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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. Midnighters

    customchat and this list

    it needs to be passed into the script: [thisList] call compile preProcessfile "MyCoolLister.sqf"; in the script you an utilize it like this: params["_list"]; { sytemChat format["%1",_x]; } forEach _list;
  2. Midnighters

    ACE action to object.

    afaik you can add the config parent class to this as well * 4: Use Inheritance (Default: False) <BOOL><OPTIONAL>
  3. Midnighters

    customchat and this list

    thisList is an array, radioChannelCreate requires an array of units to be added upon creation of the channel. so you could do : mySuperCoolRadio = radioChannelCreate [[0.96, 0.34, 0.13, 0.8], "Radio", "Reporter",thisList]; in the activation. This would add the current players in the trigger area at the time of activation.
  4. Hello all, I am curious as to how I would go about adding players dynamically to a cfg orbat group. The config is defined in the description.ext, but I am still confused as to how I would add new players that are joining to this group. Thanks! Reference to ORBAT: ORBAT_Viewer
  5. Midnighters

    For a world without a hacker

    Battleye does already check often, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_Side_Scripting
  6. Midnighters

    AI Compliance commands

    No, that has to be a scripted event. Just because you play a sound or command to "Stand down" doesn't mean they will.
  7. Midnighters

    AI Compliance commands

    you can define custom radio commands in your description.ext or in a mod context the config.cpp to utilize the configuration you have commands like "sideRadio" and "commandRadio" https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sideRadio https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/commandRadio Or, alternatively you can use playSound3D, afaik it has global effects.
  8. Can you pastebin the code that is used to create the group?
  9. Midnighters

    Can I play Arma 3?

    Well yes of course, I don't think I should've mentioned such as it is implied.
  10. Midnighters

    Can I play Arma 3?

    played on a laptop with an integrated graphics set since the beginning of arma 2. Never got over 20 fps, but still played many hours because I loved playing the game. Only recently have I upgraded..
  11. I feel like they made this mistake on purpose.
  12. Midnighters

    DepthRP Release :D

    this is rather obnoxious
  13. Midnighters

    AddAction breaking me

    Even further so, does it exist?
  14. Midnighters

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    Honestly, I like the work they did with the Tanoan churches. The ability to enter buildings have always been one of those things that doesn't happen for a certain majority of buildings, and then a certain handful in which are.
  15. Midnighters

    Play radio commands

    when pointing to a config file you need to be using CfgRadio to grab any sub entries from that. getText(configFile >> "CfgRadio" >> "Blah" >> "Blahblah"); CfgRadio already has some pre defined radio commands that you hear regularly from AI and such. However, if you need to retrieve a value that is defined in the description.ext: class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class ding { name = ""; sound[] = {"\ding_ding.ogg", db-100, 1.0}; title = "Cookies are done"; }; }; _player commandRadio[west,"HQ",(getText(missionConfigFile >> "CfgRadio" >> "ding"))];
  16. Midnighters

    Play radio commands

    these sounds afaik can be reconfigured work with a radio command defined in the description.ext
  17. Midnighters

    Play radio commands

  18. sweet! I'll try this out :D I will make sure to credit you as well, as soon as it is working though I'll edit it further and see what I can do.
  19. RPT: "CONNECTED: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Midnight) REMOTE. UID: 76561198165073007" "CONNECTED: prev saved variable: [[7482.21,10149.1,0.00159836],0,0.7611,7.53968,false,false,[]]" Mission id: 8172d33d07d2f46ad7f4eb1025b362ec3202219d "CONNECTED: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Midnight) REMOTE. UID: 76561198165073007" "CONNECTED: prev saved variable: [[7504.46,10135.4,0.00168991],0,0.433312,17.8847,false,false,[]]" Mission id: 0c9cab9108e69f280ebf658b9eab3d58f1083642 "DISCONNECT: Midnight B Alpha 1-1:1 76561198165073007" "DISCONNECT: SAVED [[7482.21,10149.1,0.00159836],0,0.7611,7.53968,false,false,[]]"
  20. @das attorney Quick update here. Doesn't save over restart :( I tried with your pbo that you sent.
  21. Aha! Nice job! Honestly, this was just off the top of my head. Didn't realize it wasn't working until I looked into it further. Yes it was crap, and this is a good fix for the allPlayers anyways. Thanks for helping me fix this.
  22. Not quite yet. Going to rewrite this and see what I can do from there. I'll post final working script if I get it working.