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Everything posted by DLC_Crabz

  1. Hello reader, I was messing around with a script Stump made that attached ammoboxes and ammo to vehicles It looks really neat and i tought i could alter some to attach a few things to the Prowler. Turns out that when the objects are inside the bounding box of the model you can simply not Reach them. Now i had an idea to put these items inside the vehicle's inventory and once you've taken them out the external items will be hidden. So far what i've done is attached the external items to the vehicle with the attachTo command wich was fairly easy. Now i've tried fiddeling around to check the vehicles inventory but i'm getting an array wich has arrays in it and i fail to get the right vallue... Perhaps a guy with more experience can help me out.. I think i need some sort of counter that walks trough the returned array but i don't know how. I used this to return the desired value for the 1st weapon in the vehicle but i need to check all. weaponsItemsCargo Prowler1 Retruns [["launch_RPG32_F","","","","",[],""],[['arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F','','acc_pointer_IR','optic_Aco',['30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag',29]]] weaponsItemsCargo Prowler1 select 0 Returns ["launch_RPG32_F","","","","",[],""] (weaponsItemsCargo Prowler1 select 0) select 0 In this instance it returned "launch_RPG32_F" because it was the 1st in the vehicle. Eventually it needs to check the amount of remaining Launchers in the vehicle and hide the launchers attached to the vehicle. The vehicle has 4 launchers attached to it. Any toughts ?
  2. DLC_Crabz

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Hello, Is it possible that you can add a TAN variant of the grippod? or the ability to retexture it?
  3. DLC_Crabz

    RH Pistol pack

    Hello, @RobertHammer is it possible that you could release the Glock 17 ( all black ) variant stand alone? We would love to use it for our Dutch mod collection but we're trying to cut down on exces mods. Thanks in advance. kind regards, Crabz
  4. DLC_Crabz

