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About TupacShakur

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  • Interests
    Thug Life, Crack, Bitches
  • Occupation
    Gangster, Thug, Rapper

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  • Biography
    i'mma live a Thug Life for the rest of my fucking life
    Thug Life for life!
  1. TupacShakur

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    aww come on, even a "game" like Red Orchestra can simulate realistic sniper scope PoV without any problem at all! Arma is a freaking war simulator! it's supposed to emphasize realism! please dear BI developers, do something about this! give us realistic scope PoV!!! and for God sake, give us some freaking Bipod!!! even a "game" like BF can provide us some freaking bipod! still don't know why the hell BI wasted times on some f**king stupid dlc's like Zeus & Karts dlc instead of enhancing the realism >_< Marksmen dlc better be good! but i think it'll be useless coz we already got some awesome marksmen mod like Advanced Ballistics so BI, i'm only asking you this:
  2. TupacShakur

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    holy shit! it's so freaking busy dude...thanx for da info anyway, gonna keep practicing to get the hang of it... dear creator of this mod, can you provide us all the details on those loadouts parameter and stuffs?
  3. TupacShakur

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    yup, Advanced Ballistics is extremely realistic and challenging :) we need a scope that looks realistic like this:
  4. TupacShakur

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    can you give me some tutorial on what to do and how to do for making a good shot, i'm kinda noob here, still not having a good grip on this mod... please someone teach me...
  5. TupacShakur

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    hi everybody, i'm still a newbie to sniping, got a hard time with wind reading how do i read the wind from the Kestrel? what wind page on the kestrel i should pay attention to? Wind spd, Headwind page, or Crosswind page? does the Kestrel already give me the final wind value like Arma 2 ACE kestrel? or i still need to multiply it by its direction, 0.5, 0.7, etc, based on the wind arrow sign in the top left corner? what really confuses me is that when headwind/tailwind occurs (↑ ↓) the crosswind value on the kestrel will escalate :butbut: while when crosswind occurs (↠→ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙) the crosswind value on the kestrel will de-escalate even to 0 m/s :butbut: Shouldn't it be otherwise? :confused:
  6. TupacShakur

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    hey Ruthberg, nice mod i know you're not planning to port this mod to Arma 2 :cry2: but is there any possibility for Arma 2 engine to simulate dynamic atmospheric condition & real air drag? is Arma 2 engine capable of doing what your mod does? if so, would you kindly share the knowledge on making this? please bro, some Arma 2 modders are willing to implement this into Arma 2...