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Everything posted by citazenman

  1. citazenman

    Switching weapons on the move

    I don't know if this has been addressed, but if you change weapons during a reload then it breaks your weapon. when you switch back to the empty half reloaded weapon, it is still empty and when you press your reload button a magazine gets deleted but it doesn't get placed in the weapon.
  2. I really liked FFIS. I felt that it lacked a lot of urban conflict support. The A.I. would usually just run out of their positions as soon as things started happening. some recent mods like ASR AI actually make units enter buildings as well as stay fixed in them. I would definitely like to see something like this in your new release. I'm very excited to see how it turns out. Best of luck.
  3. citazenman

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I just had quite a brilliant idea. I noticed the other day that Arma lacks the Hollywood "RPG! Get Down!" moments in firefights. I also noticed that A.I. will fire RPGs at everything except infantry. I noticed during a mission that A.I. will even fire an RPG at an empty mortar. What if someone made an invisible tiny vehicle that mission makers could move around or attach to the player with scripts. Yu could use setpos to keep it right over the players head and have A.I. shoot RPGs at it! you could place it near buildings in trees or even have it show up in a certain area as soon as a player hits a trigger. Essentially, I think this concept could create some awesome moments. However I am quite inexperienced at making addons so I couldn't do this myself at the moment but I thought I would throw it out there. Let me know what you think.
  4. citazenman

    dezkit's Bell 206 helicopter

    this sounds like it could be absolutely awesome with an authentic flight model and water landings! keep up the good work. already looking very promising
  5. citazenman

    =BTC= Quick revive

    http://pastebin.com/MfeCaFC9 I thought I would share this. copy and paste this into your init.sqf and it will make every unit on blufor side including addon units and dynamically spawned units a part of the revive system. you can change the amount of time in between the script adding new units into the revive system by changing the "sleep 10" to a higher number to help performance. Also at the top you can change the faction from "West" if you are playing a different faction. Without this, the script only adds the units available at the beginning of the mission to the revive system. Mods like MCC or ALiVE can be less useful with this script without this change. Credit to R3vo for helping me with this edit: fixed the pastebin
  6. yup, I didn't expect you experienced guys to have to ponder over this one too heavily lol. Thank you very much
  7. Hello, this is a bit of beginner question. How would I make this script repeat every 10 seconds. I know it is something like "while true do" and then "sleep 10". I can't seem to get the ordering right. This script applies a revive script to all Blu units. With mods like ALiVE and MCC constantly spawning new troops in my missions I'd like this script to be continuously running. // { if ((side _x) == West) then { _x call btc_qr_fnc_unit_init }; } forEach allUnits; // http://pastebin.com/1yxidMfS couldn't get forum to keep spacing. Thanks, CM
  8. If anyone can edit this to use RHS and/or Leights opfor pack you would save me a lot of time. Also I'd love it if there were some YouTube videos explaining how to use this effectively. This seems like a very powerful framework but the amount of time to get a grasp of it is a little long for this visual learner. if nobody beats me to either of these tasks and if I have the patience to complete them, I'll make sure to share both. Excellent stuff though, keep up the good work Zenophon.
  9. Does this have an advanced flight model? I already have an apache mod but it is easy mode. I would love to use this if it is more realistic
  10. Just a suggestion. This mod goes much further beyond what it advertises. Myself and many other players I have spoken to already have a mod pack put together that includes the standard arsenal of AKs AR15s and pistols. Not saying that yours are worse by any means but I feel it would be nice to have a version of this mod that simply gives the special forces weapons. such as the DMRs, shotguns and sniper rifles. In short, a lite version of this mod would be great. Keep up the good work
  11. citazenman

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Could a compatibility patch be made for JSRS Dragonfyre and RHS Escalation by simply altering configs? I'm not talking about adding unique sounds to each RHS weapon. I simply want to use the default JSRS sounds for 5.56 ammo on the RHS weapons. If this is possible then I might undertake the process.
  12. For some reason, even though I have finally solved all the database issues I had, I sometimes am unable to do the server save and exit. I'll click the button and nothing will happen. Is this a simple bug or do I need to start doing more troubleshooting and post RPTs?
  13. I have been trying to get the persistence working on my server. (When I shoot someone, I want to login the next day and not have them waving back at me.) So I have been following all the instructions to the last detail. I'm stuck on getting @arma2net to work. When I place it in my mod line, two things happen. First, when I try to connect to my server I just freeze up. I can thankfully still press escape in this state and return to the server selection menu. also when I close my server, it turns into a background task instead of actually closing.(I then have to go into task manager and close it.) All of this goes away if I take arma2net out of my mod line. I've been downloading it from the server instructions on war room and placing the new addins in the proper place but nothing fixes it. any suggestions?