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Tom Rattler

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Posts posted by Tom Rattler

  1. 17 hours ago, NeilZar said:

    Can you explain to me what this part of the code does?

    if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then {
    	_unit call TFAR_fnc_isForcedCurator;


    mhhh.... it's a good question. I think it's a misstake. normaly i would reinizialize TFAR system only on the curator unit. the line TFAR_fnc_isForcedCurator can't work... :dontgetit:

    I will check the curator player if you take over a KI with TFAR-speak location on the KI unit.

  2. Here an additional code for problems with TFAR and controlled AI with Zeus:


    	if (!isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _x)) then {
    		_unit = getassignedcuratorunit _x;
    		if (isnull (getassignedcuratorlogic _unit)) then {
    			unassignCurator _x;
    			sleep 1;
    			_unit assignCurator _x;
    			if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then {
    				_unit call TFAR_fnc_isForcedCurator;
    } foreach allcurators;


    • Like 1

  3. On 12.1.2017 at 4:33 AM, diehardfc said:

    My community is also having the problem where Remote Control units cannot hear other players and the players cannot hear the Remote Control character. This happened after we upgraded to 0.9.12, so two of us performed a test. We downgraded one client to 0.9.8 and that client used RC. The RC character could hear players, but the player on v.0.9.12 couldn't hear the RC character. Only when we downgraded both of us to 0.9.8 could both player and RC character hear each other.


    I wanted to clarify for Dedmen how the Remote Control function usually works: it doesn't usually involve syncing any units to Zeus or another module. In general, this is how RC occurs in many multiplayer missions:

    1. A curator joins the game as a playable unit with Zeus access.
    2. The curator ascends to/becomes Zeus and navigates to some far off location on the map where other players are. His player character is left behind.
    3. Curator places a unit.
    4. Curator switches to the Modules tab and twirls down the Zeus section.
    5. Curator selects Remote Control and clicks on the unit.
    6. After an onscreen effect, the curator "wakes up" inside the selected unit.

    With past versions of TFAR, the Remote Control character could hear everything around them and be heard by everyone around them, as if they were just another player. Meanwhile, the curator's player character couldn't hear or be heard, and was effectively "offline." Once the RC character died or you were finished, you could select another one, and it would have the same audio properties. This was a tremendous boon for Game Masters.


    Thank you for your continued work on this outstanding mod. It's an amazing addition to any group's collection, and I hope you're able to work up a solution to this particular issue. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.



    We have solve this problem with code at initPlayerServer.sqf:

    	if (!isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _x)) then {
    		_unit = getassignedcuratorunit _x;
    		if (isnull (getassignedcuratorlogic _unit)) then {
    			unassignCurator _x;
    			sleep 1;
    			_unit assignCurator _x;
    			if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then {
    				_unit call TFAR_fnc_isForcedCurator;
    } foreach allcurators;

    Also solve the problem, if you are curator and you disconnect and reconnect the server you get a black screen instead of zeus interface.

    Maybe it's helpfull.

    • Like 2

  4. My solution for this problem:

    Create a text file called initPlayerServer.sqf at Mission main folder and put the following code inside.

    gm1-4 is the name of a playable unit and Zeus1-4 is the name of the Game Master module. This is only an example. Works fine :)

    if (!isnil("gm1")) then {
    	if (isnull(getassignedcuratorlogic gm1)) then {
    		unassignCurator Zeus1;
    		sleep 2;
    		gm1 assignCurator Zeus1;
    if (!isnil("gm2")) then {
    	if (isnull(getassignedcuratorlogic gm2)) then {
    		unassignCurator Zeus2;
    		sleep 2;
    		gm2 assignCurator Zeus2;
    if (!isnil("gm3")) then {
    	if (isnull(getassignedcuratorlogic gm3)) then {
    		unassignCurator Zeus3;
    		sleep 2;
    		gm3 assignCurator Zeus3;
    if (!isnil("gm4")) then {
    	if (isnull(getassignedcuratorlogic gm4)) then {
    		unassignCurator Zeus4;
    		sleep 2;
    		gm4 assignCurator Zeus4;
    • Like 1

  5. Tom Rattler,

    This is normal expected behavior. The first second of video reveals perceived problem.

    You are to far away from the objective.

