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Everything posted by Barba-negra

  1. If there is, you will see that yes :)
  2. it's just a suggestion :)
  3. I do not know if it can be done, but I could add a script that when placing the ship in the editor, at the beginning of the mission it will be deleted and recreated in the same place
  4. yes, because if it is a problem of the game it is already difficult to fix it, unless Bohemian fixes it
  5. yes, the boats, you can add an example mission in your next update, for the people that use the boats in multiplayer
  6. Ship = "HAFM_Ship" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hspawn"; this would make the ship be created as soon as the mission starts, and you should not experience the current problem
  7. use a scripts created by the ship already when the mission is started, without using zeus
  8. well then the temporary request would be to use the createvehicle command, in the current mission, it is a strange error xD
  9. can see it from minute 1:13 and at minute 2.58
  10. You are right, however I think it is a problem of class type CfgVehicles of the ship, because these types of boats that I show you a continuation, do not have that problem, what is used in the Arma 3 and well fine, and you To land the helicopter even with the player inside the ship, I believe that these ships are equipped with another type of CfgVehicles, if you have time to check, you will get errors when throwing them in Arma 3 but they will be problems more than all of sounds and weapons, but working How can I solve the problem http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11124
  11. hahaha add a scripts to the ship, adjust the helicopter on the helipad, something similar to an attachTo
  12. previously used a mod called FFAA of Arma 2, containing a frigate and a corvette, containing a script that when landing the Helicopter on the helipad of the ship, appeared an addaction that adjusted the ship to the deck, and that allowed the player enter the helmsman position of the ship and sail with the helicopter on the heliport, maybe it can be a solution
  13. I had experienced that problem since the first versions, but I did not report it because I thought it was a problem with the Arma 3 engine, and I still think it is a problem of the Arma motor 3
  14. Barba-negra

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    exact the name of the class of the radio
  15. Barba-negra

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    @Dedmen Do you understand spanish?
  16. Barba-negra

    HAFM NAVY (Ships) - v2.0

    Thank you Mr. Aplion and Mr. Devastator_CM, Your mod is beautiful, I love it, I have not seen it yet, and I love it, thank you
  17. Barba-negra

