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  1. Hello my name is Jake , A proud member of the ATP-SIP clan , and im here to tell you a little about our unit. Why nor check out some of our videos ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pW55aiO9n0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL8-PbG0CtI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPawu3ykvnY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIg1HcXdH1s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz1b5LeNjPg And Our Very own RAP!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMdmHk2Cyfw What is the ATP-SIP Unit? The ATP-SIP unit is a tactical realism unit who is currently playing Arma And Arma 2 , we currently have a small amount of active soldiers , as some are experiencing technical difficulty's. We strive on teamwork and life like tactical maneuvers to ensure that our soldiers return from battle safe and sound and are ready to fight another day. What Can i be expect? If you do decide to join us or play with us , then you will notice our communication is constant and that we take out training and briefing very seriously. We brief before we embark on an operation or training procedure to ensure that each soldier knows exactly what he is doing for that mission. You will also notice our teamwork and devotion to each others safety , we constantly update each other on the situation and make sure that our buddy's back is covered , no man is ever left behind on an operation we all look after each other , we are a unit. So what can i expect at training When training day arrives , you need to make sure you are on time , and ready to go. Late comers or non attenders will have to do extra training and punishments will be given. We have a vast range of training areas set up which includes , an assault course , a firing range , a Sniper range , An airport , Field hospitals and a camp site , A land vehicle pool , an Urban Combat area and an AT range. Depending on your'e role in the Sips , you will be trained accordingly to that role. We take our training very seriously and we expect the very best out of our recruits at the camp. So what roles are available in the ATP-SIPS? we Currently have a multiple choice in roles , these inclide : The SIP Airman , who will be the pilot's of fixed wing and rotor wing aircraft , attack and transport. These people are trained to be the very best and are vital to out assaults. You will be trained on various gunships, planes and helicopters. Including attacking, transporting, And guarding over ground troops. The SIP Infantryman: The Infantry man is the back bone of any army , these men lay down there lives to protect there country and fight it out on the front lines. You will be trained on various weapons, Armored vehicles, Urban/Modern combat maneuvers And much more. Using their weapons and any armored vehicles valid to them. Infantry include Sniper, Rifleman, Medic, Machine gunner. And this can vary in changes. What operations are currently underway? We are currently planning our operation in Iraq , and will be shipping out very shortly. So that's the ATP-SIPs if you would like to hear more and chat to one of our members head over to http://anerson.webs.com/ Until then Ile see you on the battlefield solider!
  2. It is "FUND"-amentally flawed. Meaning customers won't drop enough "FUNDS" on it for MS to continue to try and sell it. Vista got a bad rap quick and it killed their sales. So here comes windows 7 to save the day. Funny thing is, Microsoft had a commercial out a while back where they repackaged vista with a new name and got unsuspecting customers to say they loved it. Hopefully that's not windows 7.:D
  3. Okay.. Thankyou I get an error code now saying "Invalid Rap File" and another saying "Decode failed"
  4. manzilla

    Island Panthera (ArmA 2)

    That map looks wicked. I'm glad to hear A2 will get it. Fire up v1.02. Honestly, it's not anywhere near as bad as the rap it's received. It must like my system so it runs very well. So did v1.01 to be honest.
  5. Commando84

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    lol this is like a rap battle between bis and cd fans duking it out :D Its still missing words like pop caps and schizzle and fool :D
  6. hoak

    Arma 1 abandoned?

