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About Kraken1918

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  1. haha nice man :D here are some pictures if you need them :) http://spartanat.com/2014/08/neue-uniformen-fuer-das-jagdkommando/#more-26424 http://www.bundesheer.gv.at/misc/image_popup/ImageTool.php?strAdresse=/karriere/generalstabslehrgang/galerie/vollbild/20140703_111145.jpg&intSeite=1920&intHoehe=1080&intMaxSeite=1920&intMaxHoehe=1025&blnFremd=0 http://www.bundesheer.gv.at/misc/image_popup/ImageTool.php?strAdresse=/sk/lask/jakdo/images/top_jako.jpg&intSeite=1920&intHoehe=1080&intMaxSeite=1920&intMaxHoehe=1025&blnFremd=0 http://www.glossyapp.com/reader/40#/documents/6S5jLvrBIa8/46 http://derrauber.deviantart.com/art/Austrian-Camo-Pattern-340899368 http://spartanat.com/2013/09/hoher-besuch-beim-jagdkommando/ and a video :)
  2. i waited for a Jagdkommando mod since the release of arma 3, and finally there is one out :D. Firstly, you did great job! I really love this mod :P But the real Jagdkommando uses Digital multicam camouflage since 2011 ( I could send you a few links with pictures), so the textures you made are outdated (they still look great) It would be awesome if you would do that in any future updates if you have enough time, i know it's a damn much work :).