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Everything posted by bullsh

  1. bullsh

    NLMARSOF V2.185

    I downloaded the mod using PWS. The location of the file is: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\modsaaa\@marsof\addons . HOWEVER, I just noticed there is no file called marsof_nl_cfg inside the addons folder. Could this be the issue or is it included inside the .pbo? EDIT: A miracle has happened: Without me changing anything, it started to work as it should. I would just like to point out that the AT gunners have not only unlimited ammunition but also rapid-fire abilities. Now, this is definitely the most awesome feature I've seen in any mod so far, so please don't delete it! I would just like to mention that to everybody haha.
  2. bullsh

    NLMARSOF V2.185

    Whenever I try to run this mod with no other mods active, I get a fatal error saying 'Cannot open file '*location of the mod*' ...addons/marsof_nl_cfg'. Any idea on how to solve this?
  3. Any plans on moving the current mod to a more contemporary faction with less vanilla gear and more RHS or whatever gear?
  4. bullsh

    Retexture issues

    Thanks for helping me out here, I have no acces to my pc atm so I can't make a screenshot but I will do so when i'm at home. Just before I left I realised I was using my new officer textures for the normal indep soldier model. I changed the model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; //Default NATO to model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\INDEP\ia_officer.p3d"; //Default NATO but when I tried that out, I had no model at all in game. I had deleted the SS camo and the shirt lines so I had only the one officer. I'll try again when I'm at home.
  5. Hey everbody, I have succesfully tried to retexture a basic INDEP combat fatigue using Astarte's youtube tutorial. However, when I apply the same techniques to the INDEP officer uniform, the retextured version ends up all scrambled up, with colors on all the wrong places and black lines throught the whole retexture. What am I doing wrong?
  6. bullsh

    Retexture issues

    http://www.filedropper.com/customcamoco--> this is the retexture I did, I expect I did something wrong here but I really wouldn't know what.
  7. bullsh

    Retexture issues

    This is the config I used: NOTE: This config was provided by a tutorial by Astarte on youtube, hence his name is in the document. Could the problem be here, or did I somehow mess up the alignment of the textures in the model itself? How of the texture you want to replace can you actually erase? Does that influence the outcome in the sense that it can totally mess up the alignments?
  8. bullsh

    NORAF WIP Thread

    Yeah what Ijram said, we love the steady amount of updates! You're one of the devs that seems most open to the community this way so that is great. If nobody posts anything here it's only because we are all eagerly awaiting the next update, which we know will always come soon :)
  9. bullsh

    Retexture issues

    I didn't use the same files for the two combat fatigues and the officer's uniform, if that's what you mean. With the officer's uniform, I deleted the parts of the uniform I wanted to replace by using the eraser, shoved the .nohq of the officer's uniform under it, did the usual actions, shoved the camo I wanted to be in the place of the deleted parts between the .nohq layer and the textures I wanted to keep and finished it with the usual procedure. Should I have done something differently, or did I perhaps forget to change something in the config?
  10. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    It is more that the models themselves are either a bit poor or don't fit the player models very well. I found some more insurgent vests in the meantime but they're all part of other, bigger, mods. I'm thinking of having a look at modelling some insurgent style vests myself, maybe releasing them in a seperate mod open for the public to use for their own mods. You said you had looked into a decent amount of tutorials for modding I think, could you please point me towards the tutorial that helped you most with your modelling and/or texturing?
  11. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Yeah there are one or two models of mediocre quality and only one of good quality afaik. That's not enough, but yes definitely also fire force vests
  12. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    I know you haven't started modelling gear yet, but I would like to say that there is a severe shortage of realistic insurgent vests and/or chest webbings in the ArmA3 community! Are you planning on adding a bunch of vests? Because they're really needed imho!
  13. bullsh

    [DA3] The Congo Crisis

    How is the work going? Very eager to see this mod?
  14. Fun fact: The Isles of Scilly were the theatre of arguably the longest war in human history, a 335 years long war between the Royal British government then based in the Isles of Scilly and the Dutch Republic! (kinda) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Hundred_and_Thirty_Five_Years%27_War
  15. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    Hmm sadly those seem to have been made for Gary's Mod, a game on itself, and not for ArmA 2. Otherwise you could've ported them. But brand new ArmA 3 quality are always preferred anyway, so best of luck!
  16. bullsh

    African Revolution [SP/CO-OP]

    Also, have you thought about uploading the mission to Steam so it's easier to update?
  17. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    If not ZIRPA, maybe FRELIMO or a more or less unaligned local village militia? But if you want ZIRPA, go for it, I'm sure the players of your mod will forgive you your small timeline distortion :p Will you also add the characteristical shorts for the Rhodesian government forces?
  18. bullsh

    African Revolution [SP/CO-OP]

    I love the setting! Indeed as you suspected, additional add ons are required, namely ACRE2 and Leight's Opfor Pack. Only problem I've encountered so far was that missions were queuing up quickly rapidly before finishing others, but I'll need to play more to confirm that. One suggestion would be to replace the rebel's CSAT vests with the much more appropriate Leight's insurgent's ak vests (but that's mostly due to my great aversion for vanilla content). Keep up the good work!
  19. bullsh

    Niko's Uniforms Mega Packs

    Can we expect gorkas to be added?
  20. Will you eventually change the Japanese placeable units based on retextured NATO units with your other Japanese units based on retextured AAF uniforms with custom vests? Because the retextured AAF uniforms with custom vests are beautiful and seem to be much closer to real life than the NATO retextures!
  21. Will you create custom models for real existing vests eventually?
  22. bullsh

    Chechen Volunteers Unit

    ahh too bad, it looks good and it's a great subject for a mod!