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Posts posted by KernelPanicAkr

  1. Yes! I know this project comes late, but as any game people leave if there is no new content. In the RPG spectrum of the Armaverse is even more complicated, because people have stopped playing when RP became mainstream and the community went toxic. This is why there probably will be a 2-tier system (this is an idea, but might go well). A demo mode in a public server where you could try most of the features without downloading anything (trying to target a 20 hours gameplay worth until maxed out), and a private server version with all the actual content. The prior would be a little more open in RP aspects, whilst the later will be highly enforced RP.


    This tries to bring some fresh air into the armaverse. I am focusing in giving a sense of a new game instead of a game mode (trying to meet Premium DLC quality standards without making it a DLC).


    About the bulk of the economics, the good thing of the current design is that we can you add to stock if not enough players get the resources through a few simple scripts. It would be lost work in the coding area, but its a feature that I personally want to be (at least) tried by someone.


    About crafting, I am bringing the Eve system to Arma, somewhat. There might be blueprints, but the target is that every usable item is manufactured by a player (with the right skills) in a factory. Economic growth comes from optimization, bulk economics and knowing what you are doing. The view behind thsis is to see what is real value items have, as each individual item in the intermediate steps between ore yield and a SUV can be sold at any price (by sold I mean posting a "Sell Order" and hope someone bites).


    And as for last, thank for you feedback! I do take into account all the input I am getting through the GForm and other media. Feel free to gives us as many ideas as you want!

  2. Hello! I have been a roleplay modder for quite some time already (since 2013), and now I am developing my own roleplay framework. I am trying to achieve the feeling of it being a standalone game inside the A3 platform and breaking the conventions inside the current RP Armaverse with new features and game mechanics. Since there's doubt on which features implement, I have decided that it is better to directly ask the community on their opinion. So, if you could spare a few minutes to answer a few questions, it would help me a great deal!


    Link to get Google Form:  Google Forms


    You can also give us feedback here at this post, and we will answer as shortly as posible.


    Again, thank you for your time!

  3. Sounds interesting.


    I don't know if you're planning on making new assets or using more "sci-fi" addons for this, but, inspiration-wise I imagine a mash-up between Mamoru Oshii's Garm Wars and Marco Kalantari's The Shaman would work well. ;)


    Just checked them, they are quite good! But Asset-wise, for now it will be around basic meshes for particles/effects (for example, a sphere for a shield) :( . After getting the basic done, if we get a good artist new real assets may happen, as of right now, mostly code and basic meshes.

  4. Hi there! A week ago I started to implement an idea that I had in paper but never got around to do actually do it. This idea is Project Arcana, and this project serves two defined purposes:

    1. Create an unique game-mode: Create a new combat environment with enhanced combat and support abilities, integrating sort of magic (Psien), Area Effects and dynamic events.
    2. Serve as base to AkrFramework: This will be a practical application of my AkrFramework, that will be the core of this project functionality, being developed in parallel and testing it in real environment thanks to Project Arcana.


    So... What is Project Arcana?


    Ambitious. It's a new gamemode alike KoTH or Wasteland, but built from scratch and adding new abilities to the players in the area of magic (if you want to call it that way). The goal is to create a new combat dynamic with fire bolts, lightnings, astral projections for intel, healers, buffers, debuffers, sensory-types, while maintaining the gameplay equilibrium (the most difficult part). Players will be able to specialize in a Psien branch and develop their character through that tree, or reset and start over another. The principle of design is that is has to look smooth or it's not going in (hint "This is a scketchi output for a production release" <-- nope).


    I am aiming to make it as easy to edit/extend as I can, right now there's no docs (cos so early is not worth it) but I will document e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g (even Arma 3 vanilla stuff that's unclear). PLEASE MAKE SUGGESTIONS


    When? Who? How?


    • When?:

    No idea, when it's ready, I guess a month to 1.0.


