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R. Razor [WP]

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About R. Razor [WP]

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  1. Has anyone checked this works with the new TS 3.2.0 client and 3.3.0 server?
  2. The syntax for passing the parameters in shown on the remoteExec page I linked previously and is shown as such: // <params1> someScriptCommand <params2>; [<params1>, <params2>] remoteExec ["someScriptCommand", targets, JIP]; I would expect the correct format for what you want would be. [ [_veh,_AI,_AI2,_AI3,_wp,_pass],"hitchhiking.sqf" ] remoteExec ["execVM", 0]; // To explain what is going on a little bit. [_veh,_AI,_AI2,_AI3,_wp,_pass] is your <param1> "hitchhiking.sqf" is your <param2> You should notice this pattern from the my original response where <param1> execVM <param2> Becomes: [_veh,_AI,_AI2,_AI3,_wp,_pass] execVM "hitchhiking.sqf"; When passing multiple parameters into the a command they have to be passed as an array e.g [ <param1>, <param2> ] notice the [ and ] being added. Hopefully this will work, it's possible I have made a mistake. If you are unsure I really do recommend ready in the documentation i linked, while I understand it may not be the most understandable for people new to scripting. It really is a great resource, just take you time and read it carefully. If the performance is an issue when using BIS_fnc_MP then that'll likely still be the case as Dedman mentioned they are basically the same thing. BIS_fnc_MP exists purely for backwards compatibility for older scripts. Any performance issue is then likely caused by your "hitchhiking.sqf" script. Just as a bonus a lot of information and additional resources are listed here. While may not help with this specific issue you are having, it can never hurt having more information available.
  3. Well this is wrong on multiple levels. 1. BIS_fnc_Spawn only takes 1 or 2 arguments See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawn (This is the cause of your error) 2. Using "Spawn" to call "ExecVM" is basically redundant as both commands function mostly the same. Spawn is better for calling compiled functions or code. ExecVM for calling script files. 3. This doesn't do anything globally. This is only run on the machine where the script is executed. You'll want to take a look at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec to exec commands across multiple machines. To do any form on remote execution it's better to compile the script in to function first. Pretty much all the information is available at: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Remote_Execution I strongly recommend you read this. If you just want to run the script locally you can do the following [_veh,_AI,_AI2,_AI3,_wp,_pass] execVM "hitchhiking.sqf" For this example the "hitchhiking.sqf" file will have to be in the root of your mission directory (e.g next to the mission.sqm file) I also believe it is better practice to use the script commands instead of the functions wherever possible (others may differ on this). So BIS_fnc_Spawn is just spawn and BIS_fnc_ExecVM is just execVM. **Not tested** I believe the following will call your script globally, You may need to whitelist the execVM command within CfgRemoteExec. But I can't doing this recommend this and is a better option to compile your script into a function as mentioned earlier. "hitchhiking.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 0]; Information on all scripting commands can be found https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 and for functions https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Functions
  4. R. Razor [WP]

    Props Count

    If you have all the "props" set as SimpleObjects you can use "count allSimpleObjects". Else you may have to use the nearObjects command and look search across the entire map. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allSimpleObjects https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearObjects and possibly https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/listObjects
  5. With the snippets is there a way to auto-populate some of the fields? I have a snippet that has an author and date created/modified tags setup I'd like to have both them fill themselves out when I use the snippet.
  6. R. Razor [WP]

    Best AI Mortar Script?

    Double check your code. Your execVM command has a typo. It should read: _nul = [ spotter2, [mortar1, mortar2] ] execVM "mortar_spotter.sqf";
  7. I've been looking around for how to add a custom attribute to markers within the editor. I've successfully been able to add a custom attribute for an object in the past using the information located at the following: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes Does anyone the class structure required to add a custom attribute to a marker, specifically the Area Markers (Ellipse and Rectangle). Thanks in advance
  8. R. Razor [WP]

    Network Diagnostics?

    Thanks all for the comments. ASM looks like it's a dead project the source and download links are 404s. I'm quite happy to run netlogs but the output is quite difficult to understand. Does anyone have an explanation of the data in this file? or a tool that parses the data into something more readable? Tried looking but everything I found just links back to the server configuration.
  9. Is there a way to get detailed network traffic being used during an Arma mission? I know as an admin of a server there is the #monitor command that gives a high level view of inbound and outbound traffic. I'm looking for a way to get more detailed information such as traffic per client or even the size of a single remoteExec call. It'd be nice to have this information so I can optimise RemoteExec calls etc.
  10. I'm building a mission which has a large amount of initial setup which can take a fair bit of time to process. Is it possible to disable the continue button on the briefing screen until this setup has been completed?
  11. R. Razor [WP]

    ASR AI 3

    When using previous versions we had the variable "asr_ai3_main_enabled = 1;" Is this still used?
  12. R. Razor [WP]

    ASR AI 3

    Finally got round to updating to the latest version of ASR. Is there a list available of all the variables we can control in a mission via init.sqf?
  13. @blackburnres & Moon_child I believe the reason they cannot add that sort of ragdoll for a unconscious simply down to the there is no scripting command or function available to do so. I have spent a fair bit of time looking for a command or script to do this. The closest I have ever seen to towards ragdoll on command is from KillzoneKid which can be found here http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-forced-ragdoll/ Even in that example KK does not actually call anything that does the ragdoll but instead he hits the character with a small but very heavy object. BI have a ticket on the Arma 3 feedback tracker for this feature but there has been no info on it in a very long time https://feedback.bistudio.com/T62430 I hope this clears things up for you guys regarding the ragdoll situation. But I don't this thread is really the place to continue on this subject.
  14. This thread is a bit dated now. ACRE2 has been in a stable release for some time now you should probably ask you question over on that thread. Link Below https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/181471-acre2-stable-release/
  15. R. Razor [WP]

    Error: Cannot open object p3d

    I've been getting the same problem with something I have been working on. @JSD Did you at all find out what the cause was?