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Everything posted by DSabre

  1. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Refining the Flak Module: The future version will allow for more control. You will be able to define the size and basic shape of the target region. Flakdiameter defines xy spread, Flakaltitude the z offset (500m, 200m, 6000rpm) That way you could sort of set up a barrage. It would still follow the target though and diamater defines both x and y : ) Anyway lots more possibilites
  2. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Yes, it's planned for the future. Btw P-51 getting another makeover: Metal Effect update More liveries, P-51 C with Malcom Hood New default textures (Suzy G and Dallas Doll)
  3. DSabre

    Pylons weapon sample?

    Sounds like either you need to add your proxy to the nonaivehicles - or in the p3d use the default example proxy instead
  4. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Dev Blog So far there are plans for 3 versions of the Hurricane, 3 versions of the Spitfire and 1-2 versions of the Mosquito (ignore the 4 blade prop).
  5. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Eventually once things are balanced. For time being do this in server settings to disable key check: verifySignatures = 0;
  6. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    Etendard and BAE Hawk exterior updates Wheel Chock script (place mil avi lock cone, plane is locked down) 2.6.8. - added Mirage IV (preview wip) - updated Etendard (folding wings, slats, texture) - some texture tweaks (BAE Hawk, Alpha Jet, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, ...) - added wheel chock script - changed Afterburner to physX push mode - added cam shake when breaking sound barrier - added PhysX penalty if gear is extended beyond 450km/h
  7. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    The fuel probe can be hidden in the editors modify appearance. There will be generic blufor, greenfor and redfor camo options like for all other planes in this mod if/when I release it. I may add a german livery to the texture mod template (mil avi liveries). Beyond that everyone is free to make their own textures/config mods for the planes in this mod.
  8. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    It's Helijah's F-104. Afaik not specified which version exactly https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/lockheed-f-104-starfighter-16375a59abdd4d7e9dc261de2823f6f2
  9. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    Dev Update A new item can be used to lock planes down. Place them next to a plane in editor. On map start it will lock the plane in position. No more rolling all over the place. Stop and shut down engine near service cone to lock the plane after landing Use the service quad to place / remove cones Also for next update: - changed Afterburner to physX push mode - added cam shake when breaking sound barrier - added PhysX penalty if gear is extended beyond 450km/h
  10. DSabre

    Civilian Airliners

    Good point. Thank you. will have another look. I usually set mine to 1.0 so there is some penalty to flying too fast with gear extended. Think I have some aircraft that can AI land with a value of 1.0 though. Will check. (PS: Did some experiments with two planes that have the exact same flight model settings - one crashes, one lands with ai autolanding. I guess geo lod or dimensions may have an effect too)
  11. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    From left to right: new Pylons, new crew (unarmed), Preflight Check (R Key), subtle disclaimer, Canopy Cord now casts a shadow v. 2.6.7. - BAE Hawk update -new wip interior, -new pylons, -new canopy, -canopy explosive cord is now modeled and casts a shadow, -ram air turbine, -more T2 specific details, -gear redone) - Eventhandlers added for all aircraft (touchdown effects, simple droptank controller) - WIP Crew added
  12. You could make a script check the loadout in the rearming area every few seconds and remove unwanted magazines. Something like this:
  13. Same here - wb and thank you very much - there is a huge fleet of seaplanes relying on the amphibian script you gave me. If you think of getting back to modding I have templates for ship and aircraft physX.
  14. DSabre

    Civilian Airliners

    That is interesting. Yes I too noticed landingSpeed being ignored on final approach. The last few days I did some experiments with flap/gear and airbrake friciton and realized AI can actually cope with high values as high as 2 or 3 under some circumstances (not sure which). Lower part of the envelope makes a lot of sense. I have decided to stop supporting AI autolanding for my mods though : ) - too much trouble for too many aircraft.
  15. DSabre

    Civilian Airliners

    how did you manage to make the ai land properly? I find it hit and miss and quite random sometimes
  16. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    Dev Blog More Hawk: Fixed the canopy ram air turbine touchdown script It adds smoke + tyre squeak for all aircraft in the mod. drop tank and wingtip tank controller script It's a simple script that manages external tanks and total available fuel. Some of the aircraft will be able to use a center tank or 2 pylon mounted tanks. Additional tanks won't have any effect. The Panther and Mb339 will be able to activate/deactivate fixed proxy wing tip tanks in edit appearance - they won't benefit from pylon tanks.
  17. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    dev blog update Some interiors updated (Non-functional) slats for the Mirage, AB for the Jaguar BAE Hawk Cockpit Downgrade/Upgrade WIP, gear update, fixed the nose, exchanged the canopy That is a bit tricky actually as my T1, T2 and T-45 share the model but have different noses / gear. I will end up with 3 different models eventually which triples workload : / v. 2.6.5. - increased airbrake and gear/flap drag, (stopped support for ai autopilot - does not work most of the time anyway), - a few tweaks to armaments (increased splash damage), - all aircraft should again be able to use FIR AWS, - IAC liveries moved to the optional milavi livery addon, - some interiors were updated (Non-functional), - some changes to BAE Hawk (gear, canopy, interior, tiny changes to UV map) - WIP
  18. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    - Next update will add increased airbrake and gear/flap drag, (AI autolanding does not work for most planes anyway, so I stopped supporting it altogether), - A few tweaks to armaments (increased splash damage), - Some updates to a few aircraft (mainly Jaguar), - All aircraft should be able to use FIR AWS pylon ordnance in future, (usually no restrictions = your job to make sensible loadouts) further refinements on red/opfor camo (slightly darker colors) moving the IAC liveries to the optional mil avi livery addon adding another optional mil avi navy livery addon sometime soon (intended as another template for texture/config mods)
  19. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    No. They are moving vehicles. As explained on the workshop page carrier usage is dependent on mission design /scripting.
  20. DSabre

    Civilian Airliners

    That's an AI issue. If the aircraft uses physX flight model settings AI pilots may drive planes into the ground. Some exceptions are possible but generally they can't cope with the current state of things. AI pilots are rather limited and are also unable to use the rudder for instance.
  21. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    V.2.6.3. - All aircraft now sorted in their own military aviation sub faction, - Retired aircraft rebranded AI Only aircraft (C-160, A-12,...), - Different generic liveries for Blue, Red and Greenfor, - Ordnance texture update, - added Sepecat Jaguar (WIP), F11 (WIP), SF 260 (WIP), - various small tweaks, - new server key
  22. DSabre

    Military Aviation

    Dev Update: Simple texture update for blu, green and opfor Simple proxy texture update Free fall ordnance now displays impact point in pilot cam
  23. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Mk II B spotter plane - work in progress. I plan to make 2 versions: with a forward facing observer and a second with a rear facing gunner.
  24. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    some progress on the Hawker Hurricane: Going to add the Mk II C version. Updating the simple interior and some exterior parts of the model (antenna, elevator, rudder)
  25. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Made a new Flak module as well as tweaking the damage system. The module can be synchronized with any kind of unit and will remain active as long as the unit is ok. You can set target side, range and delay between shots (in VR world it worked fine with 0.01 sec delay which is 6000 rpm). Already included in naval legends and released today, the module for flying legends will follow sometime.