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Everything posted by jagga99

  1. Guys, please help I downloaded latest build of arma3.exe v16 1.66 binaries. Should I also download custom dll allocators? Where I can find latest builds to test them? I found only custom allocators in folder called as v7 1.66 Please help to clarify this topic. Thanks.
  2. Dear friends, I have an array of coordinates (X,Y) without Z coordinate. Approximatly 20+ dots. Please help me find a way to put this markers on the map in Editor mode (I should be able to see in game these dots). Markers are in the following format: Marker1, {X,Y} Marker2, {X,Y} etc. Thank a lot for your assistance!
  3. I'm newbie in scripting for Arma3. Please help me to get all coordinates (markers on the map) of certain type of building on Altis Map. I found a script which could help me but I dont know how to use it: _i = 1; { _name = format["m%1", _i]; _foo = createmarker [_name, getPos _x]; _foo setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _foo setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _i = _i + 1; } forEach nearestObjects [player, ["Cargo_Tower_base_F"], 5500]; I'm looking for markers on the map of all white sheds ("Land_i_Shed_Ind_F") on Altis map. Thank you!
  4. Thanks a lot. Just to clarify how to use a second option? 1. Create mission; 2. Put marker with trigger; 3. On trigger activation type above text?;
  5. Stupid question: how to run this script? 1. Run mission editor; .. ?