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  1. Balschoiw

    Music Recommendations

    Unsorted: Soulwax and all projects they have like 2 many dj´s, etc. Kaiser Chiefs 2Raumwohnung Front Line Assembly Gorillaz Hot Rail Jane´s Addiction Johnny Cash Filter Audioslave Soundgarden S.O.D. Machinehead lot´s of Brasil Bossa, Bebel Gilberto, etc. Sepultura Nailbomb Nine Inch Nails Seed Bootsy Collins Old school Rap like Grandmaster Flash, Kurtis Blow, etc. I guess I could keep going on for hours
  2. cell7

    Star Wars mod

    Yep, i tried the script and it works. One thing to do yet, and that is fine tune the gun position on the MF with the magic number (camsetpos), then I'll let you have a go. Thanks for the rap
  3. Ironsight

    Lightening the Mood

    I blame the rap culture
  4. Assault (CAN)

    Carl Gustav?

    This is a grenade. Those are 84mm rounds for the CG. I fail to see any similarity. Does the Carl Gustaf fire rockets? Yes and no. While the initial force that gets the rounds going is the burning of the round's propellant, the force it gives isn't enough to be effective. At least not on a modern battlefield. All the rounds that I've ever fired out of the Carl Gustaf (with the exception of the sub-calibre insert) were what are called RAP (Rocket Assisted Projectile) rounds. The rocket in the projectile gives the extra boost that the projectile needs. The initial combustion isn't enough because half of the force goes out behind the weapon to equalize the force of recoil. Hence the term "recoiless". Yes, there is a "swoosh" sound of the rocket igniting, but it's preceded by an incredibly loud "boom". I've felt the vibration in the ground of other Carl Gustafs being fired on the line at least 100m down. When your head is next to it, it doesn't seem as loud. Just be sure to keep your mouth open to equalize the pressure in your lungs, unless you want a snotty nose, sore ears, and a headache. The Carl Gustaf is incredibly accurate. I've personally nailed tank sized targets dead-on, at 600m with almost no effort on my part. The CG is one well designed piece of kit. It's just too bad that it was modeled so poorly in the game. Here's me with my Carl Gustav. No my hands aren't cammed, I was wearing gloves before and the ex was almost over.
  5. red oct

    War against terror

    Mainstream Christian Evangelism in the US is every bit as dogmatic and fundamentalist as the mainstream of Islam that you describe. And it wields a great deal more power. Let's forget, for the moment, that Osama bin Laden is well educated and rich and that nearly all of the 9/11 pilots lived comfortable lives and had university educations. Let's look at an American recently convicted for supporting terrorism: "Ali al-Timimi, 41, a Ph.D. in computational biology and a self-professed Islamic scholar whom prosecutors described as enjoying "rock star" status among his followers in Virginia, was convicted today on all ten counts against him, including soliciting others to levy war against the United States and inducing others to use firearms in violation of federal law." My point is, if you cast your net in search of those lacking education and quality of life then the most important fish will slip through. Are you professing a clear enough understanding of mainstream Islam to say it is the primary culprit? And is anyone here professing a clear enough understanding to say "there is nothing wrong with mainstream Islam"? Furthermore, would you have blamed the actions of the Jewish terrorist organisation, LEHI, on mainstream Judaism or was there "nothing wrong" with mainstream Judaism? Small layer? I guess you don't have access to American satellite TV. You probably don't recall the position held by fundamentalist evangelical minister Rev. Billy Graham in the Nixon, Reagan and Bush Whitehouse. In fact, it was Graham who got George W to give up the bottle for Christ's sake. But again, my primary concern is when fundamentalist Christians use their clout to push forward a bible prophesy driven agenda in complete disregard of international justice and human rights. Denoir your mantra is no different than that of Dr Daniel pipes - "Militant Islam is the problem and moderate Islam the solution" - and who could disagree? Just don't forget to look past the obvious harm caused when religious militancy picks up a gun. Religious fundamentalists of all flavours have done far greater harm when in control of government policy than an explosive vest. Power? what power? Alabama judicial ethics panel removed Chief Justice Roy Moore after refusing to remove the 10 commandments from his courtroom. was Paul Hill shown any mercy after murding a abortion doctor? no, the state had him executed and became a Martyr to nobody. maybe you also noticed George Bush certianly isn't having much of a cake walk trying ban stem cell research is he? i'll agree to a certian degree religion will have a certian hold on this country, but it really pales in comparison to the strangle hold our very own culture has over the population like Hollywood, GTA and other violent video games some of which have been banned in other countries, certian rock and rap music and fast food culture.
  6. Victor_S.