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    @Dedmen I just wanted to ask you what is the radius that by default brings the bluford player when entering the map? What is the name of the addon of that radio? an example radio_f_i56
  18. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    thanks friends
  19. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    It's like having a camera in the third person, moving in different directions, fixed to the player, and the player can see how the camera rotates while moving
  20. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    ok is fine, and this is the original screenplay of the indicam scritps, the actor is the person to whom the camera is fixed, and it is without problems, but the person who is seeing the effect can not move is immobile, Then if I fixed the camera to myself, (which is what I need to do) I can not move, my intention is to have a camera that follows me, and I can see the turns it makes while I move
  21. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    this is the perfect way, there has to be a way to defrost the player right here in this script and the camera follow its functions comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " indiCam, by woofer. "; comment " "; comment " indiCam_fnc_actorManager "; comment " "; comment " This script manages who the actor is at a given time. "; comment " "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " automatic vincinity actor switch "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; // Function to randomize and assign a new actor by starting to look within a given radius and then expanding the search until an actor is found. // Format [radius,preferPlayerBool] call indiCam_fnc_randomizeActor; // [25,true] call indiCam_fnc_randomizeActor indiCam_fnc_randomizeActor = { if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "Randomizing actor"}; private [ "_radius", "_preferPlayer", "_unitArray", "_unitArrayPlayers", "_unitArrayAI", "_case", "_actorSet" ]; _radius = _this select 0; // Feed the function the starting radius _preferPlayer = _this select 1; // Feed the function the actor preference //if (isNil "_radius") then {_radius = 25} else {_radius = _this select 0}; // If the argument isn't given, assume a radius //if (isNil "_preferPlayer") then {_preferPlayer = false} else {_preferPlayer = _this select 1;}; // If the argument isn't given, assume false. // Maybe more like this: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/147877-passing-undeclared-variable-to-function/ _actorSet = false; // For stopping this loop after an actor has been found while {_radius < 15000} do { // Pull all units of the same side as the actor from within the given radius _unitArray = nearestObjects [actor,["Man","Car","Tank","Helicopter","Plane","Ship","Air"],_radius]; // If there are any units within the current search radius at all start checking them if (count _unitArray > 0) then { // Separate all units into player or AI arrays _unitArrayPlayers = []; _unitArrayAI = []; { if ((side _x == indiCam_var_actorSide) && (isPlayer _x) && (_x != actor)) then {_unitArrayPlayers pushBack _x}; if ((side _x == indiCam_var_actorSide) && (!isPlayer _x) && (_x != actor)) then {_unitArrayAI pushBack _x}; } forEach _unitArray; if ((count _unitArrayPlayers > 0)) then {_case = "foundPlayer"}; // We found a player if ((count _unitArrayPlayers == 0) && (_preferPlayer)) then {_case = "extendSearch"}; // If no preferred player found if ((count _unitArrayAI >= 1) && (!_preferPlayer)) then {_case = "foundAI"}; // Found AI, and no preference for player exists if ((count _unitArrayPlayers == 0) && (count _unitArrayAI == 0)) then {_case = "extendSearch"}; // No player or AI found // This is a start for checking different cases switch (_case) do { case "foundPlayer": { actor = selectRandom _unitArrayPlayers; _actorSet = true; }; // end of case case "foundAI": { actor = selectRandom _unitArrayAI; _actorSet = true; }; // end of case case "extendSearch": { _radius = _radius * 2; }; // end of case }; } else { // No units were found, extend the search radius by a factor _radius = _radius * 2; if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "no valid actor within first search radius, extending"}; }; if (_actorSet) exitWith { if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "Actor was switched"}; }; };// End of search loop // Interrupt the scene to make the camera switch to the new actor indiCam_var_interruptScene = true; }; // End of function comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " basic switch to closest actor "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; // This function switches to the closest unit of the current actor and assings the status of actor to that new unit indiCam_fnc_actorSwitchToClosest = { // https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/94695-how-to-find-nearest-unit-of-a-given-side/ _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [actor,["Man"],750]; _nearestFriendlies = []; if ((indiCam_var_actorSide) countSide _nearestObjects > 0) then { { private _unit = _x; if (((side _unit) == (indiCam_var_actorSide)) && (!isPlayer _unit) && (alive _unit) && (_unit isKindOf "Man")) then { _nearestFriendlies = _nearestFriendlies + [_unit] }; } foreach _nearestObjects; actor = _nearestFriendlies select 0; indiCam_var_actorSide = side actor; }; if (count _nearestFriendlies == 0) then { /* DEBUG */ if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "no AI could be found around the actor, switching to player..."