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Posts posted by emrak

  1. While I love the new Spectator Mode in almost every respect, there is one thing that is keeping me from using it (instead of our current custom scripted solution): moving around as a spectator becomes incredibly slow after a minute or so. Even holding LShift + Q, I seem to elevate at a geriatric rate. I get the same results with moving forward and backwards. Obviously I'm in 3rd Person View when trying this. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm unaware of or is this a bug?


    Additionally, the F1 text box states that I can use LMB to select a unit (and thus display details) and then use LMB again to unfocus (and presumably not display unit details). However, the unit details box never goes away.



  2. Good day.


    When I use the GameUpdater utility found in Arma 3 Tools, I consistently get the following behavior:

    1) I open GameUpdater, my account is logged in and works fine.

    2) I set the installation directory to a "DevBranch" directory OR my default Arma 3 install directory (doesn't matter, I've tried both).




    3a) If I click "Options" then the below error appears.





    3b) Alternatively, if I click "Update" then the GameUpdater screen simply closes and nothing happens. No errors and it's not running in the background at all.




    No logs are generated in the "\Arma 3 Tools\GameUpdater\logs" directory.

    A log is generated in the "\Arma 3 Tools\Logs" directory and the error is shown below.

    2016-04-22 14:29:14,301 [INFO]: =====================================================================
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: == Begin of trace ==
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Available hard drive(s):
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Fixed C:\ - isReady=YES - totalFreeSpace= 70GB
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Fixed D:\ - isReady=YES - totalFreeSpace= 182GB
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Fixed E:\ - isReady=YES - totalFreeSpace= 111GB
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Fixed F:\ - isReady=YES - totalFreeSpace= 119GB
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,317 [INFO]: Fixed P:\ - isReady=YES - totalFreeSpace= 182GB
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,332 [INFO]: SteamCMD version:
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,332 [INFO]: development version is:
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,348 [INFO]: Install directory appears to be ok
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,348 [INFO]: development/kvsignatures/InstallScript
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,348 [INFO]: 6ea9384716248cba314fedd5ade98c62fa58da5599ca9b192dca2ff52941ca6dd3101cd1035001d746774a8ed1b457303090a4342c7ab106d582a56df0fb3462d6be5eacc5a4c32283bdddbb7f762da884dfd824fa133a55b45bf6a54b0357ab5693e21f7f5b481789fdc15eb53d46254a8f01f50c023bba68933b9ce59d07fb
    2016-04-22 14:29:14,348 [INFO]: App_info source: D:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\GameUpdater\107410.data
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: == UnhandledException ==
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: Sender: gameupdater.My.MyApplication
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: Exception message: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: HResult: -2147467262
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: Message: Input string was not in a correct format.
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,020 [FATAL]: Source: Microsoft.VisualBasic
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,036 [FATAL]: StackTrace:    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat)
       at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(String Value)
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,036 [FATAL]: TargetSite: ParseDouble
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,036 [FATAL]: MethodHandle: 1467315180
    2016-04-22 14:29:18,036 [FATAL]: Ms HelpLink: 

    System Info

    I'm running Windows 10 Home, if it matters.



    Things I've tried


    Verifying Arma 3 Tools cache integrity in Steam.

    Switching from the stable Tools branch to the development branch.

    Mounting the P/WorkDrive and running GameUpdater.

    Reading the Tools and GameUpdater manuals.

    Running naked through the streets and shrieking at the moon.



    Please advise.

    Thank you.

  3. Steam Libary > Arma 3 (right click) > Properties > Betas >(drop down menu) Development

    close that window and it will download Dev branch  where you can check all latest addition and testing of the game



    Edit: What DJankovic said.



    But that will overwrite the current Steam build, which I don't wish to do. There is typically a different code word to use for SteamCMD, so instead of

    107410 -beta development

    It might be something like

    107410 -beta TitleOfVisualUpgrade

    Or whatever. Does anyone know what the 1.6 beta code word is? Thanks

  4. I am only getting the current (live) 1.58 branch when I run my old dev branch SteamCMD script. Did something change? Where can I find the 1.6 visual upgrade branch? Thanks.

    My current script is below.