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    WOO! Im downloading now, Judging from your fast work Im guessing this will be top notch aswell. Offtopic: As far as the hitler and stalin thing is concerned, Stalin killed far more people than hitler. He just came out on the winning side so he did take as bad a rap.
  7. WindWalker

    ONTOS M50

    In Namn the Marines had a few ontos. At least a Buddy of mine (a Jar Head) had his best friends head roll out of one when ambushed in the Ashau Valley. The VC Heavy Machine Gun would tear the krap out of that aluminum body peice of *rap. However, given opportunity it would deliver an awesome fire support. BTW Fantastic Mod work ..Looks great! Cant Wait! Also found this report : REFLECTIONS OF AN ONTOS CREWMAN By Dave Austin Since stumbling upon Ontos Crewmen site the memories have come flooding back concerning my days with the Pigs. Ontos is a Greek word, it means, "The Thing." Remember the old song, "It's Your Thing... do what you wanna do?" Just played on my oldies radio station. A well versed Ontos crew can inflict massive damage on troops in the open or troops with mere vegetation for cover and concealment. They fare little better if under hard cover, for the Ontos carried high explosive rounds (HEPT) and anti-armor rounds (HEAT) as well. But my personal favorite was the "beehive" round, which could be set to spread it's deadly darts at "muzzle action" or, by turning a dial on the nose of the round, it could be set to spread it's deadly load of darts at various ranges... 100 yards... 200 yards... and so on. We "defaulted" our beehive rounds at "muzzle action," six huge shotguns! Each Ontos has the fire power of a reinforced artillery battery of 105 mm Howitzers... there are five guns in a typical battery of artillery. The main armament of an Ontos consists of six 106 mm recoilless rifles, mounted on a rack three "port tubes" and three "starboard tubes". These "rifles" can be fired one at a time or in any combination of up to six rifles at a time... "a broadside" was six tubes firing with one trigger-pull. The turret only traverses 40 degrees to the left or right, however, the driver can instantly turn the vehicle as needed. A skilled crew can quickly saturate an 80 degree frontage with muzzle-action beehive by expert manipulation of the turret traversing wheel and the fire control panel... six big shotguns spraying hundreds, nay, thousands of one-inch-long stabilize-finned darts across an 80 degree area. It is not a healthy place to be... on the business end of an angry Ontos. While the loader rearms the recoilless rifles, the Ontos Commander (OC) provides covering fire with a turret mounted .30 caliber Browning air-cooled machinegun. As if those weapons were not enough, the Ontos also has two semiautomatic .50 caliber "spotting" rifles mounted on each side of "the rack." Not only do these rifles "spot" the impact of the main weapon and help gauge "range," the Ontos provides a super-stable platform from which these .50 caliber rifles can be used as sniper rifles... talk about reach out and touch someone! Get some! I remember the Ontos as being fast and maneuverable... able to jackrabbit start and stop and the damn thing turned on a dime! As the loader, I spent my fair share of time "kissing" the side armor plates from the inside. I hated that. I also remember that the Grunts loved us when we showed up to support their activities. In the second half of my tour in 'Nam, I was a Grunt. I assure you there were many times when I wished there was an Ontos to "clear our front." Somehow that "Mickey Mouse" 40 mm blooper round just didn't cut it... my apologies to Corporal Hahn, our H 2/1 "Blooper Man" for 1st Squad of 1st Platoon... damned good blooper-man he was. Having been both an Ontos Crewman and a Grunt in the same tour of duty in 'Nam, I have to say this. I felt more safe as a Grunt. However, even as a machinegunner and a rocketman, the firepower I wielded as a Grunt couldn't begin to match the firepower of an Ontos... but then again I didn't have to hump the nine-and-a-half ton Ontos on my shoulder.... As a Grunt, the thing I missed most about the Ontos was the engine's exhaust manifold... I hate cold C-Rats! I do not miss that geeky looking, ill fitting and stinky comm helmet we Ontos bubbas had to wear. The guy who invented that piece of crap should be made to wear it the rest of his life! No wonder there's so few pictures of us wearing that thing.... Remember this? "Ontos: 9 1/2 tons of rompin', stompin', hell raisin', death and destruction!" That just popped out of the old memory banks.... Dave Austin 1stSgt USMC (Ret)
  8. Trixta

