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Everything posted by vortexHD

  1. vortexHD

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Idk. But anyway we wait for new update)
  2. vortexHD

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Fail( So.... You lost all progress in creating new version of mod?
  3. vortexHD

    Zeus - Multiplayer and Mods

    My friend has created a local server, put Zeus module, and etc. Everything works fine, but mods work only on his client (I do not see things from mods in Zeus menu) :confused: Help?
  4. if(!isServer) exitWith {}; private["_box","_CfgWeapons","_weapons","_items","_wep","_wep_type","_mags","_misc","_mag"]; _box = _this select 0; while {alive _box} do { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; clearItemCargoGlobal _box; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _box; _CfgWeapons = configFile >> "cfgWeapons"; _weapons = []; _items = []; _misc = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count _Cfgweapons)-1 do { _weapon = _CfgWeapons select _i; if(isClass _weapon) then { _wep = configName _weapon; _wep_type = getNumber(_weapon >> "type"); _scope = getNumber(_weapon >> "scope"); if(_scope == 2 && _wep_type != 65536) then { if(_wep_type in [1,2,4,5,4096] && _wep != "NVGoggles") then { _weapons set[count _weapons,_wep]; } else { _items set[count _items,_wep]; }; }; }; }; {_misc=_misc+getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Throw"/_x/"magazines")} forEach getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Throw"/"muzzles"); {_misc=_misc+getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Put"/_x/"magazines")} forEach getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/"Put"/"muzzles"); { _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,5]; } foreach _misc; { _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1]; diag_log format["Weapon %1 added", _x]; _mags = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "magazines"); if(count _mags > 0) then { { if(!(_x in ((getMagazineCargo _box) select 0))) then { _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,5]; diag_log format["Magazine %1 added", _x]; }; } foreach _mags; }; } foreach _weapons; { _box addItemCargoGlobal [_x,1]; } foreach _items; sleep 120; }; PS: it has MOD SUPPORT!!!!
  5. vortexHD

    Zeus and AddOns

    My friend has created a local server, put Zeus module, and etc. Everything works fine, but mods work only on his client (I do not see things from mods in Zeus menu) :confused: Help?