    SET STEAMUN= <myusername>
    SET STEAMPW= <mypassword>
    SET ARMASVRPATH=D:\GameDev\Arma\ArmaDevBranch
    SET ARMABRANCH=107410 -beta development
    "D:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\GameUpdater\steamcmd.exe" +login %STEAMUN% %STEAMPW% +force_install_dir "%ARMASVRPATH%" +app_update "%ARMABRANCH%" validate +quit

  5. The moon phases in A3 are out of alignment with the real world as per trouble tickets. It would also seem that the "moon" object in the in-game night sky is actually irrelevant as the "moon" lighting occurs on the ground functionally (i.e., the "moon" is not a thing that shines down, it's just an indicator for the engine to generate "moon light" on the surface) and this non-moon "moon light" generated on the surface may be out of sync with the in-game moon phases. I know that overcast weather can diminish the effects of light. I know that there's a way to change the "aperture" setting to manipulate brightness as well.


    Due to my confusion over the above issues and my desire to save time, can someone who's been down this path please give me the in-game date/time/weather/aperture setting to create the darkest night possible?


    Thank you!




    p.s.--yes, I know people can brighten their environment via brightness/gamma.

  6. OK, I think I understand what you're saying now. Your description of the problem is confusing because you are using the words "respawn" and "spawn" incorrectly. You actually have no problem with respawn at all, I think. Here's what's actually happening:

    There are two sides with two respawn markers (east and west). When they die, they respawn at the markers as they should. All is well. However, after a player has respawned at their appropriate marker, you have created a button dialog that the player may click to instantly move ("teleport") to location X. This "location X" is determined by whether or not another player (commander in this case) has activated an addAction command. If this is accurate, then here's some information.


    When "BASE" is set in description.ext and a player dies, the game will look for any local and global markers that begins with "respawn." Understand that respawn markers have a hierarchy that starts with the player and slowly goes up. The game will:

    1) Look for markers named "respawn_Player"

    2) Look for markers named "respawn_Player_GroupLeader"

    3) Look for markers named "respawn_Player_Side"

    4) Look for any markers that start with "respawn"

    5) Just spawn the player where they died.


    So my suggestion to you would be to:

    --Copy the mission folder so you have a backup

    --Delete everything related to the "addAction" command (all the files, ForwardHQKilled.sqf, etc.) and your button.


    From here, you can:

    1) Create an addAction without any confusing arrays checking for numbers and so forth, such that all it does is call a script that creates a building, a marker, a trigger, and finally removes the addaction from the commander. The marker will be named "respawn_name_of_dude_who_put_the_marker_down". The building has no code associated with it. The trigger will simply be checking if the building is alive (or you can have it check the "damage" level). When the building is not alive, the trigger will run code that deletes the marker, adds the addAction back to the commander, and finally deletes itself (the trigger).

    2) Or, you can do #1 but use the eventhandler (possibly mpeventhandler? not sure without testing) for the building instead of a trigger.


    3) Or, you can do #1, but MOVE the original "respawn_west/east" marker to the current location using setMarkerPos. And on building destruction you would then setMarkerPos back to the original location. In this case there would never be another marker at all.

    In all the above, what would now happen is a player would die and then respawn at the HQ directly, with no need to teleport. If you are just looking for a script to teleport to a dynamically set location, then please google. There are tons of examples.

    • Like 1

  7. I know of that but that'll delay the trigger from executing as well, which will just delay it all.


    So...you're saying you want two triggers then? One that kicks off instantly when a player brings the briefcase in and then another trigger that has a timeout set in case the briefcase gets removed in time? ;) Keep it simple man.


    EDIT: if you want there to be a "toggle" with the two triggers then you're already on the right path. Simply create a toggle variable. One trigger sets it to true and the other sets it to false as part of their onActivation and they're both checking for the appropriate condition. Both triggers will need to be repeatable in that case.

  8. There's a lot going on here. First thing though, do you really want that "sleep 1200" (that's 20 minutes) in your killed Event Handler? What is its purpose? Second, how are you setting respawn in your description.ext file? If it's not "BASE" then your units will never be able to respawn on markers (I'm assuming it is though).


