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About Kvjavs

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  1. Kvjavs

    ASDG Joint Rails

    I was able to put FHQ and other optics on my TRG-21 a while ago but I cannot as of lately. I have all the asdg opt files in the addons folders but still nothing.
  2. I'm not hearing gunshots from others. I reinstalled the mod and do not have Pepe's hot fix installed. I can hear the guns just fine when I use them, though.
  3. I did. They didn't help at all.
  4. Love your pack, Toadie. Especially the AKs. My only complaint (:j:) is that the AK12 and AK74s could use a little less recoil (not too much) and better sound. I've tried to modify the sound myself but it breaks everything :rolleyes: Oh, and more damage for 5.45... hate having to mag dump someone in the chest to kill them. Even headshots are 2 to 3 shots. Keep up the good work.