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Everything posted by XOSPECTRE


    1.60 lightings

    Hello is there any chance to do some setings or something to get old lighting I really hate that new colored arma its look like its all wrong its ugly for me ..I tried contrast saturation but I still cant get old arma looks any help plz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I play only vanilla arma and I hate new lighting.. so what I should stop play this game ??? really because I paid for some game what excited me but now its different product ..

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    turn that new lighting off BIS plz... this lighting is probably good for tanoa but not for altis stratis etc.... when I sly in the plane now I fell like im in the white fog not in the air..

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Is there any chance to change setings to make arma looks like in older version? I really hate new colors and lights of arma
  5. Hello.. I'm working on CTI with atomic bomb but I need to create vehicles with name I mean how to spawn for example car with some name, im using this: _Autonomous = "I_UAV_02_F" createVehicle [24068.07,18587.05,3.19]; I will be appreciated if someone got any idea THX.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    after version 1.58 external view in unit camera from becti engine menu is not working any suggestion how it has been change it to fix it ?
  7. hello is it just bug on my side or there is no backlight in all cocpit during night in planes and choppers ..Its look like during day cocpit displays are glowing but during night its tottaly dark

    Fantasy Air Allegro 2000

    Fantastic addon...any chance u can make Czech glider BLANIK ?? plz :)

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    post this mission here i will fix it for u. u need delete few lines in misison sqm after v 1.54
  10. Awesome thankx a lot thedubl.. and how to create vehicle whith some direction for exampple setdir 180 but whith the same scrip . _Autonomous = createVehicle ["I_UAV_02_F", [24068.07,18587.05,3.19] , [], 0, "NONE"];

    Smarter tanks script

    Wow best mod for arma :p I like when Community people doing what bis refuse forgot implement into vanilla arma even if there is tons of feedback tracker and videos and nothing happenes :) thank u man

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    CTI whith NUCLEAR bombs both side . proof of concept ... + ingame arma soundtrack.. reuploaded to Dropbox new version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wom234nd1v20yfl/CTI_GLOBAL_WAR.Altis.pbo?dl=0

    Tracked vehicles & Driving reverse

    thats ai reversing in tank is true Im extreme angry when I order ai to reverse and ai don't know what to do they looks like they go forward than decide to do something unspecified and thhan ai reversing but its like reversing whith damaged track and PhysX usually catapult u to far away your tank and if there is some fence or building u got lot of damage ..Of course insulting bis is silly but Vasily.B is right I understood his reaction ..BIS u don't want hear what im saying when this happanes to me :DDD no offence :P

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    aha sorry for credits than...and thx to solving this problem

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I Tried that colorDisabled[] = {bla blal bla}; from that modified dialogs from the capulet and yes its works im confused now :P maybe I`ll think before posting ... :lol:

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    yes this error is in Resources and dialogs its probably something like this colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorPicture[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorPictureSelected[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; itemBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.1}; columns[] = {0.25, 0.001, 0.75, 0.85}; problem is its not fault of THIS cti mission its fault of arma version 1.52 u have to wait until 1,54 hopefully its will be sorted

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Have u been thinking about x47 b drone ?

    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    for those who belive in multicultural Europe !!!!! we cant live whith islam no imigrants .... if u think yes look at this https://www.facebook.com/100009355172266/videos/1516980461957112/?pnref=story

    Terrorist attacks in Paris


    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    Interesting.... USA and French bombing IS 1 wek and they killed 33 fighters and it cost milions and milions of dolars ..and IS do ONE attack for one hour and there is 128 dead and price of this attack is like NEW SMARTPHONE cost :DD looks like IS is most effective army on this world :p

    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke . and this is exactly europe politics

    Terrorist attacks in Paris

    Anonymous group OPISIS or redcult** know about that attack and facebook baned this group 2 hours before attack to don't let them to warn people they could be saved lot of people but because of facebook they all died read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/11/hours-before-paris-exposing-isis-recruiters/

    A3 futuristic

    Hello I know there is lot of complains about futuristic arma 3 asset but I really love it and its not so futuristic if u try to search in google everything is somehow presented already on this planet ...Why this topic ?? I hope BIS will not go too backward in tanoa island I hope everything will have same hi tech atmosphere like current arma 3. of course some ak74 insurgent would be cool ... There is one military website and they posting every new military technology, camouflage etc. etc.. and when I reading this website every day its seems like bis predicted lot of stuff in arma pretty accurate like green digi camo if u check this http://www.armadninoviny.cz/domains/0023-armadninoviny_cz/useruploads/images/tanky/leo2_pso_front01y6xw.jpg u can see lot of similarity ..same whith t100 warsuk looks like based on t95 cernyj orel latter armata and many more stuff bis have some secret info of ongoing new tech ? :D never mind I really like it and I hope BIS wil continue in this FUTURE PROOF game concept .