    Moving right along... So you want to create an addAction on some player. This would allow player to create a building and then (through some scripting) also put a respawn marker at the building's location. Is this accurate?


    If so...

    1) addAction is a local command. I.E., the script will run once on the specific player's machine.

    2) createVehicle is a global command. I.E., it will run once on all machine's (including the server) each time it is used.

    3) "killed" is a local event handler. I.E., it will run where the "killed object" is local. I'm not entirely sure what will happen when placed on a globally created vehicle.

    4) createMarkerLocal/deleteMarkerLocal are local commands.


    That was all just an FYI so you understand (as barbolani pointed out) the locality involved here.


    Lastly, assuming you have "BASE" set in your description.ext, I still fail to see where you are actually placing a respawn marker. Your code is this:

    _mrk = createMarkerLocal ["HQ_marker", [Forward_HQ select 4, Forward_HQ select 5]];

    Which does not create a respawn marker. All such markers must begin with the word "respawn." See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawnfor more info. I suspect you simply have the starting respawn location around the same spot where you are testing, thus (since there are no respawn markers) the players simply respawn where they started the mission at.

    • Like 1

  9. Basicly, I'm picking up a suitcase for example and I drop it inside of the area of a trigger. This starts a script, a timer. I want it so that the script stops if you move the suitcase outside of the triggers area. 


    The easiest solution that comes to mind is to simply set the "timeout" of the trigger that is checking for the briefcase. This way you do not need a timer script at all. See these links:





    Timeout - The trigger's conditions must be satisfied for the entirety of specified amount of time for the trigger to activate. For example, if a soldier walks into a <side> Present type trigger but leaves the area before the timeout is complete, the trigger will not activate.

    1. BIKI says createVehicleLocal is a local command and generates a local object with no data transfers over the network in a multiplayer game.
    2. There is no "deleteVehicleLocal." In fact, there are no other *VehicleLocal commands at all (I.E., no "setVehiclePositionLocal").
    3. BIKI says deleteVehicle and setVehiclePosition are global commands which delete and move objects.


    So--assuming this code runs on a player's computer--if I create an object via createVehicleLocal, then move the object via setVehiclePosition, then delete the object via deleteVehicle, am I ever leaving the player's computer and transferring info over the network to the server? Bottom line: if I invoke anything using a local command and then modify/remove it with a global command, is there ever any network traffic?

  10. 1. Listen to complaints from the players. Do they whine about FPS/lag/stuttering? Do the performance complaints occur all the time or only after 5-6 hours of server uptime? Take note of when you hear the complaints. Put some diag_log use into your threads to keep track of what is happening and when, to help figure out what their issues are. I used this method to determine what things to prioritize.


    If you don't have players, stick diag_fps command into a loop and monitor it. Generally in the editor and single player it will stay at 49-51 unless you spam a bunch of AI or have some nasty script errors.


    2. Is it significant? The difference between 40 quads and 40 offroads is negligible (is even measurable?). Don't worry about micro-optimization, you don't have the time in your human lifespan to worry about measuring 0.00001ths of a second for something as trivial as a game.


    I'm really not concerned about micro-optimization, I just come from a standard programmatic background wherein testing occurs early and often. In a normal programmatic job, it's so easy to test and generate metrics for a given application. I feel like I'm blind without knowing how long it will take a mission to load and/or what it's overhead will be. I hope I'm making sense. :) Simply posting a mission without having any performance metrics and waiting for feedback from players seems like a 1990s/turn-of-the-century development approach (I know, I was coding then lol).


    EDIT: And I will definitely check out diag_fps. Thanks for bringing that up!

  11. I'm aware of BIS_fnc_codePerformance, but that only measures relative performance for a specific script. How would I measure relative performance (overall) for an entire mission?


    Here is an example. Let's pretend that I open the Editor and create two separate multi-player scenarios. They are identical, but the first has 40 quad bikes in it and the second has 40 offroads in it. Is there any way of telling which mission generates more overhead and uses more resources?

  12. Can anyone please confirm/deny the following for me?


    1) Create any basic multiplayer scenario in Eden. In my case, I just dropped a few playable Riflemen down.

