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Everything posted by bent92

  1. Ah, newbie mistake. Probably should take a break from editor, esp. at 1am. Works well. Thanks!
  2. Doesn't do anything? What am I doing wrong? The SBGF folder in my mission directory along with the description.ext Placed command below in group leader's init field: 0 = [this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison; Preview mission - units stand still.
  3. Hi All, Is there a way to export the "Reinforcement - Fast Rope" script to use within the Editor? Or is this only done via MCC menu? Thank you.
  4. Is it possible to see a friendly unit/squad on the map in Arma 3? For example, in the editor, I placed another Bluefor squad on the map and would like to see their location/movement on the map. Thanks!
  5. Is there a way to cut the parachute cord to drop? If so, what are the controls? Thanks!
  6. bent92

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Is it possible to place multiple explosives and set them off all at once with one trigger? For example, placing four demo blocks around the building and setting all 3 off at the same time with the firing device? If so, how? Thank you.
  7. SpectreRSG - Not sure how hard it is to add patches on vests? If simple/easy, could you add-in the red team/gold team devgru patches on the vest/platecarriers? Example of what i'm trying to say below: Thanks!!
  8. SpectreRSG - Is it possible for you to add additional Seal Team patches and DEVGRU (goldteam/redteam) patches?
  9. You can create a preset loadout in the Virtual Arsenal (It's under Learn - when you first start Arma 3). Once you have it created, you can click save/export. This will copy a text code and you can paste (ctrl+v) into the "initialization" box when you are in editor mode for each of the units.