, the rap one sux , cant remember more at the moment... Yay---200 posts, and the mods havent tried to kill me...yet.
  24. blackdog~

    Favorite videogame music

    Anything composed by Bill Brown... Dark Knight posted a link. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 had some pretty good music (except for the rap)... OFP has some really nice music, especially considering only one person composed it Battlezone: Red Odyssey (Battlezone expansion, before Battlezone 2)... it had some nice music as well.
  25. jimgun

    Running and shooting at the same time.

    i cant find that thread on efl rap.....and why the hell would a sound pack configure something on your crosshairs?? lol crazy