    • Who?:

    Right now I am alone, and it's still an on-going process, adding new stuff each day, from design to implementation. I have been in the Arma scene for a while, mostly developing the hard stuff in roleplay server (life_server overhauls, creating network-savy functions, data managment in DB, stuff...), and lately I have been doing some experimental stuff that somehow ended up making this big idea.


    I am currently looking to add more people to the team if someone is interested. I can do it on my own, but having a sidekick surely will boost the development time. Right now the most needed are scripters (SQF, and if someone knows C++ with threading and networking PLEASE DO COME HERE WE HAVE COOKIES, CHOCOLATE COOKIES). Once in 1.0 we will need a basic modeler familiar with basic, but just for UV adjustments, material edition, stuff like that. Mostly for visual effects.


    • How?:

    Many Monster cans, pizza and cigarettes. And beer. Lots.





    I am not at home right now. Will post some when there's something to show (teleport spell ready + basic core functionality up un running).



    1. Get Arma local client running.
    2. Get Arma serverside running.
    3. Get network RPC server running.
    4. Get network RPC client running.
    5. Surprise.
    6. Intense testing.
    7. Moar testing.
    8. Beta.
    9. Moar moars.
    10. Profit.
    • Like 2

  5. Readability, true. But depending on how quickly the respective functions are invoked, this could cause delayed actions, because of a lot of key strokes spawning a lot of parallel running functions. So you better make sure, this won't happen. Otherwise you'd have lags instead of freezes.


    I understood that spawns are stacked for execution, so I think it's better to have that delayed action rather that a microfreeze in a MP battle.


    But I'm looking how to optimice it the most, any suggestions?

  6. So, the idea is the ability to override certain key's functionalities, right? That's a useful idea, but I don't see the purpose of running AKR_fnc_asyncKeydown in scheduled environment.


    I've been scripting for Lifelike mods, and sometimes the Keyhandler called heavy functions and the game had small freezes, but this way you it's run smoothly. Also it's separeted into another file to improve readibility

  7. So, I thought it would be a great idea to implement an scheduled keyHandler, to avoid random freezes 'n stuff. Here you have the code, what you think?




    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["Keydown", AKR_fnc_onKeyDown];


    #include "Keycodes.h"
    private ["_handled", "_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt"];
    _ctrl = _this select 0;
    _dikCode = _this select 1;
    _shift = _this select 2;
    _ctrlKey = _this select 3;
    _alt = _this select 4;
    _handled = false;
    _target = cursorTarget;
    //Include here the keys whose default behaviuor is going to be overriden.
    _overrideKeys = 
    	DIK_0, DIK_1, DIK_2, DIK_3, DIK_4, DIK_5, DIK_6, DIK_7, DIK_8, DIK_9,
    	DIK_J, DIK_M, DIK_P
    if(_dikCode in _overrideKeys) then {
    	_handled = true;
    _this spawn AKR_fnc_asyncKeydown;


    #include "Keycodes.h"
    _ctrl = _this select 0;
    _dikCode = _this select 1;
    _shift = _this select 2;
    _ctrlKey = _this select 3;
    _alt = _this select 4;
    switch (_dikCode) do {
    	// Numeric
    	case DIK_0: {
    	case DIK_1: {
    	case DIK_2: {
    	case DIK_3: {
    	case DIK_4: {
    	case DIK_5: {
    	case DIK_6: {
    	case DIK_7: {
    	case DIK_8: {
    	case DIK_9: {
    	//System Keys
    	case DIK_F1: {
    	case DIK_F2: {
    		createDialog "RscDisplayDebugPublic";
    	case DIK_F3: {
    	case DIK_F4: {
    	case DIK_F5: {
    	case DIK_F6: {
    	case DIK_F7: {
    	case DIK_F8: {
    	case DIK_F9: {
    	case DIK_F10: {
    	case DIK_F11: {
    	case DIK_F12: {
    	// Special
    	case DIK_GRAVE: {
    	case DIK_F : {
    	case DIK_M : {
    		if(!dialog) then {
    			createDialog "MapDialog";
    	// Others
    	case DIK_ESCAPE : {
    		if(dialog && !(missionNamespace getVariable["cantClose", false])) then {
    			closeDialog 0;
    		} else {
    			createDialog "PauseDialog";
    	default {