    Campaign Identities

    dePBOd the resistance campaign and got to grips with the savestatus and savevar command (or so I thought). Can somebody please tell me where I'm going wrong with the init.sqs for this, the 5th mission in my campaign? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;recreate survivors group _sqd=[usi1,usi2,usi3,usi4,usi6,usi8,uspc]; ;check mortals and add to _srv ?davisdead==davisdead:deletevehicle usi4;goto "chkrl" _sqd=_sqd+[usi4];usi4 setidentity "DavisBill";goto "chkrl" #chkrl ?rushmoredead==rushmoredead:deletevehicle usi5;goto "chkla" _sqd=_sqd+[usi5];usi5 setidentity "RushmoreLee";goto "chkla" #chkla ?lambertdead==lambertdead:deletevehicle usi7;goto "ldstts" _sqd=_sqd+[usi7];usi7 setidentity "LambertArmand";goto "ldstts" ;load status #ldstts _sqdm=0; _sqdc=count _sqd; _pmis="xa03"; #nxsldr xx=(_sqd select _sqdm) loadstatus format["xa03usi%1",(_sqdm)]; _sqdm=_sqdm+1; ?_sqdm<_sqdc:goto "nxsldr" This code should feed from the exit.sqs of the previous mission (obviously) so I've included it in case that's the source of the problem: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_srv=[usi1,usi2,usi3,usi6,usi8,uspc] ;check for dead soldiers ?davisdead==davisdead:goto "chkrl" ?!alive usi4:davisdead=1;savevar "davisdead";goto "chkrl" _srv=_srv+[usi4]; #chkrl ?rushmoredead==rushmoredead:goto "chkla" ?!alive usi5:rushmoredead=1;savevar "rushmoredead";goto "chkla" _srv=_srv+[usi5]; #chkla ?lambertdead==lambertdead:goto "svsqd" ?!alive usi7:lambertdead=1;savevar "lambertdead";goto "svsqd" _srv=_srv+[usi7]; ;save squad "_x setdamage 0" foreach units group uspc; #svsqd _mis="xa03"; _sqdm=0; _sqdc=count _srv; #nxsldr xx=(_srv select _sdqm) savestatus _mis+(format["usi%1",_sqdm]); ?_sqdm<_sqdc:_sqdm=_sqdm+1;goto "nxsldr" Can somebody please point out the bleeding obvious - 'cause I can't see it. One more thing - the error: rap ...: [] encountered, = expected The [] could be an empty square.
  9. kerosene

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    I think classical for wurope, or appropriate traditional or native music for different parts of the world. I'm not a fan of calssical or world music, but I think its got more atmosphere. Apparently im in a minority of 1, but it bugged the hell out of me, when im playing a res misson, and all of a sudden i've got sub limp-bizkit rap metal coming at me. Or mabye just a phil collins soundtrack
  10. BoweryBaker

