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Everything posted by jus61

  1. jus61

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Actually good but very unilaterally! we play again [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta) it is considerably more extensive. PS: Please do not misunderstand your work is very good
  2. Does anyone have experience with Vcom AI and Liberation https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/166374-vcom-ai-v20-ai-overhaul/
  3. jus61

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

  4. Does anyone have a CUP Version ?
  5. jus61

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Test Server Test Server
  6. jus61

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    How can I disable the AI? EDIT: Please integrate: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23069
  7. jus61

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    Good work You can try it here Server IP: ADDONS: @CBA;@TFAR;@ACE; FREE ADDONS: @Blastcore Phoenix 2;@Enhanced Movement
  8. jus61

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    can you update pleas
  9. Now we are all waiting for the update :D :D :D :D
  10. Would love another weather system use but how can I disable the original???? :huh:
  11. Yas i mean to limit the amount of FOBs and I have 20 € donated to the organization
  12. Hello Community! Because we had a lot of fun in the last months, I would say, that we have to reward the creator of the mission! I'll make a donation of 20€ and would also like you to do the same (You don't have to pay the same amount of money (20€)). Consider yourself, how much time, energy and work is taken for such a project.
  13. @zbug can you limit FOB's about config ( 1,2,3 or 4) pleas and do you have a PayPal account
  14. Had the problem but only because if I Headless client Create
  15. _TimeShot = _unit getVariabl> Error Zero divisor File vcomai\VCOMAI\Functions\VCOMAI_HearingAids.sqf, line 6 Error in expression <xitWith {}; _bullet = (_this select 0) select 6;
  16. I use [CTI COOP] Liberation and would like to know how I can adjust Atelari! Can anyone of you help PLEASE?? //The following commands are to be left alone, except under rare circumstances. MarkerArray = []; VcomAI_UnitQueue = []; VcomAI_ActiveList = []; ArtilleryArray = [];
  17. jus61

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    ERROR: d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found
  18. jus61

    Dynamic Combat Generator

  19. jus61

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Thank you for the information! Edit: Will they integrate VcomAi?
  20. jus61

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    This @ folder are not included on Github.
  21. Warning Message: Script VCOMAI\Functions\VCOMAI_DefaultSettings.sqf not found
  22. jus61

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    WTF 67 Server FPS in ARMA 3 :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: