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Everything posted by arkhir

  1. In case if you'd want to have compatibility between RHS and HLC AK magazines and attachements. Place it in any mod directory, I'd suggest loading it from separate catalog or from one of the mods that the compatibility patch is for.
  2. arkhir

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What about ACE Fragmentation with grenades that shouldn't produce it?
  3. Allocator definitely helped, but didn't solve the problem. Still crashing, both server and clients. Crashes notably more clients with weaker PCs and no allocators.
  4. arkhir

    Aftermath Rush Gamemode [BETA]

    Coolest gamemode I've ever seen. Only thing I may suggest - go more for your own stylistics, copying everything from battlefield (backgrounds and sounds) is kinda meh.
  5. arkhir

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah it's due to recent FOV changes made by Bohemia. Default "naked eye" view, holding right mouse button, is 3x for vanilla. For RHS it's stuck at the old values, being 2x I believe. I'm pretty sure the next release of RHS will introduce the FOV consistency updates to the game.
  6. Looks so good with 3d scopes using parallax effect (MRCO, IanSky's SpecterDR). If you haven't checked it out yet, do so :D
  7. I must've been living under a rock, or the compatibilities for RHS, ACE and CUP have been just added recently. No big surprise though, Toadie always does stuff properly. Thank you :) also vog25p bouncing explosion - wow.
  8. Hey. Are you guys, by any chance, planning to tweak ACE_Backblast somehow? ATM I'm playing without it, due to being extremely overdone, especially in rooms. It's a really nice conception, but in my opinion it shouldn't be as brutal as it is - it should probably still deafen and stun you (maybe some blurry screen visuals, dust kicking up, and deafness, even with hearing protection?) but trying to do in ArmA with ACE3 installed would end up with most of the room dying due to backblast. There's even more of these examples, some of them fairly recent from Ukraine, with more modern RPG rounds.Same thing with small surfaces such as net fences or some other, narrow things like pillars, lampposts, tree trunks, etc. - these bounce off the backblast and usually end up killing/heavily damaging me, even when they definitely shouldn't be lethal nor damaging. Other thing I'd like to mention is the lack of any apparent downsides of not wearing the combat goggles/ballistic glasses. Only downside there is (color contrast going up) seems to be not as bad as when wearing a pair (your screen gets all dirty and you've got to clean 'em). Also, ACE Gforces seem to be alright on singleplayer, but on multi they feel much, much more harsh, just as if my pilot wasn't wearing the suit or wasn't trained at all. What causes this? It's entirely different experience than when just playing in plain editor. Turning fairly gently with a speed circa 600 km/h knocked me unconcious. The unconciousness also seems to be really long, and a fixed value. Adding a random length of G-lock would certainly give more interesting results. Opinions? What do you think of my feedback? Keep up the great work :)
  9. Great, absolutely lovely map. Love the tides. As good as it is, it's simply unplayable. We used it only for one mission, because the map kept constantly crashing on us.
  10. Hey. Is it possible to make it work with default respawn menu?
  11. Masterpiece. Downloading ASAP, I want to see if it works with attachements. You can't have misaligned holosight, but I'd love to see that reticle moving like irl, not being centered perfectly always when aiming, and going to the side only when turning with your weapon up. Would you allow ACE3 to integrate it, if they planned to? edit: getting 404 on dropbox :c thankfully it's already up on AH edit 2: did some testing, played with it the initial effect looks really good, although the followup misalignment (when moving your mouse around) should be more pronounced in my opinion.
  12. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    What about Horus H102? :ph34r:
  13. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    It's me who PMed him. Yeah I'm aware of this issue, that's what contributes to the mistake over range, to be honest though on 100m this error isn't as big as on 300m. Usually, what I do is I zero on a flat plane with a target that's 100m away, setting my scope like that and then changing the zero with ACE options (self interaction -> equipement -> set zero adjustment), then I'm sure I'm zeroed in on given range, no matter what config or HUD says.
  14. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    yay changelog, anywhere? :D
  15. Load ASDG JR compatibility optional PBO. It should be in @ace/optionals.
  16. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    I see. Somehow they got it working in some RHS scopes (for example their RPG sight - while pressing N the reticle gets illuminated) - don't know about the variable zoom scopes though. Sure, I am :D I just hope they'll remain ACE-compatible, if not by the inheritence then by your own settings of these parameters.
  17. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    milliradians I believe your scopes inherited these configs from vanilla DMS scope if you didn't put them in there manually. If you want to configure these values you're going to have to do that. It doesn't add the configs to every scope, that's why there is a compatibility patch - to add this functionality for modded scopes. Coming back to your illuminated reticles - I've noticed it's currently working by pressing + once again while in 32x. Don't you think switching it over for "N" (nightvision key) would be better? This way you could have illuminated reticle even in 8x zoom steps :) I like the yellowish tint, nice.
  18. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    class rhs_acc_pso1m2: rhs_acc_sniper_base { ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = { 0, 0 }; ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = { -10, 10 }; ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.0; ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.5; }; that's how PSO-1m2 is done in ACE3 compatibility patch for RHS. You're unable to adjust vertical turret, you can adjust horizontal for windage with 0.5 step and -10 to +10 range.
  19. arkhir

    FHQ Accessories pack

    https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/c9529a1e1c2b908def1ad2e9940ac12a9560ef3e/addons/scopes/CfgWeapons.hpp There you go, found ready-done configs for you. I think you'll just need to introduce the ACE_ entries under your config file.
  20. arkhir

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Cool. Are you planning to release ACE config for your scopes? I'm unable to zero in on the Leupolds :/
  21. arkhir

    Mk 1 eyeballs

    Go for it. I was actually considering making it ACE-compatible, but I'm just a scripting peasant compared to you guys. It'd also solve known issues, if it used the viewdistances set in ACE3 Options. @up Sure can do, I'd just need to make an interface where I could store these values. Like in ACE3 settings.
  22. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    Yeah Ruthberg is a great guy, I made my forum account just to exchange some thoughts on his advanced ballistics back when it was still standalone. I'm glad you'll collaborate with him :D