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About Rich44

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  1. I have an external (Google Maps API) map of Altis and I simply want to convert positions [X,Y,Z] to Gmaps LatLng positions. Is this possible, and if so how? Been searching for a while but the only working examples are for Arma 2 and then mostly DayZ on Chernarus. The same conversions don't seem to apply any longer.
  2. It entirely depends on what _target is. Also, publicVariable "killer" could cause issues on other clients, what if two people are killed at the same time? You *could* potentially end up with multiple death messages for the same person.
  3. Rich44

    Alternative to hideObject?

    I don't think this is possible. You could probably think of some elaborate workaround but the gain will be little. TBH, I thought hidden objects would still allow you to use 'em - AI units still work while hidden.