    Well, it is something a lot of prospective ArmA/BI Fans do complain about, and something that would be prudent for BI to develop a constructive PR policy around that levels more realistic expectations toward their games -- as they do unfortunately get a bad (and undeserved) rap for this elsewhere... The 'using the paying Customers as Beta Testers' unfair and unrealistic as it is, is repeated endlessly elsewhere, and reinforces very negative (and granted uninformed) meme/gossip, that hurts everyone... Though one look at paucity of Developer/Publishers that actually attempt to create games for this genre, and the way the few that do horribly fumble it when they do, would one would think give prospective Fans a clue that this is one tough genre to build for and do right, and that BI and it's Fans are still here having fun -- dial their attention to the fact that somthing that works is going on here and an appreciation for deferred gratification... But, games are entertainment, born of instant gratification -- so, smoothly handling these objections, turning them in to the positives they are ergo that BI builds one of if not the most ambitions game/sim/mod platforms you can buy, and supports it very well and for the long haul, then amplifying and repeating endlessly (in good marketing fashion) would gain some ground... :)
  7. In the same vain as the video card thread, i want to upgrade my system too. Currently got C2Duo E8600, 2x 9800GTX+ I'll prob go for a 4890 or 295 for the vid card, but the CPU i'm not too sure about. A lot of reviewing websites suggest getting the i7-920 and overclocking the hell out of it, i.e. dont bother getting one of the later i7s because you'll end up around 4Ghz anyways. Just wanted to hear of peoples real world experiences with this. Also, specific motherboard recomendations would be welcome. Asus P6Ts seem to get a good rap, but there seem to be a number of variations of them. tar muchly
  8. Ah reminds me of the “video nasties†problem which was supposedly causing a mental decline on children in the UK in the 1980s. Ended up in a big mess where the police didn’t know what was illegal and what was legal, and different videos were allowed in different towns, very confusing. This ended with the setting up of the BBFC to sort out the big mess and return everything to order, and start the age restrictions on all/most media material in the UK.:rolleyes: I’m a media student so have studied this stuff, it seems to be the fads where older generations do not understand/ scared of, stuff the younger generation are using/ doing, and example of someone form my example was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Whitehouse (also dealt with TV censorship before this) Then it was videos, and the strange fascination with “gory†horror films, now it’s the same with games being too graphic/ gory, and gangster rap, which I slightly agree with as I go in to a violent rage when I here it as I can’t stand the stuff ;) And don’t get me started on court cases where they blame a film or game for a young offenders actions (even if they never seen/ played it), which seems to be used as a get out of jail free card almost. I wish good luck to you all and hope for the sake of you all someone talks some sense in to them or a good work around is put in place which allows people to still be able to use the games but also protects “the people at riskâ€. p.s. sorry if this offends anyone just my opinion that’s all :o
  9. Thanks for posting that video, I was just sitting down to do my own. :D What you showed in that video is what I experience on my 3 systems and what 6 other friends also experience. 9 vastly different hardware configs that show no lag. I'm really puzzled as to why some still experience horrible lag even though they've tried all the fixes mentioned in this thread. It could it be some combination of hardware/software that is causing this or is it gremlins? I've tried replicating this problem on an older amd socket 939 machine but have had no luck. This sucks because the game is going to get a bad rap and people who might not experience the lag won't purchase it when they hear/read about this on other forums. There has to be a solution. What you are seeing is not lag or the floating zone. What you are seeing is the game loading when he spins that way and hence a stutter or delay. When I plop myself in the editor or start a mission the first thing I do is spin 360 degrees to preload the surrounding world so I dont' get that loading delay. This does happen however as you advance futher into the world but seems less noticeable the higher your system specs are.
  10. Merkava Mk3 and Mk3 BAZ (uparmored) Main Battle Tanks. We have been steadily updating them so that now they have a working loader's MG (along with a working commander's MG). They now also can fire the Lahat ATGM, can carry 4 passengers in the cargo area, and have had several other bugs fixed. So they are about done finally. We had a major setback losing a bunch of work on the IDF infantry and weapons accidentally, but we recovered most of it. Still some work has to be redone again. Jewish Freak is on top of that. Meanwhile, me and Namman2 will get the rest of the Egyptian and Syrian stuff up to snuff. Our plan is to release one more pack for ArmA as it will be a few months before we all have ArmA2. No big deal as by that time the addon making community I think will have figured out alot of the new features in ArmA2. Hopefully also, by that time some new tools will be released. So our main task is just to rap up Addon Pack #4. I think that it will be worth the wait. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. Spetz

    Music Recommendations

    Well here is some hard core gangsta rap
  12. Use eliteness to de-rap the mission.sqm files. In the newer version of eliteness it deraps on the fly during depbo.
  13. kegetys