    Subordinate infantry on foot are cached by zbe_cache script. Only group leaders are not cached.

    If Parameter Enemy AI Spawn Trigger Distance is set above 1000 than it will use parameter setting.

    If Parameter is set less than 1000 then zbe_cache chache distance is 1000.

    Any non vehicle/static weapon infantry owned by server use zbe_cache script.

    Units spawned by EOS grid system do not use zbe_cache. EOS has its own cache mechanic.

    If you are Zeus and place units. Those units are owned by Zeus and will not be cached until you are no longer Zeus and units are owned by server.



     I understood. Nice. It's not a bug, it's a feature :)

    • Like 2

  6. Hi, how to skip time as admin ? I am in the game and want to jump time to morning.


    You can change the time directly in the game.

    Open debug console, write the command skiptime 2 and click on global execute button for 2 hours plus (for example). or similar -2 for 2 hours back.



    How do that works ?



    Something you can integrate to your mission ?

    like only admin has the options.



    I create a Zeus game master module into the mission and put #adminlogged at owner and change the forced interface to disable.

    Login as admin and you can use Zeus.

    • Like 2

  7. @tomrattler, I think your suggestion assumes this line is a typo containing "_" at the end. _namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers_"; Its not a typo. by commenting that line that bit of code it still runs at mission start but becomes ineffective at searching for running stacked EHs.

    I recommend to remove the whole block instead of just that line, but I have just found the Key IDs for Enhanced movement and TFAR and added them to White list.

    This block should not be a problem any more for users of those mods. Just now added in version 1.45alpha. Could use feedback.

    The purpose of this block is to prevent one possible method of hacking and also removes HUDs/GUIs still running from players that come from life servers and such.

    This type of hack can be done without addon/mod. Its funny that the Stacked Event Handlers stickied thread created by devs containing my post on discovery of this exploit has been deleted in the Mission Editing and Scripting forum with no replies. Its very likely to still be a major exploit issue.


    Hi jigsor.

    Thanks for your replay.

    I had download the new mission from your dopbox and try the Altis map with following mods on our server:


    The major point is TFAR. At the mission start, while camera flight the TFAR flight works, TFAR seems running for a moment(connecting sound) but a few seconds the TFAR disconnect sound appears and TFAR isnt working anymore.

    I tried to activate the whitelist at file ASORVS\config.sqf Line 20: ASORVS_Whitelist ["ItemRadio"];

    Nothing happens.


    The other maps not checked. Anyone the same problem?



    Hi rckiller, I had the same problem with TFAR.


    You can fix it if you comment or delete the following lines on init_player.sqf

    //Line 120-135
    _event = _x;
    _namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers_";
    _namespaceEvent = _namespaceId + _event;
    _data = missionNameSpace getVariable [_namespaceEvent, []];
    private ["_itemId","_allowed"];
    _allowed = _data select count _data -1 select 0;
    if (_allowed in StackedEHkeysWhiteList) then {
    _data deleteAt count _data -1;
    _itemId = [_x, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    [_itemId,_event] call bis_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
    } foreach _data;
    } forEach ["oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsingleclick", "onplayerconnected", "onplayerdisconnected"];



    on my opinion you don't need comment this lines.

    Check the line number 130 in file init_player.sqf of BMR_Insurgency_v1.45alpha.Altis and delete the last _ in the command "BIS_stackedEventHandlers" than TFAR works.

    The correct line: _namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers";

  9. looks interesting but do there have just Female heads ? and the male body's ?

    Hehe... no. the character change to male body if I try to change outfit.

    I would reccomend you guys use this mod instead unless the OP decides to resume updating this. From what I can tell though it isn't being currently worked on; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180099-FEMAL3-Alpha-1-Crude/page6

    Ah. ok. Nice. I will look on it. Thx


  10. Hi,

    Nice Mod.

    I would like to use the female units as a reporter or hostage, scientist or something.

    A few questions:

    Have anyone problems with this mod and the newest update from Arma 3? I get a error message: No entry 'config.bin.cfgvehicles/modulecreatediaryrecord_F/arguments/owner/values/unit.default'.

    Could you fix it?

    The female units are only in Bluefor. It is possieble to use this units as a civilian or another fraction?

    I can't change the outfit from female units. For example an overall or another civilian outfit. It is possible to use another outfit?