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hello, Is it possible to add the RIS rails to the 13.5 inch Minimi variant with para stock? The Netherlands uses that and would love to use it.
  5. 23-05-2016[/size] +Fixed ShadowVolume[/size] +Added custom sounds and soundtail[/size] +Added black variants and hiddenSelection "camo"[/size] Colt C7/C8 NLD is now fully functional and will be released soon
  6. Hello reader, As the title says we're currently working on a Colt C7 NLD model for our dutch unit (Dutch lions community). Currently we're 2 man working on it in various steps because thats the only way we knew how to create the model. I'll briefly explain our steps and also the problems we're having. Sources we have: -Real life accurate photo's -Real life measurements -CATIA knowledge -3dsmax knowledge -poor Oxygen2 knowledge -some configuring knowledge Things done: -Made the model in a program called CATIA, this was easier to do because he has working experience in CATIA. -converted the model from CATIA to 3dsmax wich allowed conversion over to Oxygen 2 -Converted the model from 3dsmax to Oxygen2 -We've used the content from BI wich is called MyFirstM16 i beleive to kind of copy paste our model so it has all the right LOD's (adapted for our model) and it has the right memory points. -Handmade textures from real life photo's Problems we're having: -Textures seem to change color ingame. Fixed -Dificult to create a hiddenselections (all the faces are junked up toughetter as a result to the conversions perhaps?). UV mapping is fixed. -No clue how to assign rails and make optics go invisible when you put a scope on the gun. Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things -Muzzle flash is constant Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things -Rear iron sight won't hide when optic is mounted Made a propper model.cfg but still missing a few things -Need a .rvmat, and textures for materials. Working on it. 25% done -No clue how to make the gripbipod work (not nesseccary but would be cool) -Model.cfg is lacking the nesseccary things to make the UGL work. Can't find good sources for the animation types and sources. Help? Things we need: -Animations -Animations for UGL -Sounds -config.cpp -Model.cfg -Some help with the above ;) If there is anyone with the time and knowledge to help us out would be great. Kind regards, Crabz - Dutch Lions Community Few images to visualize the work: Refference real life photo's - http://i.imgur.com/4lrtM7m.jpg Models in difrent programs - http://i.imgur.com/vEcpoYA.jpg C7NLD in the hands of a unit - http://i.imgur.com/yZKzDql.jpg Changelog: +Changed ?problem 03-05-2016 +Texture colors fixed with appropriate color scheme. +UV mapping fixed but still no hiddenselections assigned. +Added a proxy for the TOP mounted scope that suprisingly worked. +Added animations +Added sounds +Made a config ?Muzzle flash is constant ?Rear iron sight won't hide when optic is mounted ?Need a .rvmat, and textures for materials 16-05-2016 +added new model.cfg to fix Muzzle flash and rear sight hiding +added custom .rvmat with SMDI and NOHQ +added custom AG36 (M320) model to the C7 to get C7NLD_UGL +Leon is working on C7 style thermal molded magazines ?Need more animationsources in model.cfg to make UGL work ?Need propper animations for UGL 19-05-2016 +Added C7 magazines +Added better textures 22-05-2016 +Fixed the UGL animations. +Fixed magazine reload animations. +Added 40mm shell case and shell that fall out and get inserted. +Added nogrip variant that allows for a grippod to be placed functioning as a bipod. +Used the Grippod P1nga made for SMA. +Changed back to plain textures as the photorealistic don't look that good yet. +Added sights to AG36 40mm grenade launcher ?Still need model and configs to creat our own grippod. ?Sights of AG36 do not work yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpZFHuhhS20 23-05-2016 +Fixed sight of the AG36 grenade launcher. +The weapon is fully functional but still need to workout some dependency's +Added C8 shorter variant, (Default, UGL and nogrip) 02-06-2016 +Fixed ShadowVolume +Added custom sounds and soundtail +Added black variants and hiddenSelection "camo" Colt C7/C8 NLD is now fully functional and will be released soon
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpZFHuhhS20 23-05-2016 +Fixed sight of the AG36 grenade launcher. +The weapon is fully functional but still need to workout some dependency's +Added C8 shorter variant, (Default, UGL and nogrip)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp1EzyLb08g&feature=youtu.be 22-05-2016 +Fixed the UGL animations. +Fixed magazine reload animations. +Added 40mm shell case and shell that fall out and get inserted. +Added nogrip variant that allows for a grippod to be placed functioning as a bipod. +Used the Grippod P1nga made for SMA. +Changed back to plain textures as the photorealistic don't look that good yet. +Added sights to AG36 40mm grenade launcher ?Still need model and configs to creat our own grippod. ?Sights of AG36 do not work yet.
  9. 19-05-2016 +Added C7 magazines +Added better textures
  10. 16-05-2016 +added new model.cfg to fix Muzzle flash and rear sight hiding +added custom .rvmat with SMDI and NOHQ +added custom AG36 (M320) model to the C7 to get C7NLD_UGL +Leon is working on C7 style thermal molded magazines ?Need more animationsources in model.cfg to make UGL work ?Need propper animations for UGL
  11. DLC_Crabz

    Bushmaster PMV A3 [WIP]

    It honestly wasn't alot of work so i'll be happy to send the texture files over to P1nga, Perhaps he can put it in the mods and release it. Or ill Release a "Retextured" mod if P1nga gives permissions. Besides that i'm patiently waiting for the version with the FN 58 MAG mounted on it. I've already seen some textures and config related stuff in the PBO so hopes are high!
  12. DLC_Crabz

    Bushmaster PMV A3 [WIP]

    Hey P1nga, Long time ago i've asked you permission to retexture and use your abselutely beautiful bushmaster. It would be fair to actually show what i did with it and some in mission screenshots. We're all looking forward to what the future beholds. Keep up the good work and really appriciate all the effort put in to this. As for the "Retexture" all i've done is slightly adjusted the texture color to match the dutch colors and added things like the NLD markings and a few liscence plates. Kind regards, Crabz http://imgur.com/a/ptgyr
  13. Hello, On the unit i'm currently playing we're planning to introduce a ranking system. We want the rankings to be visual on the soldier in the game. Now the ranks will be manually put in the XML as their IQC. An easy way would be to create multiple XML's all with difrent icons acording to their ranks. Now we're also very proud to present our own logo on the vehicle and on the shoulder. Now the question as the title says, Is it possible to have an init or some kind of script that checks the ICQ of the squad XML? Thanks in advance, Crabz
  14. Eventually managed to make my own Function incorperated in the mod. If people are intrested i'll be glad to share.
  15. DLC_Crabz

    BLUFOR MBT-52 Kuma

    I've done some retexturing myself, Including the Kuma. What amazes me of your PSD files is how you've exported the Normal map and the Material map. Could you help me out with those so i can make better retextures my self?
  16. Currently i have it setup like this. but it appears to lag the server tremendously. Init.sqf if (hasInterface) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { _squadICQ = squadParams player select 1 select 4; [player, _squadICQ] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; sleep 15; }; };
  17. Few hours later and a little messing around. I've made the classnames of the insignia's exactly like the names of the ranks in the SquadXML. Then with a Trigger in a MP mission i finaly managed to get the Insignia to show wich was assigned to me in the SquadXML SquadICQ = squadParams player select 1 select 4; [player, SquadICQ] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; hint str SquadICQ; Is there an easy way to make this in to a script or mod that does this like every 2 minutes or like on respawns ? Kind regards, Crabz
  18. I've picked up some work on this project again. This that are done: -the ranks are created in photoshop -I've finalized the logo's for Teamspeak 16x16 -Created .paa textures for insignia's -Made a mod including all ranks as insignia's with classnames -Made an excel sheet with a forumla that calculates a players rank based on their trainings. SquadXML -A script has been made to export the information from the excel sheet to a SquadXML The only thing that i still need to do is : -Make a script for arma that checks the squadParams ICQ and then assign the acording insignia I'm not very smart and not a good learner and i would love it if someone could personally help me. I've read trough the Introduction to Scripting but this seems a little too advanced for me. Can someone help me out? Kind regards, Crabz
  19. Oh boy, Same here. this will make life alot easier for large scale missions and people that join in progress and not have a gearset saved in arsenal. Great mod. :)
  20. Awesome! Thanks for the quick response. I'm currently trying to understand scripting. Would it be concidered bad if i asked for help on this here or should i do more research on my own? If so, I'd love someone who could run me trough quick steps and help me put this toughetter.
  21. DLC_Crabz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The version front paged on Armaholic appears to give an error about the M203 wich i see you've already fixed.
  22. DLC_Crabz

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Dear reader, I'm currently unsure if i should post it here. I have a question regarding the unconscious state. The group i play in uses AGM and its really nice to have. We have it setup so you can only go unconscious, and you are invulnerable when you are unconscious. Now we're also using a Radio mod along with AGM. Now is the thing that when e.g. your squadlead goes unconscious, and you with to take his backpack to keep the coms up. This is simply not an option. Is there a posible way to alter AGM to be able to open the unconcious players inventory or simply swap backpacks? King regards, Crabz
  23. DLC_Crabz

    Mobile Heli pad posibilities

    Goodday Soldiers, I've enjoyed the latest DLC alot and came across the added scenery objects that have been added to the game for the "Airport". Now with the way we have the little mobile helipads it would be amazing to be able to "Tow" these to something like a UGV wich would act as a towing vehicle. Or you could have a towing tractor like the one in arma 2. I know there is a script wich you can add to your missions called R3F logistics and there probably are more simmilar wich enable you to "Tow" Vehicles. The only problem with that is that the mobile heli pad is not a vehicle and i wouldn't know how to configure this to be able to be towed and then attaching the heli to the mobile helipad securely. If you guys think this is worth the effort and have the know how to do this let me know! it got me exited. Here are some pictures for illustration. http://i.imgur.com/ux8s9cz.jpg (339 kB) Kind regards, Crabz
  24. DLC_Crabz

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Thanks for your effort to point that out to me and you are abselutely right. I am not in the postition to moan about a release and the most respect full thing to do would be just to wait patentiently. Sorry to have bothered. We are now using RH's mod dispite the weight bug. Really appriciate your work, time and effort. Sorry, Crabz
  25. DLC_Crabz

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hello, more then a week has passed and i'd like to know the current state of the addon, and maybe if it is worth while to release a patch for the weight issue. since the value's of spartan might take some time. I'd love to use these m4 and m16's in my missions as they have amazing textures and 3d models. Kind regards, Crabz