}; actor = player; }; }; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " actor map selection "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; // This function shows ALL units as markes on the map so that one can be selected as actor // Format: // [showAllUnitsBool] call indiCam_fnc_mapSelect; indiCam_fnc_mapSelect = { // function contains sleep and should be spawned player linkItem "ItemMap"; // Just in case the cameraman is spawned without a map // The function needs to be able to set this variable with _this select 0; _mapSelectMode = _this select 0; // If no argument is given, assume all units to be accessible if (isNil "_mapSelectMode") then {indiCam_var_mapselectAll = true} else {indiCam_var_mapselectAll = _mapSelectMode;}; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " markers on map "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; [] spawn { // this contains sleep and thus needs to be spawned indiCam_var_showMarkers = true; while {indiCam_var_showMarkers} do { private "_markername"; private _markerArray = []; private _unitArray = []; // Build the correct array of units depending on if it's only friendlies or if it's all units that are to be shown { // forEach allUnits only pulls alive mans of the four main factions if (indiCam_var_mapselectAll) then {_unitArray pushBack _x}; if (side _x == side player && (!indiCam_var_mapselectAll)) then {_unitArray pushBack _x}; } foreach allUnits; { // Use the newly created array of units to draw markers on their pos // Assign each unit a unique marker _markername = format ["indiCamMarker%1",_x]; _markername = createMarkerLocal [_markername,(position _x)]; _markername setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markername setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; _markername setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _markerArray pushBack _markername; // Depending on attributes give the marker shape, color and text if ((side _x) == WEST) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWEST"}; if ((side _x) == EAST) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorEAST"}; if ((side _x) == resistance) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGUER"}; if ((side _x) == civilian) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorCIV"}; if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Car")) then {_markername setMarkerTextLocal "Car";}; if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Tank")) then {_markername setMarkerTextLocal "Tank";}; if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Helicopter")) then {_markername setMarkerTextLocal "Helicopter";}; if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Plane")) then {_markername setMarkerTextLocal "Plane";}; if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Ship")) then {_markername setMarkerTextLocal "Ship";}; if (isPlayer _x) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";_markername setMarkerTextLocal "a player";}; if (_x == actor) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange";_markername setMarkerTextLocal "current actor";}; if ((_x == actor) && (isPlayer _x)) then {_markername setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange";_markername setMarkerTextLocal "current actor (a player)";}; } foreach _unitArray; sleep 0.25; // This is the update frequency of the script. onEachFrame didn't pan out well. { // Delete all markers before drawing them again deleteMarkerLocal _x; } foreach _markerArray; }; if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "stopping markers..."}; }; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " actor selection and assignment on map "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; openMap [true, false]; // Force a soft map opening indiCam_var_mapOpened = addMissionEventHandler ["Map",{mapClosed = true;indiCam_var_showMarkers = false;}]; mapClosed = false; onMapSingleClick { // Using the old version of this EH, is that bad? private _friendlyUnitsData = []; private _allUnitsData = []; { // forEach that splits all the units into separate arrays depending on if we want all or just friendlies if (!indiCam_var_mapselectAll) then {// This is for when the actor can only be on the same side as the cameraman if (side _x == side player) then {_friendlyUnitsData pushBack [_x,(getPos _x distance2D _pos)]}; _friendlyUnitsData sort true; actor = ((_friendlyUnitsData select 0) select 0); // Set the unit closest to the clicked position as the actor } else {// This is for when the actor can be selected from any unit _allUnitsData pushBack [_x,(getPos _x distance2D _pos)]; _allUnitsData sort true; actor = ((_allUnitsData select 0) select 0); // Set the unit closest to the clicked position as the actor }; } forEach allUnits; hint format ["Actor set to: %1",actor]; }; waitUntil {mapClosed}; removeMissionEventHandler ["Map", indiCam_var_mapOpened]; onMapSingleClick {}; // empty brackets stops the eventhandler? }; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; comment " dead actor scene "; comment "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; indiCam_fnc_actorDeath = { // Run this deathcam scene all the way through. The new actor will be selected in the main loop after this is run through /* DEBUG */ if (indiCam_debug) then {systemChat "so welcome to the death cam"}; detach indiCam; indiCam camSetPos (getPos indiCam); indiCam camSetTarget actor; indiCam camSetFov 0.3; indiCam camCommit 5; waitUntil {camCommitted indiCam}; sleep 5; indiCam_var_actorDeathComplete = true; };
  22. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    this is perfect @GEORGE FLOROS GR This is what I want to do, I'm going to, but the only thing I need is to be able to move while the camera moves. select my player and remain immobile, will there be any way to move while the camra rotates?
  23. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    @GEORGE FLOROS GR Although it is quite complicated, I think that what I want to do has not been done by anyone. I need to create an area movement, make the player's camera move to a specific direction for a certain time without interrupting the gameplay, I think nobody has done that, and I do not know if I can do it heheh
  24. Barba-negra

    merge missions scripts

    It's very similar to what I want to do in the game, I'm going to review it, thanks bro