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Everything posted by Neviothr

  1. I'm trying to replace the lens on the night vision devices with a smaller one, a smaller hole to look through if you will. Currently, I have the next, it creates a set of NVGs, with the default, sand colored model, but every time I equip them in I get an error along the lines of object lens.paa couldn't be loaded. On a side note - the .paa file was taken from another mod, converted into .png using TexView, edited, and then converted back into .paa using - again - TexView. This is how the config.cpp looks like: class CfgPatches { class cx_nvg { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=1.0; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Binocular; class NVGoggles { displayName = "Custom NVGs"; modelOptics =" \cx_nvg\lens.paa"; class ItemInfo { mass = 1; }; }; };
  2. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    It's working, it's working!! Thank you so much!!
  3. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    The above still only creates a single pair of NVG called Custom NVGs.
  4. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    I'm getting the next error when trying to pack this into an addon. https://i.gyazo.com/ff67066b208130ed31fce762b2999f0f.png
  5. Neviothr

    ASR AI 3

    This is awesome, thank you for your hard work, Robalo!
  6. Is there a way to do this? If so, how? Thanks.
  7. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    Jackal saves me again, thank you!
  8. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    Well, looks like I've reached another wall here. As seems that using the above config to create more then one NVG device isn't working. The next only replaces the default, sand colored, BLUFOR NVGs with a one that's called Custom NVGs. class CfgWeapons { class Binocular; class NVGoogles { class cx_pvs14 : NVGoggles { author = "cx64"; modelOptics = "\cx_nvg\onetube"; displayName = "PVS-14"; Scope=2; ScopeCurator=2; class ItemInfo { mass = 1; }; }; class cx_pvs15 : NVGoggles { author = "cx64"; modelOptics = "\cx_nvg\twotube"; displayName = "PVS-15"; Scope=2; ScopeCurator=2; class ItemInfo { mass = 1; }; }; }; };
  9. Basically I'm trying to replace the overlay that appears on the player's screen when he uses night vision goggles, I've found 2 unbinarized .p3d files that I can edit/use as a template (one with the help of Jackal326); one is from ArmA 2's sample models and the other from ACE3's GitHub repository. I open them up just fine with Oxygen 2 or Blender (using Alwarren's Toolbox), but I have no idea where to go from there, I've never created or edited any model in any game. Can someone please help me out here? Thanks.
  10. Neviothr

    [SOLVED] Help with editing NVG model

    Exactly what do you want?
  11. How would one go about displaying an image on the screen when the player is using his NVGs, and removing it when he's not?
  12. The issue was solved using a different method here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192858-solved-help-with-editing-nvg-model/
  13. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    The issue was solved here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192858-solved-help-with-editing-nvg-model/?p=3067813
  14. Neviothr

    [SOLVED] Help with editing NVG model

    Yeah I've already figured it out. Download said template from ACE3's Github >> Open it with Oxygen 2 >> Tools >> Mass Texture & Material renaming... >> Select the file from the list that has a .paa extension >> Rename selected file to name of your .paa file (which is the overlay), make sure you actually place the file in your mod folder, give it a proper extension in the list, and a proper path. On a side note, here how to get the proper size of the hole on the overlay: For the sake of this example I'll using Paint.NET, a 1920x1080 monitor, and 4096x4096 .paa/.tga file. The principle should be the same for every image editing program, monitor resolution and .paa/.tga file resolution. Also, I'd recommend not saving your .tga until you're done editing. Onward... Open your image editing program and create a new file with the size of 1920x1080, use the brush or paint bucket tools in order to paint the whole image black. Select your eraser tool and (at least in Paint.NET) make the anti-aliasing is enabled for it, also make sure the tool's hardness (higher hardness means shorter transition from deleted [nothing] to black) is set to about 95%. Delete the areas in your image through which you'd like to be able to look while using your NVGs. Then, resize the image to 4096x4096, note: some programs such as Paint.NET allow to change only the canvas size with out changing the current image's size - don't change the canvas' size, change the image size. Save the image as .tga. Open said image with TexView2, and save it as a .paa. That's it.
  15. That did it, thank you very much!
  16. The created effect fades out after ~10 seconds.
  17. Tried the above, nothing was displayed.
  18. You wrote p3dd instead of p3d.
  19. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    Well apparently, for some stupid reason, that file IS indeed a .p3d. I tried opening the once from the mods I downloaded using Oxygen 2 - but no luck, O2 isn't able to open binarized data. Does anyone have a template?
  20. Neviothr

    Help with custom NVG lens

    I'm not trying to change the 3D model of the NVGs, I'm trying to change the overlay that appears when you toggle them. I followed your tip and downloaded both A2SM_Data_APL.zip and A2SM_Data_APL-SA.zip from here, they did not contain a file called nvg_optics.p3d.
  21. Alright. Thank you very much!
  22. Neviothr

    ASR AI 3

    That is awesome!
  23. Awesome, great update guys! Thank you for all your hard work!
  24. Neviothr

    ETA On Apex Release?