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The U.S. Government supports causes that allow for adults to be treated with the same respect as children. Â Shouldn't I have earned the respect to not be questioned on my personal life, over the freedom not to answer when questioned. Â Why don't mental institutions read miranda rights as well? Â Reality is not that I am schizophrenic, reality is that schizophrenic is what would suit me if I were afraid of revealing what it is I'm really laughing at. Â The government is looking out for me by paying me to take pills, yet at the same time gambling with my soul. Â Who knows what long term effects these pills have. Â I'd rather be offered a placebo but I know this is not a placebo from the chest pains I receive, and all for what? Â At least I get paid. Â I make more money being crazy then I do as a social outcast who isn't talked about or mentioned worthy for even the most minute and moral things such as kindness and honesty and trustfullness. Â That should be what gets me a job. Â Not whether or not I can look someone in the eye. Â I guess I'll keep on writing. Â I have no clue what God has in store for me though, and i get pissed when people ask me what my role in life is. Â That just makes me feel like they're blocking me out. Â If they really wanted to help, they'd mention a job that I could work at that pays what I'm looking for. Â I guess I haven't figured out what I want to do yet. Â I know what I want to do. Â I want to sit and make ofp missions and make people happy, is that so crazy? Â Maybe I could do that and make music, and rap, and all the things I like. Â Why have a corporate job. Â I'm thinking of starting my own label. Â I'm on track. Â Hopefully God willing some day I'll be off these damn pillls and learn to talk to God instead of freaking out. Â Just be myself basically. I just hate how society decides who to accept and who not to accept. Accept me as I am. Don't even have to accept me. Just go on about your business. This is where I'm put though, and this is where I'm at. I can't move from out the basket onto the concreate or the egg might break.
  11. I agree. Â Plus the VC and NVA had unique weapons as well that are interesting. Â Some of the most fun in a SEBNAM2 based MP mission was playing against other players as a NVA sniper with a Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle. Â I totally felt like a real sniper as I had to guess where the US Navy SEAL assassination team would position their sniper above the camp where my squad and myself were guarding a high ranking NVA officer. Â Several times I successfully killed and hunted down the SEAL sniper and his team by positioning myself in a hidden position overlooking the most likely sniping positions. Â I simply watched him get into position and then put a bullet in his head. Â Afterwhich I killed several of his team mates and then ordered my squad members positioned in other areas to cut off their escape. Â I then hunted the survivors down that my AI men hadn't killed. Â It was really very fun and the players playing the American side I think had a lot of fun as it was a real challenge for them to complete the mission. Â Â TJ from BAS was playing the SEAL sniper along with other players from the "alt.games.operation-flashpoint" newsgroup. But even in Single Player games, I think that a good mission maker can create similar experiences. Â Furthermore, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese weren't exactly Nazis or something. Â They were a valiant and highly skilled enemy fighting for what what they believed was the unification and liberation of their countrymen. Â All in all a tragic war but one in which I think it's easier to see things from both the perspectives of both sides. Heck, in WWII mods, I even play the Nazis sometimes just because they had such cool weapons. Â Â Nothing quite like a MG-42 ripping 'it up or a massive Tiger tank thundering into battle. Â What I really would also like to see however are South Vietnamese Army units (ARVN). Â These guys are often given a bad rap in history, but some of these units faught very valiently in places like Kontum. Â The seige of Kontum is to be remembered as a place where many South Vietnamese Army units faught with great heroism destroying a dozen NVA tanks with M-72 LAW rockets. Also I hope that your mod will include ARVN infantry and armored units (M113, M41, M42, and M48). Â Finally also a Vietnam War mod would not be complete without Montagnard units and ethnic Nung Chinese units who faught valiantly alongside US Special Forces in Vietnam. So I hope you all will consider those units as well. Keep up the great work!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    We'll see whos laughing when you get your first ration of soilent green  Too be honest, i think the U.S - or americans rather, get a bad rap, who would you rather was the worlds dominant power Russia, China? Superpowers step on smaller countries, europe already had its turn - Britain, France, Belgium to name a few all have nasty imperial?colonial histories - right up to the 50's and 60's and we're inclined to dress them up as well. All thats really changed is how obviously superpowers can get away with shafting these countries or people and keep the moral high ground with your own people.
  13. BoweryBaker