    #define DIK_ESCAPE          0x01
    #define DIK_1               0x02
    #define DIK_2               0x03
    #define DIK_3               0x04
    #define DIK_4               0x05
    #define DIK_5               0x06
    #define DIK_6               0x07
    #define DIK_7               0x08
    #define DIK_8               0x09
    #define DIK_9               0x0A
    #define DIK_0               0x0B
    #define DIK_MINUS           0x0C    /* - on main keyboard */
    #define DIK_EQUALS          0x0D
    #define DIK_BACK            0x0E    /* backspace */
    #define DIK_TAB             0x0F
    #define DIK_Q               0x10
    #define DIK_W               0x11
    #define DIK_E               0x12
    #define DIK_R               0x13
    #define DIK_T               0x14
    #define DIK_Y               0x15
    #define DIK_U               0x16
    #define DIK_I               0x17
    #define DIK_O               0x18
    #define DIK_P               0x19
    #define DIK_LBRACKET        0x1A
    #define DIK_RBRACKET        0x1B
    #define DIK_RETURN          0x1C    /* Enter on main keyboard */
    #define DIK_LCONTROL        0x1D
    #define DIK_A               0x1E
    #define DIK_S               0x1F
    #define DIK_D               0x20
    #define DIK_F               0x21
    #define DIK_G               0x22
    #define DIK_H               0x23
    #define DIK_J               0x24
    #define DIK_K               0x25
    #define DIK_L               0x26
    #define DIK_SEMICOLON       0x27
    #define DIK_APOSTROPHE      0x28
    #define DIK_GRAVE           0x29    /* accent grave */
    #define DIK_LSHIFT          0x2A
    #define DIK_BACKSLASH       0x2B
    #define DIK_Z               0x2C
    #define DIK_X               0x2D
    #define DIK_C               0x2E
    #define DIK_V               0x2F
    #define DIK_B               0x30
    #define DIK_N               0x31
    #define DIK_M               0x32
    #define DIK_COMMA           0x33
    #define DIK_PERIOD          0x34    /* . on main keyboard */
    #define DIK_SLASH           0x35    /* / on main keyboard */
    #define DIK_RSHIFT          0x36
    #define DIK_MULTIPLY        0x37    /* * on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_LMENU           0x38    /* left Alt */
    #define DIK_SPACE           0x39
    #define DIK_CAPITAL         0x3A
    #define DIK_F1              0x3B
    #define DIK_F2              0x3C
    #define DIK_F3              0x3D
    #define DIK_F4              0x3E
    #define DIK_F5              0x3F
    #define DIK_F6              0x40
    #define DIK_F7              0x41
    #define DIK_F8              0x42
    #define DIK_F9              0x43
    #define DIK_F10             0x44
    #define DIK_NUMLOCK         0x45
    #define DIK_SCROLL          0x46    /* Scroll Lock */
    #define DIK_NUMPAD7         0x47
    #define DIK_NUMPAD8         0x48
    #define DIK_NUMPAD9         0x49
    #define DIK_SUBTRACT        0x4A    /* - on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_NUMPAD4         0x4B
    #define DIK_NUMPAD5         0x4C
    #define DIK_NUMPAD6         0x4D
    #define DIK_ADD             0x4E    /* + on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_NUMPAD1         0x4F
    #define DIK_NUMPAD2         0x50
    #define DIK_NUMPAD3         0x51
    #define DIK_NUMPAD0         0x52
    #define DIK_DECIMAL         0x53    /* . on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_OEM_102         0x56    /* < > | on UK/Germany keyboards */
    #define DIK_F11             0x57
    #define DIK_F12             0x58
    #define DIK_F13             0x64    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_F14             0x65    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_F15             0x66    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_KANA            0x70    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
    #define DIK_ABNT_C1         0x73    /* / ? on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards */
    #define DIK_CONVERT         0x79    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
    #define DIK_NOCONVERT       0x7B    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
    #define DIK_YEN             0x7D    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
    #define DIK_ABNT_C2         0x7E    /* Numpad . on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards */
    #define DIK_NUMPADEQUALS    0x8D    /* = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_PREVTRACK       0x90    /* Previous Track (#define DIK_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) */
