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About roderick805

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  1. I am trying to keep track of sector ownership persistence through a server restart. I am writing the ownership and sector name to a db. On server startup I would like to check the db and change ownership to last saved. I am just missing the part where i set ownership. Thanks in advance.
  2. I am a noob and for the life cannot figure this one out. Tried searching for hours.
  3. roderick805

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    My Range Table (minus windage) SOS/LRPS 200 - 1 300 - 2 400 - 2.5 500 - 3.5 600 - 4.5 700 - 6.5 800 - 8 900 - 10 1000 - 12.5 leupold/dms (lower zero to 300m [shift+page down]) 300 - 0 400 - 1 500 - 2 600 - 3 700 - 4.5 800 - 6 900 - 8 1000 - 10.3 If someone can confirm these values or correct that would be great. Flummi if you can keep the default zeroing to 300m and not 1m (like the sos/lrps).
  4. roderick805

    Respawn with Custom loadout

    waitUntil {!isNull player}; //to prevent MP / JIP issues _unit = _this select 0; if(true) exitWith{}; Using this script it constantly repeats itself. Dedicated Server. Any help?