    martial arts talk

    i been doing martial arts for like since i was nine and im 23 now. i was just wondering if anyone else out there does it or has any fight stories. I got no fight stories. I only really been in one fight and i lost when i was twelve i think. Anyhow, one of my favorite martial arts movies is kickboxer. van damme was the shiznit in the late eighties, back when most of you were born. lol. since i started lifting weights cats don't want none. cats as in people, thats rap slang. My favorite part of the movie is when they go "NUK SU COW, NUK SU COW" which apparently means white warrior in taiwanese. He was amazing in that movie. I learned alot about fighting just by watching him. He has some of the most powerful kicks ive ever seen. On the real though, i once saw a real martial arts competition fight and it was kinda in this underground league in phoenix, arizona. i saw my sifu ( which is something like a martial arts teacher) cave this guys face in, bones cracking and all. He asked me if i want to ever fight and i was so nervous and i said let me see a match first. Then after i saw that match i said no because the injuries looked life threatening. I will only fight to defend myself but i believe that everyone should know how if they are a good person inside.
  14. Tovarish

    Gta san andreas

    So do I, but I see some of the extremely few rap songs I actually do like are in that soundtrack . Almost makes me want to buy a PS2.
  15. Placebo

    Gta san andreas

    I despise rap generally but agree it will be interesting to play a game set in this genre, and it'll be nice to play as a black lead character for a change, nice for a developer to realise the world isn't populated by white males
  16. Heatseeker

    Gta san andreas

    I thought we PC people were suposed to be the big and dishonest pirates and freeloaders and stuff... Game looks huge but the theme... , god i hate rap music and gangsta bs, if the game features some military hardware it might be enjoyable to some point .
  17. Duke_of_Ray

    The Iraq thread 4

    Wow after 4 threads it looks like we are at the same place in the argument. Although I could be wrong, and I usually don't help matters any by my opinions. It just seems there is such a strong anti-american feeling around the world. I really do not understand what was ever wrong about protecting your country, but then again I was never a smart one. I do fully support our troops in Iraq, and as my B-day nears this October, I plan on joing the Air Force, to do my part, for my country. At this point in time, I am seroiusly considering voulentering to go to Iraq. I want to do my part, for something I believe in. I have no disrie to be killed or even kill, but I will try to do wht my country asks of me. It just makes me sick that our troops get such a bad rap in Iraq. I really do not care if other countries like the war or not, it's not their saftey I am concerned with. Uhhg, this is a terrible post..........
  18. Parker Hale

    S-37 Berkut

    Hi Naoyuki, I have found only only one picture of the s-37 cockpit, here is the link to the pic but it is quite small: http://aeroweb.lucia.it/rap/RAFAQ/six5th_5.html I have never been into aircraft myself but do find them very interesting. Parker hale
  19. sputnik monroe

    Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

    Fine go hide under your bed. Heck every one go ahead seize every ones firearms. Â There will still be murder and death (a lot still by firearms) the only difference is the people who weren't using them to commit crimes wont have them any more. Big deal, I still think a real solution would be better. Â Â I hate rap and first person shooters, there are lots of groups who claim they cause crime. So how about we ban them also. I don't care how much proof there is to the contrary, I just don't see why any one needs them and I would feel much safer if they were not availible. Â Â Lets just ban everything. I'd feel a lot safer knowing my neighbor isn't getting any ideas or messing around with anything period. Â Â Â Come on people really. Why don't any of you come up with a real solution to crime? Banning inanimate objects will solve absolutely nothing . Â If some one is going to kill a man they aren't going to give a damn about any gun laws. It's all ready illegal to murder people. Â Â The problem isn't guns, it's the American people and their justice system. You can commit many crimes in this country and get off with a slap on the wrist. The average American is a slime bag and a fool who's children learn from an early age that nothing is their fault. They learn that they can always blame society, music, games, guns, or any other inanimate for their twisted deeds. Â Â Â How about punishing people when they do wrong and instill in childrens heads at a early age that it's wrong to kill, rob, cheat, and steal from people. Teach them that pimps and gang bangers should be looked down upon not envied and respected. Teach them that if you wrong some one you will pay a price. Â Â Â Â Oh forget that, lets just ban stuff. It's much easier than actually dealing with the problem. Dealing with the problem actually takes work. Â Â Â Disgusted and sick of it all... Â Sputnik Monroe
  20. BoweryBaker

