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Everything posted by sirloin

  1. The "Guarded by" trigger does not properly interact with the "Guard" waypoint in the 3DEN editor. Units will proceed to the guard waypoint but do not move to the guard location set by the trigger. Steps to reproduce: Create a trigger set to "Guarded by [faction]" Place a unit of the same faction. Give the above unit a "Guard" waypoint (not on the guard location) Launch scenario and observe. The Unit will move to the guard waypoint, then stop and stand there. They still react to enemies, but don't use any of the additional functionality that the guard trigger/waypoint combination is supposed to add. Doing the same in the 2D editor yields the proper results.
  2. sirloin

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    I would like to second the requests for suppressor changes. The 6.5 LMG suppressor is a much nicer model than the massive tube that is the current standard. For reference this is the suppressor he's talking about:
  3. I'm not sure if it's possible, but it would be nice to be able to change the type of magazine loaded into a weapon in the Arsenal. Currently, the only way to do this is to add the desired magazine to the unit's inventory, "try" the loadout, and then change magazines via the action menu. Since there is no way to "try" a loadout in the Eden editor, there is no way to change the type of magazine loaded in the editor. This would be nice for weapons that offer different types of magazines. For example, the MXSW is loaded by default with a 100rnd Tracer magazine, instead of the standard 100rnd mag. If you don't want your Autoriflemen to be shooting streams of tracers from their first mag, you have to create the loadout in the arsenal, change the mag via "try," and then load it in the editor. Rifles that use 5.56 are another weapon that would benefit, since there are several colors of tracer available for both the Tracer magazines and the standard mags. Finally, mods that have many options for ammunition (RHS, HLC, and others) would benefit greatly from this functionality. tl;dr - The option to change a weapon's loaded magazine via the Arsenal menu would be very useful.
  4. sirloin

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    I tried End Game out with a couple of my friends a few days ago and I enjoyed the dynamic nature of the game mode. I do have one suggestion though: I think it would be good to remove the icon revealing the schematic carrier, at least when he is out of line of sight. Either that or reduce the radius around the upload site in which it's shown (maybe to 100m). As it stands there is no way for the attacking team to do anything other than rush the upload site because if they do attempt to flank their position is immediately revealed. Removing the icon when the carrier is hidden opens a bunch of possibilities for shenanigans, like having one team assault as a feint, while the schematics and a guard or two sneak around the outside. I understand that this game mode is geared toward newer players and team-oriented tactics, but I think that opening up more options for players keeps the experience fresh.