    Some ArmA tools

    I have made some tools for ArmA, they are available from my site. There's a tools package that includes the following: - cpbo: A pbo extract/repack tool that works from windows explorer. Double clicking a PBO will extract it, and right clicking a directory and selecting make pbo will create a PBO out of that directory. Also supports command line use for automated installations. - unRap: Converts raP encoded files such as config.bin, rvmat and bisurf files to ascii "config.cpp" format. Supports automatic comments, type 'redefines' and more. Also supports command line use. - PAAplug: PAA format plugin for Adobe Photoshop for reading and saving OFP/Armed Assault PAA textures. It is currently a bit experimental since it violates some Photoshop plugin rules so save your work before using it. Some features are also still missing such as saving with swizzling. - UltraEdit syntax highlighting wordfile for SQF/SQS scripts. There's also a version of my OFP launcher modified to support Armed Assault. link
  14. jerryhopper

    Sahrani Radio - When Interviews Go Bad

    The fact that i responded in the forum publicly, was to show the public that i am serious with my guests. I dont want my future guests to deny my interview requests coz of the spoofs. Which is something that might happen if i dont publicly disapprove that last movie spoof. Not everybody is able to understand humour in their non-native language, and accident or not - some people may get wrong idea's. But..... No hard feelings bud, as i said before : the idea was really good, and the first spoofs were awesome. btw: that chammy spoof with the 'rap' is my favorite I also have some idea's on some funny audio spoofs/ads/shows where your skills and humor would come in handy. i'll get in touch with you about that in the near future. Regards, Jerry
  15. BeerHunter

    RED Rising Day -Series

    TBH scoring a movie is an art unto itself I know very little about but there are 3 basic approaches you can take. First: find some music and visualize the action , then produce and score accordingly (easiest as you are writer , producer , director , actor all rolled into one). Second : produce the action then find music to reflect the mood. Third: produce the action and dub in some gawd awfull RAP track. (love my MUTE button) Â Here's a couple of sites to give you some idea of whats out there and available. One of them is an EXPENSIVE subscription site but they do have audio samples so you can hear the mood of the piece then obviously , if you like it , try and find it somewhere else. here they are : Music Site 1 Music Site 2 And I found these easily with Google. There are loads more. Good luck as the project looks ambitious and interesting. Â
  16. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    -snafu-, I think it's called 'tied aid' what you're talking about there. Japan scores very lowly on that index I linked to because of it. Incidently, they have just helped Eritrea sign up to the International Whaling Commission, having never caught a whale in the existence of that country. There are a number of new countries now in the IWC, mostly third world, who's governments all have new fleets of Toyotas, thanks to uncle Hiroshi. Curiously all these countries seem to vote with Japan. It always strikes me as odd how a lot of US Americans can complain about the bad wrap the US gets, then come out with "We're the best!" in the next breath and not see the link between the two. All the studies of human development, freedom and diversity of the press, % of population in prison, life expectancy, % of doctors, literacy etc etc etc, it seems nearly always Scandinavian countries make up the top three or four. For fuck sake, life expectancy and literacy is higher in shitty Cuba for ethnic Africans, than in the US. The other side of the coin being the simplistic 'fuck the Yanks' attitude that gets around from people who drive Fords, eat McDonalds and love Gangsta rap.
  17. Shockley