    Us presidential election 2004

    Forget bush..... cuz the world don't want him / ever since we invaded iraq..... we been hunted / flags of our nation are burning / radical islamic schools make it so hates what they're learning / i don't care if you vote kerry though / a vietnam decorated war hero / who also knows the art of surprise/ come on guys, how you gonna find nukes and not use spies ? im on the kerry team cuz deep down / bush is very mean and stays very proud / pride is a sin and so is innocent death/ you don't send an army and a warning that your obtaining a virus/ how stupid! id send in spies/ in the cover of night, wearing an arab disguise / kerry knows the art of war and element of surprise/ and fought war from the eyes of the lowest of guys / bush is inexperienced/ \though he's been in for fours years look at the bullshit he's given us / the economy is messed up/ and he's so stuck up the only tax cuts go to the rich what brotha in they right mind/ could stand by/ the creator of the axis of evil phrase/ stated in broad day/ in a house of representatives on tv / pissing off north korea's wrong one should tread easy / gimme a president who knows the basics, has common sense/ and sets the standard for the next couple presidents / in my lifetime i like clinton reagen and bush one/ started to like bush two till iraq made us look dumb you need a political rap this is it/ now imma bounce like the jugs in darklights sig come on (x3) in darklights sig , imma bounce like the jugs in darklights sig. That's a little something i wrote about Bush since noone else in the industry has the balls or creative freedom to speak out about american atrocities. Btw, im american.
  21. DarkLight

