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Everything posted by SGforce

  1. Are civilian mods a possibility on WLA? I was about to grab one with a bunch of cars and buses but realized that I only saw options for adding in military vehicles.
  2. Thanks man! Keep up the good work. No other missions or mods even come close to how awesome this is Saok.
  3. Love this mission, have a couple of little bugs though. After calling in support vehicles, they will often go to where I have called artillery strikes. At first I thought it was a coincidence, until a HEMTT Repair truck kept parking itself right at my designated artillery strike locations. I almost wanted to call a strike onto a friendly tank just to get that repair truck over since he wouldn't respond to the 5 - 1 support request. The same had occurred before that with a pair of Kuma MBTs when I was targeting mortar strikes. They did a better job than the mortars would of so it didn't bother me ;) Also, while inside vehicles I seem to take just as much damage as I would if I was standing outside. I had an M2 Slammer get hit with grenades (from a GMG for example) many times and it would always kill me leaving the tank and the rest of the crew either completely unharmed or with just very minor damage.