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Everything posted by Neviothr

  1. Neviothr

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Very, very, very nice!
  2. Neviothr

    Scripting Direct Chat

    You need to add the player into the units list in radioChannelCreate, like so: _index = radioChannelCreate [[0.96, 0.34, 0.13, 0.8], "Direct Chat", "%UNIT_NAME", [player, US4, RG2, RG3, RG1, US3, US2]]; Also, don't execute all that code in the trigger, but rather: Inside trigger "On Act.": null = execVM "say.sqf"; say.sqf: RG2 customChat [1,"Bout fucking time you bundas got here!"]; sleep 3; US2 customChat [1,"The fuck?"]; sleep 3; US4 customChat [1,"Hey, just calm down. What's going on here?"]; sleep 3; RG2 customChat [1,"I reckon it's pretty simple what's going on here."]; sleep 3; RG2 customChat [1,"Sarge is injured, pilot is dead, you porras are late."]; sleep 3; US2 customChat [1,"The fuck is a 'porra'?"]; sleep 3; US4 customChat [1,"Curtis, let me handle this."]; sleep 2; RG2 customChat [1,"There's nothing to handle here, just call in your chopper because this place is already starting to swarm with commies."]; sleep 3; US4 customChat [1,"Alright, Curtis call in Sunray."]; sleep 2; US2 customChat [1,"Which one?"]; sleep 3; US4 customChat [1,"The one that's still flying, for fuck's sake."];
  3. Does this work with the current stable version?
  4. Thank you so much CUP Team!
  5. How would one go about reporting bugs while the feedback website is down for maintenance?
  6. Does anyone know of a script that finds all the units which are inside a building, and then executes a code for all of those units? Thanks in advance.
  7. Ended up using CBA_fnc_taskDefend :p https://dev.withsix.com/docs/cba/files/ai/fnc_taskDefend-sqf.html
  8. I tried to use the next script from this thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/170467-determine-if-unit-is-outside-a-building/?p=2662697 { if (count (lineIntersectsObjs [(getPosASL _x), [(getPosASL _x select 0), (getPosASL _x select 1), ((getPosASL _x select 2) + 20)]]) == 0) then { hint "works"; }; } forEach allUnits; But it always hints "works", any ideas?
  9. Would it be possible to make islands look more like they did back in Arma 2, using the new lighting?
  10. Neviothr

    ASR AI 3

    What's the name of the script/file in the pbo that controls the attacking behavior of AI? As in how much they move and when.
  11. Perhaps this could help? https://github.com/intercept/intercept
  12. That's what I've been doing, thanks for clarifying.
  13. New off-road for upcoming Tanoa expansion: http://velebny.net/offroad.html
  14. Neviothr

    Arma 3 2DEditor and you! Please leave feedback!

    Scripting is much harder to do in 3DEN, it takes A LOT longer to load.
  15. Yes yes yes! Thank you! All of the above are extremely useful, needed, and much appreciated additions!
  16. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Phew, you got had me there for a second... but then I remembered the date.
  17. Neviothr

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Is there any good documentation left for this mod?
  18. I was assuming you didn't use all features of ACE. If that's the case, then how did you find which pbos depend on on other pbos? I've tried use ACE before, but didn't need some of the features, so I decided to remove some of the pbos are named after feature I don't need. Problem is - pretty much all pbos depend on each other, and I've had a hard time finding documentation of pbo dependencies. All I wanted to ask was if you have any good documentation of ACE.
  19. How did you find what each pbo does, and what pbos have which dependencies?
  20. Is there a way to show how many units are currently cached using hints?