    #define DIK_AT              0x91    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_COLON           0x92    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_UNDERLINE       0x93    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_KANJI           0x94    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
    #define DIK_STOP            0x95    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_AX              0x96    /*                     (Japan AX) */
    #define DIK_UNLABELED       0x97    /*                        (J3100) */
    #define DIK_NEXTTRACK       0x99    /* Next Track */
    #define DIK_NUMPADENTER     0x9C    /* Enter on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_RCONTROL        0x9D
    #define DIK_MUTE            0xA0    /* Mute */
    #define DIK_CALCULATOR      0xA1    /* Calculator */
    #define DIK_PLAYPAUSE       0xA2    /* Play / Pause */
    #define DIK_MEDIASTOP       0xA4    /* Media Stop */
    #define DIK_VOLUMEDOWN      0xAE    /* Volume - */
    #define DIK_VOLUMEUP        0xB0    /* Volume + */
    #define DIK_WEBHOME         0xB2    /* Web home */
    #define DIK_NUMPADCOMMA     0xB3    /* , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */
    #define DIK_DIVIDE          0xB5    /* / on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_SYSRQ           0xB7
    #define DIK_RMENU           0xB8    /* right Alt */
    #define DIK_PAUSE           0xC5    /* Pause */
    #define DIK_HOME            0xC7    /* Home on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_UP              0xC8    /* UpArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_PRIOR           0xC9    /* PgUp on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_LEFT            0xCB    /* LeftArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_RIGHT           0xCD    /* RightArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_END             0xCF    /* End on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_DOWN            0xD0    /* DownArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_NEXT            0xD1    /* PgDn on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_INSERT          0xD2    /* Insert on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_DELETE          0xD3    /* Delete on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_LWIN            0xDB    /* Left Windows key */
    #define DIK_RWIN            0xDC    /* Right Windows key */
    #define DIK_APPS            0xDD    /* AppMenu key */
    #define DIK_POWER           0xDE    /* System Power */
    #define DIK_SLEEP           0xDF    /* System Sleep */
    #define DIK_WAKE            0xE3    /* System Wake */
    #define DIK_WEBSEARCH       0xE5    /* Web Search */
    #define DIK_WEBFAVORITES    0xE6    /* Web Favorites */
    #define DIK_WEBREFRESH      0xE7    /* Web Refresh */
    #define DIK_WEBSTOP         0xE8    /* Web Stop */
    #define DIK_WEBFORWARD      0xE9    /* Web Forward */
    #define DIK_WEBBACK         0xEA    /* Web Back */
    #define DIK_MYCOMPUTER      0xEB    /* My Computer */
    #define DIK_MAIL            0xEC    /* Mail */
    #define DIK_MEDIASELECT     0xED    /* Media Select */
    /* Alternate names for keys, to facilitate transition from DOS. */
    #define DIK_BACKSPACE       DIK_BACK            /* backspace */
    #define DIK_NUMPADSTAR      DIK_MULTIPLY        /* * on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_LALT            DIK_LMENU           /* left Alt */
    #define DIK_CAPSLOCK        DIK_CAPITAL         /* CapsLock */
    #define DIK_NUMPADMINUS     DIK_SUBTRACT        /* - on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_NUMPADPLUS      DIK_ADD             /* + on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_NUMPADPERIOD    DIK_DECIMAL         /* . on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_NUMPADSLASH     DIK_DIVIDE          /* / on numeric keypad */
    #define DIK_RALT            DIK_RMENU           /* right Alt */
    #define DIK_UPARROW         DIK_UP              /* UpArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_PGUP            DIK_PRIOR           /* PgUp on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_LEFTARROW       DIK_LEFT            /* LeftArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_RIGHTARROW      DIK_RIGHT           /* RightArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_DOWNARROW       DIK_DOWN            /* DownArrow on arrow keypad */
    #define DIK_PGDN            DIK_NEXT            /* PgDn on arrow keypad */
    /* Alternate names for keys originally not used on US keyboards. */
    #define DIK_CIRCUMFLEX      DIK_PREVTRACK       /* Japanese keyboard */

