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10 Good

About humbert_h

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  1. Is there any way to extract the audio files from the radio station mod files? Would be nice to listen to the music and the army announcements when I'm in the shower. :D Also, I've noticed a tonne of people trying to join the Battlegroup-Xtra servers and getting disconnected. Maybe it's because they don't know that they need ACR/ACR Lite? It isn't mentioned in the required mod list when you're in the server search screen. Maybe some sort of notification message would help? This isn't that much of an issue, but if you're still tinkering with the Xtra Evolution maps, would it be possible to add the option of listening to radio stations from within helis, or maybe just a couple of tracks ? As far as I know, the only chopper which has that option is the Air Cav huey, but you need to spend a fair bit of time killing enough Victor Charlie to get to a score of 200 to be able to fly to it. It'd really add an extra layer of 'Nam atmosphere to an already awesome mod.
  2. Does anyone still play this online? The xtra evolution servers are empty most of the time.
  3. Is squad chatter supposed to be disabled in this mod? I'm not hearing any of the computerised voices and I'm not even seeing any text of my orders being issued or any kind of response from my troops. Also, how do you enable the in-game radio station?