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Everything posted by lifetap

  1. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    JR ("joint rails") were included in CBA at least 12 months ago, so this message suggests you're not using the latest version of CBA. The latest version is available here
  2. sagentitled, we just issue the following command on the server, once all objectives have been met, but before the mission end. [] spawn ocap_fnc_exportData; Also for anyone using Ares/Achilles, we add this to the server script ["3CB", "OCAP: Export Data", { remoteExec ["ocap_fnc_exportData", 2]; "OCAP exporting" remoteExec ["hint", -2]; }] call Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule; A Zeus can then start the export by simply dropping the export module on the map.
  3. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    They're on the backlog, but no dates yet
  4. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Thanks j_johnson, we'll look into it.
  5. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    We have not experienced any issues with the compass accuracy. If its repeatable, could you let us know the situation you experience the error and your mod list? The elevation difference is part of the vanilla shell trajectory. The table just gives you a way to calculate the correction. It's not something we turn on.
  6. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    @andehess, the L85 textures look particularly poor on your image, especially compared to the ones we normally see. I suspect its a combination of extreme lighting and PC settings. Having said that, we are planning an upgrade to the L85 model / textures at some point in the future. But its far from the worst model in our pack, so its some way down the list. The L7 is currently being given some love.
  7. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Thanks. Out of interest, what upgrades to the L16 would you like to see?
  8. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    No decision at this stage. If we can get the quality we're after, then may make it an option on all smocks
  9. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Yes, we'll add a few weapons with winter tape. Inclusion of the Arctic kit in this release was a last minute decision, as we thought you'd prefer to have a partially complete set, rather than for none at all. We'll add more winter kit in future releases. It's also worth noting that we use hidden selections on the majority of textures in the weapons/equipment. So if anyone produces some high quality winter textures for the weapons, we'd be interested in including them. We'll of course credit you.
  10. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    The arctic kit is not yet complete, we do plan on adding gloves
  11. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    @namerewob1, here's an example of one that we currently use class UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_SpecterLDS_FG : UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG { author = WEB_ADDRESS_3CB; scope = PROTECTED; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "asdg_OpticRail_UK3CB_BAF_L85"; item = "RKSL_optic_LDS"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { slot = "asdg_FrontSideRail_L85"; item = "UK3CB_BAF_LLM_IR_Black"; }; class LinkedItemsMuzzle { slot = "asdg_MuzzleSlot_UK3CB_BAF_L85"; item = "UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"; }; }; }; The L85 slot is our generic name for L85s/L119s
  12. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    A quick heads up about a bug with the L16. When the L16 fires automatically, ie a gunner is in the L16 and someone drops a round in the tube, the shot is inaccurate. The command used to implement the auto-fire does not correctly animate the tube, so the L16 fires as though its in its default elevation. This is now fixed in dev build. In the interim, you can fire accurately by forcing manual fire. This is done by ensuring no gunner is in the L16 when you reload it.
  13. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Included for clans that practice "square bashing" :)
  14. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    @omL, more webbing is on our backlog, but no specifics as yet. If there is sufficient interest we would consider adding a slung L115 to the backpack using a similar approach to the L128. Although if you're in a ghillie suit you'll not even see the backpack.
  15. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    The code was not designed to be generic, but you can use it. It has to be called from the player's PC. call UK3CB_BAF_Equipment_ACE_fnc_canAttach; Checks to see if it is possible to sling the player's helmet, returning true or false call UK3CB_BAF_Equipment_ACE_fnc_attach; Slings the player's helmet
  16. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    @j3aleine, thanks for the feedback. It is indeed and error and has been updated on our dev build, and will be in the next release
  17. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    @bl2ck dog, thanks for spotting that one. It's fixed in the dev build, so you'll get it next time we patch.
  18. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Just a head's up. It looks as though the latest @ACE update has fixed the longstanding bug with the Titan/Javelin, so our Javelin now works correctly, once again.
  19. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Yes, the vests are a little thin. We're working on a hotfix, which will be with you very soon.
  20. lifetap

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    @Sgt Taylor, it is not worth the risk. Currently there is no way within A3 to implement such a vehicle, in a reliable and consistent way. We'd be putting 100's of hours into something that might never be of sufficient quality to release. Sorry.
  21. lifetap

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Unlikely in the short-medium term, unless we can find a model. We try and prioritize on filling the holes in our arsenal. Snipers are an edge case, that are already reasonably well we covered.
  22. lifetap

    3CB BAF Units

    That is correct, the number of factions is specifically for Alive . We will be taking steps however to reduce the vehicles variants in the VA.
  23. lifetap

    3CB BAF Equipment

    More webbing, especially for the older uniforms is planned
  24. lifetap

    3CB BAF Units

    MTP, Arctic and Tropical all have the newer weapons/scopes, including the L119 for the recce/BPT