So i finished the campaign with NATO defeating AAF on Altis and here is what are my impressions "possible spoilers minor only"
Respawn system is great especially for me and the guys cuz we use loads of mods that can cause problems
4 Player CO-OP missions
The scene that work are cool
Suspense especially on "End Game" last stretch the enviroment made it hard to use thermals which was great
Story is good but some missing links around "Viper" and the idea what CSAT are all about and maybe the biggest question is Miller how he got to Tanoa and what was he doing during the 6 month skip after the Altis Flashpoint < maybe cuz some cutscenes did not work
Definetly no gun and run tactics
HACKING "but not enough of it"
My guys are highly dependent on intel and UAV recon and the campaign told em "DEAL WITH IT"
The AI is definetly problematic at few points during the campaign
Too short extremely infact "Possible episodes in the future ?"
Solo is playable but i recommend having a buddy
Only infantry "could use a mission or too where you can be a gunner in the V-44 or use a terminal to guide its weapons its 2035 should most stuff we see in Call of Duty to present"
Needs some Free Roam that is tied to the campaign where we can gain intel for next missions or some equipment
Campaign could've expended on CTRG before the 72h mark cuz the amount of damage they're causing could ruin the Syndikat within a month
Thermals might need some adjustments
Needs more wacky comments like during the Ambush Mission "2nd or 3rd"
None except the AI sometimes leaves the task area making it harder to update but not big of a deal