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About Brickus

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  1. 1) I tested CBA/TFAR on different servers. No issues 2) Then I created a new profile, join the 15th Recruiting server. No error messages - Able to enter all vehicles. Nkey, I am truly grateful for your help. Thank you and if you ever need some beer or Bratwurst out of Germany, send me a PM. :)
  2. It is on version 0.92 already. It has been from the start.
  3. Hello Nkey and anyone who would like to help. I am getting desperate and it is my greatest hope that you fine people can help me to find a solution. I am unable to enter any vehicles with Task force radio enabled. If I disable TFAR, I can enter vehicles normally, but naturally can't use TFAR. my problem is similar or might be the same as an issue mentioned on page 32, 3rd post from the top of this thread. (Link: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169029-Task-Force-Arrowhead-Radio/page32 - 3rd post from Harzach on Page 32) First, I will abide by your questionaire from page 32: Could you please provide me following info: 1) RPT file of one game with error https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6706948/arma3_2014-08-30_04-19-09.rpt.txt 2) Is it reproducible in several missions \ slots? Yes, various slots and/or missions 3) Is anything (radio) works after the error? After I receive the error "Looks like TFAR addon not enabled or version less than 0.8.1", the radio still works perfectly fine, but I cannot enter any vehicle The error always pops out, doesn't matter if TFAR is enabled or not. However, if not enabled, I can enter vehicles. 4) JIP\not JIP affects the problem? I do not know what JIP stands for, please clarify. 5) Status string from TS Again, I do not know how to retrieve the status string. Please tell me how. :) 6) Is userconfig placed correctly? Yes, the config is place correctly and has been checked by 2 other individuals. Now my personal notes: What I use: ARMA III - fully up to date (verified) CBA_A3 (1.08...) TFAR (Version 0.9.2) Teamspeak (3.0.14) I've taken the following steps: - reinstalling ARMA III (12 times) - verification of game cache - deleting, redownloading and reinstalling all add-ons 4 times (all files) (CBA, TFAR) - disabling and enabling TFAR in Teamspeak - changing in-game profile parameters such as voice pitch, avatar, aso. - starting the game directly, by launcher; with and without intro - activating add-ons through launcher or in-game - spawning in as various roles - attempt to enter a vehicle with normal combat gear - attempt to enter a vehicle without any gear (naked) Error-message after approximately 15 seconds: "Looks like TFAR addon not enabled or version less than 0.8.1" IMPORTANT NOTES: - Able to access all crates, boxes and vehicle gears - Able to use ordnance - Seemingly able to use TFAR despite error notification - mod command line in order (CBA_A3, then TFAR) I've taken the following steps for reference to Non-TFAR servers: - Joining a vanilla server with better and worse ping (Able to enter ALL vehicles) Again, I greatly appreciate any help. I've been going at this for 4 days now. :(