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Rap, pic #3 shows the ruck flaw from a previous version.
  18. I have created a mission using the EBU SOCOM soldiers and as the mission loads up it CTDs and I get the following error: File ebu_soco1\nmp\dat1\res_soldier_sabot_body.rvmat, line 0:'raP': 'square symbol' encountered instead of '=' Also if I try to use any other soldier they sink up the their waste in the ground and wont move. Â Can anyone help me with this? BTW I am running patch 1.12 and everything worked fine up until last night...just before turning my computer off it started with the CTDs...and no I didn't add anything to the addons folder. Im also getting this error while trying to use the same soldiers on another map...I deleted the file and redownloaded it...still doesnt work. Now no matter what soldier I use or map the soldier always does this
  19. I have created a mission using these soldiers and as the mission loads up it CTDs and I get the following error: File ebu_soco1\nmp\dat1\res_soldier_sabot_body.rvmat, line 0:'raP': 'square symbol' encountered instead of '=' Also if I try to use any other soldier they sink up the their waste in the ground and wont move. Â Can anyone help me with this? BTW I am running patch 1.12 and everything worked fine up until last night...just before turning my computer off it started with the CTDs...and no I didn't add anything to the addons folder. Im also getting this error while trying to use the same soldiers on another map...I deleted the file and redownloaded it...still doesnt work.
  20. Hello Rg7621, Hello all. Firstly, i want to thank you Rg7621 for this great mod. I just can't do without it anymore. There is something i'd like to know as there is no mention of it on this thread: Is TrueMods compatible with 1.11? With 1.11, the TrueFOV-Accurate doesnt seem to work anymore. The only addon i have is ECS. -mod=DBE1;beta;@ECS;@TrueMods. I have this strange bug locking my view at the max zoom out all the time.. And it does the same without any addons... Next question is: I would like to manually change the value of the FOV, for the default view, and the weapon sighted view. I unpbo, checked the BIN, openned it (rap), then saved it as a CPP, changed some value to test but can't fing the good ones. Moreover, after the changes to the CPP, when i relaunch ArmA i have some error messages, even if that dont stop arma, it is strange. I just change the CPP, deleted the BIN, letting the CPP in place. Please please tell me what i do wrong! Thank you very much for reading this boring stuff , if any of you guys have any clue....
  21. Sergei_Q

    Map Making (A to Z)

    The part 6 tells to edit the rvmat files with a text editor. But after Visitor has made them, the Material editor cannot open them, and in text editor they are gibberish, like this: raP Â Â Â B Â Â PixelShaderID Terrain2 VertexShaderID Terrain ambient fff? fff? fff? Buldozer shows sat and mask properly, but if I then proceed to take them in-game, I get an error message that the rvmat's can't be loaded. So what gives? Should I be using a hex editor?
  22. miles teg

    Canadian Forces

    Seriously there a shit-ton of Canadian mercs who are all over Africa and the Middle East. A bunch of them had relations with "Executive Outcomes" before they got disbanded by the South African government (cocksuckers). They continued on in various "hodge-podge" oufits of Ukrainians, Tahitians, South Africans, Liberians, etc... but still remained valuable assets as the US forces have found them to be. For sho' Canadian infantry/airborne/SF are some bad-ass mofos who kick more ass the most of us fuck on any day of the week. They got a bad rap in Somalia (airborne disbanded and all that shit) because they were doped up on some homicide inducing anti-Malaria drug. So that was more of just some "cover your ass" coverup shit by brass and Canadian politicians. Those of you in the Canadian Army, despite your beaver fetishes (not that that's a bad thing), I salute you for a fucking rock solid professional job in Afghanistan and Iraq and I hope you guys keep kicking serious ass. I look forward to Canadian mod's and will be proud to make some damn good missions for ya all ay? Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. TheDaddy2003

