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Everything posted by Roach_

  1. Roach_

    PG Services (PMC)

    Oh man I've spent way more time playing with invisible helmets than I should've. Thank God I checked the thread. Maybe you could post the hotfix in the download page, as a separate and optional download. That way more people would notice it.
  2. Well, just like there's OD, black, tan and more packs, I was suggesting mainly dark blue/greyish camos.
  3. Have counter-terrorist units, like the SAS, GSG-9, etc. been suggested yet? And by the way, I'm not sure if it's intended, but the MARPAT vests (both desert and woodland) hardly have any MARPAT in them, they're basically tan. Anyway, awesome mod.
  4. Exactly my thoughts. And we also have to realise Tanoa is a way different place from what BI has ever done before. For what I've seen, urban warfare shouldn't play such a big role as before.
  5. Roach_

    New update - 1.48 - Experience? FPS loss

    Is it still ongoing? 'Cause until now I thought it was me. Since the update everytime I look at NPCs my fps drops significantly (modded and vanilla).
  6. Roach_

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    Does this mean that with this kind of registration, it'd be possible to make bullet wounds actually leave a gunshot wound decal where the bullet hit (and/or exited the body in some cases), instead of the current blood rvmat? Just like when you shoot at a wall, the bullet hole decal appears where the bullet hit.
  7. Roach_

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    Loving those spec ops looks, but I've got to ask; more wigs/hair when?
  8. Do you think it's/it'll be possible to port things like weapons from DayZ to Arma 3? It would be cool to have the UMP45 and MP5-K (for example) done by BIS. So what do you think?
  9. I've noticed in earlier stages of the game that there was the Catalan flag available as a marker and now it isn't. Was a reason as to why it was removed ever given? Thanks in advance.
  10. Roach_

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ah, perfecte!
  11. Roach_

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Not sure if it's been asked or said already, but will there be a PASGT version of the helmets?
  12. This makes anyone else's missions look like gargabe. Wish I could see more.
  13. What happened to the AWM? I saw the pictures on the patreon page and it looks perfect.
  14. Roach_

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Am I the only one getting a crash every 1 - 10 minutes? EDIT: I'm using the 1.90 version, by the way
  15. Does anyone else get that feeling, when requesting some weapon to toadie, like it's asking for money to your parents?
  16. No one's requested the UMP45 yet? I don't think anyone's made a mod for it yet either, still I don't think I'd use it unless it was made by toadie, to be honest.
  17. Roach_

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    http://i.imgur.com/bvvrNvY.gif (941 kB)
  18. Roach_

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    Don't mind this I accidentally double posted the above...
  19. Roach_

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    I agree, more wigs would be amazing. What say you, Mr TRYK?
  20. Hey all, So I've set up the script in the init.sqf, just like everyone else does, but in my case, it starts at the same time as the mission, not just before it (as stated in the wiki), so by when the video terminates, the music is half-way through and I've already landed from the helicopter. Is that how it's supposed to be?