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Everything posted by Relevence

  1. Hey thank you for the reply! I really appreciate the help. I will give it a try. I was getting 12-24 fps last night without any lines on a nearly full 80 player king of the hill server.. I am excited to do better. :)
  2. Hey this seems like a relevant place to ask.. What are the correct launch parameters for the FX series cpus? They don't use hyper-threading, and they aren't true 8 cores either. I have read I could damage my system with the wrong line, and obviously I get terrible usage without the line. I cannot find any information on the web about this, does anyone have a definite answer? I have an 8320 and I would really like to get what I can out of it. Yes I know Intel does better, but money is money :). Thank you for your time, and if this was a bad place to put this I apologize, this is my first post on the forums.