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Posts posted by mrsandbox

  1. I wonder why there is only so few feedback for your campaign so far !

    You have done excellent work and it was great fun to play through and like the most things you like very much, it ends too fast of course;-)

    May i ask where you found the guys for the iranian voice overs, were they paid? I thought i heard voice overs from the official campaign also, or am i wrong?

    If you decide to develope something new, best luck with it, il definitly keep an eye on your entrys!

    • Like 1

  2. To make it simple.

    1. Place a Prowler

    2. Place a fireteam of 4 guys - the teamleader set as player

    3. Drag them in the vehicle

    4. Preview Ingame

    5. You are the commander of the vehicle and can order with WASD to move and turn

    6. Now get out of vehicle, get back in gunner slot

    7. You cant command the vehicle any more (guess because the driver took the command somehow)


    Is this intended or is there a script solution? Thanks!

  3. i think you missunderstood. What i wanted to change was the distance they go in panic mode if a shotis fired. Right now civilians which are more then 70 meters away from the shooter dont react. Looks stupid if they have their animations stil standing around.

    but the eventhandler fired says in the biki, is only until 69 meters. im searching for a way to raise the distance to the gunshot they react. maybe a triggerare where they react would be cool. tried to code somtehing but my skills are not the enough sadly.

  4. Hey guys, i wanted to use this function here, but i dont know how i have to call it...Appreciate some help, thanks...


    #define ON 		0
    #define OFF 		0.97
    #define LIGHT 		"light_1_hitpoint"
    #define DUMMY		"BIS_effectDummy"
    #define DESTROYED	"BIS_lightDestroyed"
    #define SAMPLE		"electricity_loop"
    #define HELIPAD		"Land_HelipadEmpty_F"
    private ["_position", "_type", "_timing", "_delay", "_condition"];
    _position	= [_this, 0, [0,0,0], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _type		= [_this, 1, "Land_LampShabby_F", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _timing		= [_this, 2, [0.25, 0.50], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _delay		= [_this, 3, [1, 2], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _condition	= [_this, 4, { true }, [{}]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    //Find related objects
    private "_object";
    _object = nearestObject [_position, _type];
    //Make sure we found an object
    if (isNull _object) exitWith {
    	["Object at position (%1), of type (%2) not found", _position, _type] call BIS_fnc_error;
    //Light starts off
    _object setHit [LIGHT, OFF];
    //Hit event handler
    _object addEventhandler ["Hit", { (_this select 0) setvariable [DESTROYED, true]; }];
    private "_setState";
    _setState = {
    	private ["_object", "_on"];
    	_object	= [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    	_on 	= [_this, 1, true, [true]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    	//The dummy object
    	private "_dummy";
    	_dummy = objNull;
    	//Does the dummy object been created already
    	if (isNil { _object getVariable DUMMY }) then {
    		//Create dummy object
    		private "_dummy";
    		_dummy = createVehicle [HELIPAD, position _object, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		//Attach it to the light object
    		_dummy attachTo [_object, [0,0,2]];
    		_object setVariable [DUMMY, _dummy];
    	} else {
    		_dummy = _object getVariable DUMMY;
    	//Effect on or off
    	if (_on) then {
    		//Play effect
    		_dummy setDamage 0;
    		_dummy say3D SAMPLE;
    		_object setHit [LIGHT, ON];
    	} else {
    		//Destroy effect
    		_dummy setDamage 1;
    		_object setHit [LIGHT, OFF];
    private "_lightOn";
    _lightOn = false;
    //Main loop
    while _condition do {
    	//Exit if destroyed
    	if (!isNil { _object getvariable DESTROYED }) exitWith {
    		//Light off
    		_object setHit [LIGHT, OFF];
    		["Light object (%1) was destroyed", _object] call BIS_fnc_log;
    	//Blinking loop
    	for "_i" from 0 to 5 do {
    		//Set state
    		if (_lightOn) then {
    			[_object, false] call _setState;
    			_lightOn = false;
    		} else {
    			[_object, true] call _setState;
    			_lightOn = true;
    		//The timing
    		sleep (_timing call BIS_fnc_randomNum);
    	sleep (_delay call BIS_fnc_randomNum);
    //Does it exist?
    if (!isNil { _object getVariable DUMMY }) then {
    	//The dummy
    	private "_dummy";
    	_dummy = _object getVariable DUMMY;
    	//Detach and delete
    	detach _dummy;
    	deleteVehicle _dummy;

