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Everything posted by jus61

  1. jus61

    [COOP] Vigilancia Aeternum

    When comes Tanoa
  2. Write that in your Server.cfg: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Missions { class Liberation { template="liberation_0_923.Tanoa"; difficulty="Custom"; // difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran & mercenary class Params { Unitcap=0.5; // Einheitenbegrenzung {0.5=50%,0.75=75%,1=100%,1.25=120%,1.5=150%,2=200%} Difficulty=1; // Schwierigkeit { 0.5=Tourist, 0.75=Einfach, 1=Normal, 1.25=Moderat, 1.5=Schwer, 2=Sehr Schwer, 4=Extrem, 10=GOTT } Aggressivity=1; // Agrisivitet {0.25,0.5,1,2,4} AdaptToPlayercount=1; // Feindpräsenz passt sich der Spielerzahl an {1=JA,0=Nein} DayDuration=6; // Länge eines Tages { 48, 24, 16, 12, 9.6, 8, 6.8, 6, 4.8, 4, 3, 2.4, 2, 1.6, 1, 0.66, 0.5, 0.375, 0.25, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.11 }; ShorterNights=1; // Schnele nacht {1=JA,0=Nein} Weather=2; // Wetter { 1= Nur Sonne,2=Randem ohne regen,3=Randam } ResourcesMultiplier=0.75; // Ressourcenmultiplikator { 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 } Fatigue=0; // Reduziert - 4-mal mehr Ausdauer {1=JA,0=Nein} Revive=1; // FAR Revive (Wiederbelebungen) { 3=Jeder mit einem Verbandskasten, 2=Jeder mit einem Erste-Hilfe-Kasten, 1=Nur Sanitäter, 0=Kein Widerbeleben } / Civilians=0.5; // Civilisten {0,0.5,1,2} TeamkillPenalty=1; // Strafe für das Töten von Verbündeten {1=JA,0=Nein} PassiveIncome=1; // Ersetzt Munitionskisten durch passives Einkommen {1=JA,0=Nein} AmmoBounties=0; // Munition Bounties {1=JA,0=Nein} HaloJump=10; // HALO-Sprung {1=JA immer,5=min,10=min,15=min,20=min,30=min,0=AUS} BluforDefenders=0; // Auto Blufor verteiligen {1=JA,0=Nein} Autodanger=0; // Auto-danger behaviour on BLUFOR forces {1=JA,0=Nein} MaximumFobs=2; // Maximale FOB`s {3,5,7,10,15,20,26} Permissions=1; // Rechteverwaltung {1=JA,0=Nein} CleanupVehicles=2; // Räumt verlassene Fahrzeuge auserhalb von FOBs weg { 0=Aus,1=1h,2=2h,4=4h } Introduction=0; // Einführung {1=JA,0=Nein} DeploymentCinematic=0; // Zwischensequenz bei Einsatz {1=JA,0=Nein} FirstFob=0; // Starte die Kampagne mit einer bereits gebauten FOB {1=JA,0=Nein} Whitelist=1; // Nutze die Whitelist für den Kommandanten {1=JA,0=Nein} WipeSave1=0; // Spielstand loeschen {1=JA,0=Nein} WipeSave2=0; // Bestätige: Spielstand loeschen {1=JA,0=Nein} DisableRemoteSensors=0; // Disable Remote Sensors (experimental!) }; }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    I can not open PBO
  4. jus61

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    somebody has an Tanoa Version
  5. jus61

    [MP][COOP-60] Co-ops

    Kill Bug: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/271720913765507089/B623133AFE78A9B9E2C55A248A0F5BEB85A2E658/
  6. jus61

    [MP][COOP-60] Co-ops

    These configurations you should still with insert: Day Duration ( "4", "6", "8", "12", "14", "16", "20") Shorter Nights ( Enabled / Disabled) Weather ( "Always sunny", "Random without rain", "Random" ) Revive ( "Only medics can revive", "Everyone can revive", "Everyone can revive using a MedKit", "Disabled" ) Civilians ( Enabled / Disabled) ....
  7. Liberation to Tanoa and CUP: http://www.file-upload.net/download-11664258/greuh_liberation_0_923_CUP.Tanoa.pbo.html
  8. someone has a solution why the marks are not displayed
  9. How can I update my server via TCAdmin to Dev Version 1.63
  10. How do I get to the server?
  11. Tanoa ????? is release?
  12. jus61

    BMR Insurgency

    look at this : https://forums.bistu...system-release/
  13. @zbug look at this : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190990-ai-modify-ai-script-system-release/
  14. mission.sqf
  15. jus61

    BMR Insurgency

  16. jus61

    BMR Insurgency

    Napf Server Server Name: Willkommen im Dreck | BMR Insurgency - @CUP Cor @Napf @rhs_afrf Server IP: Free Addon´s @TFAR + @CBA @BC-Phoenix @Arma Enhanced Movement
  17. it is not always a question of time :D