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Everything posted by DangerousDiz

  1. I think that, [_grp,0] setwaypoint... Indicates the default waypoint created at the spawn of the unit.https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCurrentWaypoint has a note to that effect in its comments. This differs from how the editor assigns waypoint indices for display. If it's the first waypoint you add with commands it is [_grp, 1] setWaypoint.. Etc. Hope that helps. Slightly odd, talks to pixels
  2. AVIBIRD 1 Firstly flag poles do allow actions but different objects react differently to the distance check you have in your condition. Play with extending it until you a value you want. Default is 15m before the condition is even checked. Secondly, a condition you could use is "(((_this distance _target) < 10)&& (_this == (leader (group _this))))" this will allow any player within the range, who is the leader of its group to run the action. Allowing for deaths of the actual SL unit. No need for setVariable calls. Depending on the mission type and MP compatibility req, the action needs to be added to the flag pole on every player client as it's a local command. If that player becomes the SL of the unit via field promotion they can then use the action. This is easily done by putting it in the init.sqf instead of the init line of the editor. Just name the flag pole FLAGPOLE (for example) in the editor and in the init.sqf put: If(hasInterface) then { waitUntil {player == player}; FLAGPOLE addAction { //your action ending with the condition supplied above.} }; Should be JIP compatible etc. Slightly odd, talks to pixels
  3. @Heroes There's a few options. this disableAI "MOVE"; In the init line of the units will make them unable to move but maybe less realistic than you want. You can try: this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; Should make them completely ignore enemies. And finally you could try: this disableAI "TARGET"; this disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; Though you may need to couple them together with one of the above. Check out disableAI on the wiki. Along with setBehaviour and setCombatMode. Additional: So they are not completely static you could script a lookAt loop to have them turn their head to face the nearest player. Slightly odd, talks to pixels
  4. DangerousDiz

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to reproduce the flash bang explosion and effect without throwing a flash bang. I'd like to use it for booby traps and the like.. does it involve creating a dummy grenade and running the agm functions assoiated with flashbangs? Any hints or tips on how to do this would be good cheers! Looking forward to whats next in store for AGM... Dangerous