    MP Hacks/Scripts advice please

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Note: you must use """" for one quote and """""""" for two, etc. //dooacsInitScript = "titleText [""""Welcome"""", """"PLAIN""""]; setTerrainGrid 50"; dooacsInitScript = ""; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""LameAddon"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""XAM_classes"""", """"XAM_Markers""""]"; this is all i have in your cfg file anything else i should add?<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> sreV prefix dooacs config.bin IoG dooacs.sqf VnG: dooacsconfig.sqf nmG raP CfgPatches 7 CfgVehicles DooACS I units weapons requiredVersion =requiredAddons Man CAManBase Land_VASICore Land_Runway_PAPI N Man EventHandlers N init if (isServer and isNil "DooACSInit") then {DooACSInit = true; [] execVM "\dooacs\dooacs.sqf"} N Land_VASICore EventHandlers t init if (isServer and isNil "DooACSInit") then {DooACSInit = true; [] execVM "\dooacs\dooacs.sqf"} private ["_l"]; dooacsInitScript = ""; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[]"; call compile preprocessFile "dooacsconfig.sqf"; _l = "Logic" createVehicle [0, 0]; _l setVehicleInit " [] spawn { private [""_trg""]; _trg = createTrigger [""EmptyDetector"", [0, 0]]; _trg setTriggerStatements [""local player or isServer"", "" [] spawn { while {true} do { dooacsPublicStr = """"""""; waitUntil {dooacsPublicStr != """"""""}; [playerSide, """"Base""""] sideChat dooacsPublicStr; if (isServer) then {localize dooacsPublicStr}; sleep 0.1; }; }; [] spawn { private [""""_myIn"""", """"_badPatch"""", """"_countCfg"""", """"_trg""""]; _myIn = { private [""""_return""""]; _return = false; { if (_x == _this select 0) exitWith {_return = true}; } forEach (_this select 1); _return; }; _badPatch = { private [""""_cfg"""", """"_return""""]; _cfg = configFile / """"CfgPatches""""; _return = false; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count _cfg}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { if (isClass (_cfg select _i) and [configName (_cfg select _i), " + dooacsDisabledPatches + "] call _myIn) exitWith { [playerSide, """"Base""""] sideChat """"Please disable """" + configName (_cfg select _i) + """" and reconnect to the server. Thanks!""""; _return = true; }; }; _return; }; _countCfg = { private [""""_count"""", """"_i"""", """"_cfg""""]; _count = 0; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count _this}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _cfg = _this select _i; if (configName _cfg == """"action"""") then {_count = _count + 1}; if (isClass _cfg) then {_count = _count + (_cfg call _countCfg)}; }; _count; }; if (!isServer and count " + dooacsDisabledPatches + " > 0 and [] call _badPatch) then { sleep 4; _trg = createTrigger [""""EmptyDetector"""", [0, 0]]; _trg setTriggerStatements [""""true"""", """""""", """"""""]; _trg setTriggerType """"END6""""; } else { if (!isServer and ((configFile / """"RscDisplayMPInterrupt"""") call _countCfg != 0 or (configFile / """"RscDisplayOptions"""") call _countCfg != 0 or localize """"STR_ED_DIALOGOPEN"""" != """""""")) then { dooacsPublicStr = format [""""DooACS: %1 caused a flagrant error!"""", name player]; publicVariable """"dooacsPublicStr""""; sleep 1; _trg = createTrigger [""""EmptyDetector"""", [0, 0]]; _trg setTriggerStatements [""""true"""", """""""", """"""""]; _trg setTriggerType """"END6""""; } else { [playerSide, """"Base""""] sideChat """"DooACS: Pass""""; " + dooacsInitScript + " }; }; }; "", """"]; }; "; processInitCommands; dooacsInitScript = "titleText [""""Welcome"""", """"PLAIN""""]; setTerrainGrid 50"; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""wms_smcfv2""""]"; K A.+O_x[
  24. subs17

    Is there a way to tow the m119 AT gun?

    There was a mod in development where you could load a truck with boxes. Perhaps if you edited the boxes to contain some L119 rounds and then created a area where the gun would class itself reloaded if you placed the boxes close enough for it. BTW the gun should be indirect fire so the idea is not to place it where you can see the enemy visually.(Maximum Range........................11,500 m w/Chg 7 ..................................................14,000 m w/Chg 8 ..................................................19,000 m w/M913 RAP Designated Prime Movers........... HMMWV (M1097) Maximum Towing Speed: Folded................................................ Safe speed for vehicle towing http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m119.htm
  25. Greets and Good Wishes flyout to all, Long time forum viewer. Can't recall if I have posted a topic before. Usually I manage to find answers with a search here and some time spent at the wiki. This one though has me stumped. I have a small coop mission. Yes one of those win by respawn attrition missions. Its real simple players spawn and get an a10 dumped on them. With any luck they will catch on. Hop in the a10 and proceed to the objective. That much works well with the aid of a briefing and some markers and waypoints. What I am having a problem with. Is deleting the players a10 and moving the bot he posessed out of harms way. Should the player lose connection or abruptly quit. So I have been trying to use onPlayerDisconnected too run a script. That check if all playable bots have a player or not. The mission is  mainly targeted for a dedicated server. Only 8 players. So the vehicleVarNames for the bots are in a scripted array in the server init.sqf. I can't find enough examples of onPlayerDisconnected too rap my brain around it.  Adding to the confusion on the wiki onPlayerconnected has been changed since 1.08 to use code strings instead of {}. There is no mention if onPlayerdisconnected has changed convention aswell. I could go on about my confusion here. But I think the easiest way for me to sort this is a wealth of working examples. Ya got any?