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Everything posted by orcmaster

  1. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    I hope you're planning the AWS strike vest as well. This is sweet
  2. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's Missions

    Keep up the good work :D One thing that occurred was 2 Chinooks colliding mid-air during the extraction. Maybe increase the distance between both of their waypoints?
  3. orcmaster

    [SP/COOP] PIROG port from Arma2

    Alright, I might do this myself when I find the time. Looking forward to your next campaign port, really impressed with this
  4. orcmaster

    US Military Mod

    One thing I've noticed is that in Eden, when you set a unit's loadout in VA, no matter what you set the glasses in the arsenal it will always remove them and use the default from your profile. Just something to take into consideration
  5. orcmaster

    [SP/COOP] PIROG port from Arma2

    Seeing as the new RHS GREF update adding CDF and Chedaki, what is the possibility of an RHS campaign? Just a thought
  6. orcmaster

    [SP/COOP] PIROG port from Arma2

    Wow, impressed with the sheer size of the missions. I think it's over and then a new task is assigned.
  7. DEVGRU in Diyala Province Iraq, circa 2010. A Force Recon Marine and a member of Seal Team 5 in Diyala, August 2007.
  8. Just as a heads up, you can change the date to 1987 and you won't die. I have no idea why this works.
  9. orcmaster

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Just when I thought I was gonna have a productive day... :D
  10. SF in the Phillipines NSW MH6 over Fallujah
  11. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Don't forget to add an excessive amount of 100 mph tape :P
  12. CAG in Iraq channel your inner gearwhore
  13. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Sweet :D Are you planning different versions such as ones with SDU 5/e, Anvis 6 battery pack, SWD goggles, etc ?
  14. orcmaster

    (SP) 1990s SOF missions (WIP)

    And just to confirm, did a CTD occur or was the mission playable
  15. orcmaster

    (SP) 1990s SOF missions (WIP)

    Maybe some more missions, but my knowledge of SOF role in the conflict is limited. However if you have any info/references or simply scenario ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
  16. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    One thing I noticed with the M16A2 was that you couldn't mount the PAQ4 laser to the handgaurd. This is incorrect as it uses an M16a2/M4 barrel mount.
  17. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Ah, makes sense lol
  18. orcmaster

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Trying out blur. I thought it looked alright for my first try.
  19. Delta PSD in Bosnia Delta, late 90s DEA in Columbia, 1997
  20. orcmaster

    (SP) 1990s SOF missions (WIP)

    Finally another mission. Delta conducting Personal Sercurity Detail for a NATO officer in Bosnia. Mods required: CUP Weapons, CUP Terrains, CUP Vehicles, CUP Units, US Military 80s 90s, BlackOps weapons 80 90, TYRK, RHS USAF, ACE http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=676877417
  21. orcmaster

    (SP) 1990s SOF missions (WIP)

    Direct Action has been updated with latest Black Ops Weapons. Had to remove arsenal and the extraction because 1.58 appears to have broken them.
  22. Marines somewhere in Iraq, 2004 Using Direone's excellent animation pack :D
  23. Takistani soldier with an Mi-24 Hind flying above Infantry patrolling on the Syrian border VDV Paratrooper and a Takistani officer conversing