Jab that's correct. commy2 mades a wrong statement.
We had WAV files in BWMod,previously. So, we resampled all sounds to 44.1kHZ and 16bit, further we made WSS files.
- Features
- ported TOH RTD
- fully animated rotors
- new cockpit
- new texture
- new sounds
- slingload
- ACE compatibility
- TFAR compatibility
- no cargo seats
- US and german version
- german SAR version
- Planned Features
- crane german (SAR version)
- doorguns (US version)
Your key is corrupted
16:13:10 Signature @sab_c130\addons\sab_c130.pbo.sabredust.bisign is wrong. Err 0x20. Test FAILED!
16:13:10 Warning Message: Signature @sab_c130\addons\sab_c130.pbo.sabredust.bisign is wrong. Err 0x20. Test FAILED!