  8. I'm working on my own RP framework, and yeah, from scratch (if we ignore we are all using Bohemia's engine). I'm doing it on my free time, and I will warn you, takes hell of a time to make the basics, the EHs, database connection (I'm using a Java core), HUDs, textures... And only the basic to get it moving, without real content. I'd recommend you hire someone, because it's going to be complicated to find someone doing that for free.

    • Like 1

  9. Another way to aproach it:


    init.sqf (clientside):

    #define WAIT_TIME 10
    waitUntil {time > 0};
    _tCheck = time;
    waitUntil {!isNil "correctserver" || (_tCheck + WAIT_TIME < time)};
    if(isNil "correctserver") exitWith {
    	failMission "END6";
    hint "Starting server.";

    You can use waitUntil and sleep in "init.sqf" as it's run in scheduled environment.


    Anyway, this kind of protection is useless, someone with averege skill knowledge would override that. I'd recomend looking into a "code transfer", meaning:


    All the important code of the mission, even the placement of some objects could be stored server side (creating an addon, just like AltisLifeRPG), and when the player joins in, this server addon would be called and would upload the data to the client throught a BIS_fnc_MP function. I could give you an example code if you need it really bad.

  10. Hi there! I've been scripting for a while now, and now I'm working on a rich HUD that would require a 3D model, but I can't find any references or examples of CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM, CT_OBJECT, CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER, excepting Killzonekid's example (wasn't what I needed, lacks info). It seems its not used in the \A3\ assets, and I can't find anything useful on the net.


    Could someone enlighten me about thesemisterious UI types?


    Thank you!

  11. Today I found that camSetDir wont work as intended. So I made a workarround with similar behaviour.

    * Desc: Changes view direction of a camera.
    * Params:
    * param 0: <Object> Camera itself.
    * param 1: <Float> Map direction.
    * param 2: <Float> Inclination.
    AKR_cameraSetTargetDir = {
    _camera = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _dir = [_this select 1, 0, 0, [-1]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _inclination = [_this select 1, 1, 0, [-1]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _camPos = getPos _camera;
    _relPos = [sin(_dir), cos(_dir), _inclination];
    _result = _camPos vectorAdd _relPos;
    _camera camSetTarget (_result);
    _camObj camCommit 0;

  12. Hi!, I'm trying to create a server-side Addon, but I'm getting trouble in declarating my functions in CfgFuntions.

    I'm used to the description.ext way, and I thought it would be the same with Addons, but they don't get compiled at all.

    Dumping config.cpp. All paths are correct, just like description.ext, and no "No found" error, just nothing pops out, but I get "Undefined" error when calling any function. I could use some help.

    class CfgPatches 
    class Addon_core
    	units[] = {};
    	weapons[] = {};
    	fileName = "Addon_core.pbo";
    	author[] = {"User"};
    	requiredVersion = 1.000000;
    class CfgFunctions 
    class PL_Core
    	tag = "PL";
    	class Core
    		file = "code";
    		class asyncInit {};
    	class Config
    		file = "code\Config";
    		class loadConfiguration {};

