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Everything posted by Maff

  1. Hey @sizraide, give this a try; { _smoke = "SmokeShellArty" createVehicle (getPos _x); _smoke hideObjectGlobal true; // Hide the smoke shell - Optional. } forEach [red, red_1, red_2, red_3, red_4, red_5, red_6];
  2. Maff

    neon Clothes ?

    Have you tried setObjectMaterial / setObjectMaterialGlobal?
  3. I'm not sure if I need to get out more but this is the best news I have seen in a good long while... From create3DENEntity Example 5; Create shape marker (since Arma 3 v2.05.147769) m = create3DENEntity ["Marker", "", position player]; // default rectangular marker m set3DENAttribute ["markerType", 1]; // 0 - rectangle; 1 - ellipse m set3DENAttribute ["brush", "DiagGrid"]; SOOOOOOON!
  4. 1. As @HereIsJones has pointed out; setCustomAimCoef is the key. 2. I have no idea. I didn't buy the DLC. There are ways to alter weapon sway on the fly. I have no time to lay it out, the BIKI is laid out very nicely. addAction setCustomAimCoef Any issues with putting it together, then post what you have and ask. Good luck.
  5. Nice. I was suggesting the same thing.
  6. Maff

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    You need to use animateDoor. The name of the doors are; "doors_1","doors_2","doors_3".
  7. @Persian MO I pulled this from a mission template I created a year or two ago. I have not tested it since, and testing was not extensive... Use at your own risk. { /* Remove all HandleDamage Event Handlers. This should disable ACE Medical on the players group - INCLUDING the player. It is possible to have player use ACE Medical. */ _x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _x addEventHandler [ "HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; _isFriendlyFire = side group _instigator isEqualTo side group _unit; if (_isFriendlyFire) then { _damage = 0; }; // IGNORE BELOW LINE! //if (_isFriendlyFire) then { _damage = 0; } else { _damage = _damage * 2; }; _damage } ]; } forEach units group player; A friend recently created something similar. I'm not 100% sure of his method but I'll ask him if he can respond here also.
  8. This should get you started. Not tested! player addAction [ "GTFO!", { { moveOut _x; unassignVehicle _x; } forEach (fullCrew [vehicle player, "cargo"]); } ];
  9. Just change _huntGroup to XYZ_huntGroup. It's good practice to give global variables a tag, such as ABC_, XYZ_, or BIS_.
  10. You're using attachTo to do this, @BlackbirdSD? Impossible! You'd be better to use createMarker on the radio tower's final position and setting the marker position with BIS_fnc_randomPos.
  11. _huntGroup is a local variable, that's why the units in the group are not being deleted. Not tested. But this should work. // No idea if you have changed anything from the original example... XYZ_huntGroup = [markerPos "MARKER2", EAST, 50] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; XYZ_huntGroup setCombatMode "RED"; XYZ_huntGroup setSpeedMode "FULL"; _isHunting = [XYZ_huntGroup, group player] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; // In your trigger: { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach units XYZ_huntGroup;
  12. Does the mission not complete when the player leaves the area in the helicopter? That can depend on how you have designed your mission. I suggest your share your mission so people can make better suggestions on how to achieve what you need.
  13. Should that not be !(isNull objectParent player) to return true when in vehicle?
  14. Maff

    Satchels Only

    This should do the damage. _radioTower addEventHandler [ "HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; if (toLower _projectile isEqualTo "satchelcharge_remote_ammo") then {1} else {0}; } ];
  15. No. The vehicle will have crew already mounted based on the classname config. You can configure a group containing both vehicles and infantry. See my Motorized example, which I copied from the base config. The vehicle will already have a crew, and your infantry will be dismounted. What do you mean? 🤣
  16. I haven't created a cfgGroup in a long time. I have tested and it works. It should get you started with adding Mechanized and Armoured groups. Edit: Apologies for the crap formatting.
  17. My suggestion was to modify the script to set enableSimulationGlobal to true. I've never used createSimpleObject but reading the BIKI entry, created objects do not handle damage.
  18. @mrakos2005 I haven't tried out the script, have you tried enabling simulation? Change _simpletree enableSimulationGlobal false; to _simpletree enableSimulationGlobal true;
  19. I lost all my scripts due to HDD failure and have been away from Arma for a month or two. I had a nice little script that would filter results from nearestObjects. I cannot for the life of me recreate it and I'm starting to lose patience, so any help appreciated. The gist of it went like; _pos = screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5]; _rad = screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5] distance2D screenToWorld [1, 1]; _filter = ["wall","sign","house","stone","pipe","pole"]; { if ( > ANY word from _filter is in _x < ) then { _v = create3DENEntity ["object", "Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1", getPosATL _x]; }; } forEach nearestObjects [_pos, [], _rad]; // Object "69391: powerpolewooden_f.p3d" now has an arrow on it because "pole" is in _filter. This was helpful when returning many objects in an area where I didn't have to know the entire class name or model class. Cheers.
  20. 90% sure it was nearestObjects. I know nearestTerrainObjects well. The nearestTerrainObjects filters aren't what I'm looking for. My old script searched the results from nearestObjects. It would probably work with nearestTerrainObjects also but there may have been a reason for using nearestObjects. I have found an old backup. I should rephrase and ask how to shorten this script:
  21. Have a look at the BIKI entry for setUnitLoadout. Down at the bottom there is an example on how to use it. It looks pretty overwhelming but once you get the hang of it, you can knock up loadouts in no time. It looks like you are just changing the uniform, vest, and backpack of each unit. In the mod you are using there may be units already configured, so you can spawn them using BIS_fnc_spawnGroup, instead of spawning random units and applying loadouts on each of them. If there are no units configured then there is quite a bit of work to do. What mods are you using? Steam link would be best.
  22. Maff

    Zeus radio alpha?

    A friend of mine run a Zeus operation a while back where he triggered certain events by destroying specific vehicles positioned away from the action. Place down an empty vehicle - Name it "Event_Alpha". Modify your Radio Alpha to wait for !alive Event_Alpha. Destroy the vehicle whenever you need to to run the trigger. This may not be the ideal solution for you but... Who doesn't like blowing up vehicles?
  23. I missed it the first time around. A few beers later and I see it... I think. The first setVariable sets "activefob" to 0, or false. You then add the action "Activate FOB", when that has been activated the "activefob" becomes 1, or true. But... You are checking "activefob" before _pole can be interacted with by a player. It will always return 0, or false because no one has completed the "Activate FOB" action. Did my previous examples display "Kill Maff"? You can also test the getVariable in the debug console. I still can't get to Arma to have a play around.