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About Haxi

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  1. Haxi

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Ahh, that was it. I really shouldn't be doing all the mod/map editting work after a full days work and little rest :P Thanks!
  2. Haxi

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Hello! The small group that I play with has been looking forward to playing with ACRE on ArmA 3 and finally got around to getting this. The problem I am running into though (Which I can't seem to find any info on) is that when I activate the ACRE2 Plugin on Teamspeak I get an error that says: "This server is NOT registered for ACRE2 Testing! Please remove the plugin! Teamspeak will now close." I didn't see anything about registering teamspeak for ACRE2 on the original post and I didn't see anything about it on the download website. Is there something I am missing or something that is set wrong on the teamspeak server? Thanks!
  3. Hello, I just got a server up and running, but I have one problem. The server will not become password protected like I want it to. I have the CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg set up in the right spot and copy and pasted correctly. I can change the server name, the administrator password, but the password I put in for people to use to connect to the server does not show up on the server list and people can connect without a password. Do I have do something more than put a password between the quotes? Thanks