I'm trying to strain my computer with a modded map and a LOT of AI - by a lot, I'm talking about approximately 700, maybe more zombies from "Ryan's Zombies and demons" mod.
I get 5 FPS and my RAM usage is stuck at 2.5GBs (I have 32GBs and in total maxed out at 20% RAM and CPU load). Anyone able to shed a light on why?
Why is this not bumping my RAM usage up at the very least? Yes, I chose the 64-bit client from Arma 3 Tools version of dev branch, run as administrator.
Is it because the mods were made on the old 32 bit architecture? Is there any way anyone can suggest to really push my RAM/CPU to its limits?
Even with an insane amount of smoke with very high Attribute settings:
RAM usage still lacklustre even with no mods.