  13. Hi, I'm trying to define a new Ammo type in a Mission (non-moded). I thought it could be possible to do so in the Description.ext. I'm trying to override "launch_RPG32_F", defining "launch_RPG32_EMP_F". Here's what I'm doing so far:

    class CfgPatches {
    class RPG32_EMP_F {
    	requiredaddons = {"A3_Weapons_F"};
    	requiredversion = 1.000000;
    	weapons = {"RPG32_EMP_F"};
    class CfgAmmo {
    /*extern*/ class Default;
    /*extern*/ class BulletCore;
    /*extern*/ class RPG32_F;
    class RPG32_EMP_F: RPG32_F {
    	displayName = "EMP Rocket";
    	displayNameShort = "EMP Rocket";
    	descriptionShort = "EMP Rocket";
    	model = "\A3\weapons_f\launchers\RPG32\tbg32v_rocket_item.p3d";
    	picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\launchers\RPG32\data\UI\gear_tbg32v_rocket_ca.paa";
    	ammo = "R_TBG32V_EMP_F";
    	mass = 40;
    class CfgWeapons {
    /*extern*/ class launch_RPG32_F;
    class launch_RPG32_EMP_F: launch_RPG32_F {
    	_generalMacro = "launch_RPG32_EMP_F";
    	magazines = {"RPG32_EMP_F"};

    I usually get EOF, and I'm getting lost. I just want to create a new ammo type, recycling all the models & stuff.

    What could I do?

    ---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:25 ----------

    Update: Now won't crash, but still, it don't detects the new ammo type.

    class CfgPatches {
    class RPG32_EMP_F {
    	requiredaddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"};
    	weapons[] = {"RPG32_EMP_F"};
    	author[]= {"Akryllax"}; 
    class CfgAmmo {
    /*extern*/ class R_PG32V_F;
    class R_TBG32V_EMP_F: R_PG32V_F {
    	hit = 0;
    	indirectHit = 0;
    	indirectHitRange = 50;
    	explosive = 1;
    class CfgMagazines {
    /*extern*/ class Default;
    /*extern*/ class BulletCore;
    /*extern*/ class RPG32_F;
    class RPG32_EMP_F: RPG32_F {
    	displayName = "EMP Rocket";
    	displayNameShort = "EMP Rocket";
    	descriptionShort = "EMP Rocket";
    	ammo = "R_TBG32V_EMP_F";
    class CfgWeapons {
    /*extern*/ class launch_RPG32_F;
    class launch_RPG32_EMP_F: launch_RPG32_F {
    	_generalMacro = "launch_RPG32_EMP_F";
    	magazines = {"RPG32_EMP_F"};

  14. Hi there,

    with the upcoming Steam Workshop for mods, we will change how files are stored on Workshop, allowing more files to be uploaded for both new and old items. This means that a single addon (file) item now published on the Workshop will be able to become a mod (more files), and go back to a single file addon again, depending solely on its author, as it should be.

    This also means the addon tag will effectively become irrelevant, because there will be no difference between addons and mods. Therefore we want to get rid of addon tag and use only tag mod as a general notification for non-mission user content. We believe this is more clear and more useful to the players.

    What should you do?

    In short: nothing. Ideally, we don't want you to notice. :) The expected functionality should remain unchanged for all users. I am posting this mostly for the sake of transparency.

    What will we do?

    1. Update all existing Workshop files tagged with
      to also include tag

    2. Update Publisher to auto-include tag

    3. Update Launcher to display mods in Mod list (addon list will be renamed to mod list).

    4. Implement the new SteamWorks SDK that allow multiple files per published item.

    5. Publish versions with the new SDK to Stable branch.

    6. When everything is working, remove
      tag from all
      files and delete it from Steam back-end.

    Note (5.):

    Don't expect this change before version 1.38.

    I still can't understand what will be the impact of this. Will the Addons be loaded in runtime? (I mean, as the MP Missions are loaded) Or we will still need to restart the game to load Mods/Addons? It would be amazing that Mods could be loaded when entering a server, so we could modify/extend/add stuff beyond standart scripting :)