    2) "Export to multiplayer" (the MPMissions folder in your arma 3 beta folder...the same folder that you're running Eden out of)

    3) Start up arma3server.exe, using whatever config parameters you wish.


    If you're like me, your new mission will not load when a player (running the same beta edition) tries to join. It appears to be caught in a loop looking in the console like so:



    16:44:25 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.
    16:44:25 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.
    16:44:25 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.
    16:44:25 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.
    16:44:26 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.
    16:44:26 Mission Roy_TEST.Stratis read from directory.


    The .rpt file give numerous errors showing missing "3DEN" files, one example below:



    16:43:55 Error in expression <dlerCode];
    } else {
    add3DENEventHandler [_handlerName,_handlerCode];
    } foreac>
    16:43:55   Error position: <[_handlerName,_handlerCode];
    } foreac>
    16:43:55   Error Missing ;
    16:43:55 File A3\3den\UI\displays\Display3DEN.sqf, line 27
    16:43:55 Error in expression <dlerCode];
    } else {
    add3DENEventHandler [_handlerName,_handlerCode];
    } foreac>
    16:43:55   Error position: <[_handlerName,_handlerCode];
    } foreac>
    16:43:55   Error Missing ;
    16:43:55 File A3\3den\UI\displays\Display3DEN.sqf, line 27



    I didn't see any other posts about this when I did a search for "server" in this forum so I figured I'd bring it up.


    extDB2 is not drop and replace and use arma inbuilt editor for missions etc...

    extDB2 is basically a customizable connector that allows arma to talk to a MySQL/MariaDB/SQLite Database.

    It is up to you to code an SQF Framework to use extDB2 to save/load from a database.

    Try look at other mods/missions that are using extDB2.

    Currently my recommend to look at to start with is 



    http://www.exilemod.com(is alot more complicated, but prob has one of the best implementationsof extDB2 i seen so far)


    If you are still confused this extension is alot simpler to use i.e http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26985




    Thank you torndeco. I have seen the extension using node. Ironically, I went with extDB2 because of my background and figured it'd be easier/simpler given the limited number of concurrent players on an Arma 3 server. I've looked through Supremacy and yeah, I'm still confused, but now it's not about the stat-saving anymore, now it's personal. lol. I want to figure this out! My confusion stems from not having some sort of walk-through. Do you know of anything like this on the internet (because I can't find it): a very brief walk-through that simply shows someone taking a basic mission and setting up a one-SQL-script example using extDB, like just saving the date/time the player logged on or somesuch and then retrieving it from the DB. That would pretty much answer all my questions.

    I'm not sure where the block in my brain is, but I keep hitting a wall when trying to link together the disparate elements of mission, extDB, and MySQL. Thanks for your time

  14. I have spent about a couple hours know reading through the documentation continuously and still have not figured out how the hell you are to use this on your own mission as im trying to setup a extDB module to save player gear locations info and vehicles gear and locations and objects and locations.



    I concur with Ducky. I'm a DBA by trade, so this is double frustrating for me. :) I'm probably making an obvious mistake. Hopefully someone can assist.


    What I accomplished:

    +With the Arma 3 editor, I've made a fairly basic multiplayer mission.

    +My custom mission runs fine by itself and friends can join in when I run a test server locally.


    Now I decide to try and make some statistics persistent:

    +I've set up a MySQL Server running locally, all ports open, database ready and waiting.

    +I've downloaded extDB2 and placed it within my .../Arma 3 directory. I've also copied tbb + tbbmalloc dlls as well.

    +I've altered the extdb-conf.ini to point to my local database.

    +I add @extDB2 to my launch parameters

    +I start Arma 3 (and see that extDB is listed in the addons section at the bottom) and go into the Editor and load my custom scenario.


    So, now what? There's no where I can find in the Editor that lists extDB processes. How do I get my scenario to use extDB? This is the missing piece of the puzzle for me.

  15. This is a great plugin. Thanks so much armitxes! I hope you keep adding to it as new commands come out! Also, do you know of any way that this could be incorporated into a full-fledged IDE such as VS 2013? That would absolutely make my day year decade.


    Thanks again




    Actually, I may have found the way...



    If there's an easy way to convert what you have into something that VS 2013 could use...that would be amazing.
