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About phantom-x

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  1. anyone know how to make the intro playable?
  2. i made two separate missions, one of them is a short prelude, i discovered the intro tab that missions use, and that's exactly what i was trying to do with my prelude. My question is, is there any way for me to merge my prelude, as intro to my main mission? when i try to merge them now, they both just show on the main mission tab. ---------- Post added at 02:43 ---------- Previous post was at 00:51 ---------- Ok i figured it out, i used the group tool, and then selected all, ctrl+V, load up my main map, and paste it right in there.
  3. I have just published my first mission, i am having issues while using the update function in the steam publisher. My new mission scenario (on subed from steam) seems to open saves associated with the old version of my mission, causing it to somehow resurrect an old version of my map. when i update the map i add a ".1, .2,or _2, _3" etc. so my missions end up looking like this "save_hefner1.2, even experimented with save_hefner_1_3", that and unsubing/resubing still doesn't fix the issue for me. I've had to manually go into steam folder to delete the old saves, before steam will download, and use the newest version. Kind of a bummer for me, because my map is a work in progress, and was hoping steam would automatically ensure players are using the latest version. If anyone could shed some light on this for me, i would be a happy camper, thank you!
  4. yeh i been havin issues with steam update aswell