    Where Are You From

    Ok ladies and gentlemen, this is me I am a 17 year old student, i was born in Leuven, Belgium. I now live between Leuven and Brussels with my parents in Vlaams-Brabant.  That's the central part of Belgium...  I live in a boring town, thank god i have friends here! It's pretty cool that i live in central belgium because all the big cities are close to me I can go to Leuven by bus/train with no problems at all.  Same for antwerpen, brussel, gent, brugge, etc I fucking hate school, about 10 months of the year i am depressed.  Now i'm a happy boy because it's vacation. I'm a tall kid, i'm about 191 cm i think.  My muscles are a bit bigger than most ppl their muscles, i'm rather strong .  I have no fucking idea why that is.  I'm pretty lazy so it's not like i do push ups or something like that  Dunno i was born tall and strong It's an advantage, you know, i rarely get teased and if i do get teased just pretending that you'll kick their ass usually works to scare 'em away. I have 2 sisters, both older than me, one of them doesn't live here anymore, the other is in college and comes home once in a while.  We have one dog, she's completely mental.  It's a jack russel terrier, you know, one of those bastards that won't stop jumping and barking.  God i hate that fucking animal. Now normal jack russels might be fun... but that's where the problem is... Our dog is NOT normal at all.  Ppl on the street always say she looks cute but we don't allow them to pet her... she can be rather naughty...  Seriously i could talk a full day about how crazy she is.  If she had been a bigger dog we would've had to kill her, thank god we can protect us from such a little bitch... Oh well...  A lot of people that post on forums aren't social at all, you know, their best friend is their computer.  That's not the case for me, i enjoy using the computer because i have loads of music on it  And as i will tell you later, music is very important for me.  When i'm using the computer i ALWAYS listen to music.  I don't know a lot about computers compared to 95% of you... but i know enough as far as i'm concerned. I rarely play computer games, i like playing the 3D Zelda games, they're pretty damn good.  One of the only games that i really like...  Once in a while i play delta force black hawk down, the multiplayer demo.  Yeahyeah i know that it isn't realistic but i like it, it's just entertainment for me, i don't care what the game's like as long as it's fun... As i said i'm not one of those ppl that stay behind their computer all day.  I really enjoy going to festivals, parties, getting to know people, playing a good game of pool with friends, drinking a beer, doing illegal stuff  , playing cards with friends , basketball, football,... I'm not the most popular guy in school or something like that but i have enough friends.  Music means a lot to me, we have a lot of instruments at home.  I play bassguitar and acoustic guitar. Love both. I like all 'good songs'... I listen to everything, to all the good songs that i hear.  That can be techno, trance, drum'n'bass, hip hop, rock, metal, grunge, rap, r&b, reggae, old music, classical music, etc  It doesn't matter, i listen to every style... I listen to music whenever i can... I truly love music, it's by far the best thing that mankind has invented... I like skateboarding a lot, the first time i skated i was about 7 years old or something like that.  I could barely stand on the deck  But that wasn't really skating... I've skated my whole life but at first i didn't know that you could actually do tricks.  I just drove around on my huge deck, listening to music...  A couple years ago i discovered all the tricks and i started practising. I always skated for a year then i started to get the hang of it but i stopped for some silly reason and once you stop, you lose your skill.  It's not like riding a bike, you know.  Skating is a very hard sport, you get tired very fast, it's VERY technical, in football you can score even if you didn't kick the ball well.  In skateboarding there's no such thing, if you do something wrong in mid air, you'll go down... I've been skating for about a 1.5 year non stop now, i don't want to quit now because i'm getting pretty good.  Skating is my favorite sport... Any other skaters on this forum? If you want to see me, check out my profile or whatever it is, it has a rather freaky picture of me... I dunno what else i could say So that's it for tonight  I'll edit if i find something new to say Boy this sure was a loooong post...
  22. In the French army, there are several levels, even inside special troops. With Hidden selection simple scripting beret, you'll have : Infantry units : - Régiment d'Infanterie (RI), the basic troops - Régiments d'Infanterie de Marine (RIMa), the Marine Infantry - Infantry with Spectra helmet and bullet-proof vest - Commandos, troops equiped for assault - scouts, light-equiped troops for stealthy recon The last two represent what could be the new SAED units, inside each Infantry regiment, or just special equipment using infantry troops. Parachute units : - Régiments de Chasseurs Parachutistes or most parachute units (RHP but without "Hongroise", RDP, RTP, RAP,...) - Régiments Parachutiste d'Infantrie de Marine (RPIMA) or Parachute Marine infantry - parachute troops lightly equiped, with only the F1 helme as troopps can't jumps with heavy armor - Commandos - Scouts Commandos and Scouts belong to GCPs (Parachute Commando Groups), existing in each parachute regiment. Legion EtrangÄre units : - Régiments Etranger d'Infanterie - 2° Régiment Etranger Parachutiste - Troops with Spectra helmet and bullet-proof vest - Commandos - Scouts => SAED or special equipment using infantry troops for REI, GCP for the 2°REP. Along with these troops, some Rescuemen : - Armée de l'Air's CPA-30 for RESCO-CSAR missions - ALAT's (Ground Forces Light Aviation) PRB for IMEX Far later, in another update, would be released the true Special Force belonging to the COS (Special Operations' Command) with, for exemple, 1er RPIMa's, CPA10's or Commando de Marine's troops.
  23. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    KITT For Sale

    Maybe Hassle the Hoff, the newest rap sensation, can sign it.
  24. xezon

    Pingushooting v2 -sp

    Jep, thats allready done! And he can make saltos (but he falls with his head on the ground, because he is too fat), slip a few meters and rap.
  25. SpeedyDonkey

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    That's like bad 1980's rap. Â I would rather call it bad 1980's crap. ;o) The video was supposed to be made in a good cause though..