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About Edmundoh

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  1. Edmundoh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks a lot, good to know it's been noted, will be patient =)
  2. Edmundoh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey, wondering if anyone can help me, been "ctrl+f"ing the whole thread but sorry if this was actually mentioned and I missed it. There's an issue with rotorlib and all Chinook and Blackhawk variants. When getting into the pilot seat the entire helicopter sinks into the ground past the bottom of the fuselage. The same thing happens when taking the controls in the copilot seat. It also happens very slightly with the Apache but barely gets halfway up the wheels. I'll provide screenshots later tonight. Again, this is only an issue with These two RHS helicopters and no other mods or Arma 3 models. I was fine dealing with this bug, but on some maps (Bornholm specifically) this causes the helicopter to explode instantly upon sinking. I've had issues with the A-10 exploding but I don't think that sinks at all. This issue does not occur with advanced flight model turned off. I've made sure to verify files on steam and use only the RHS mods. I'm using the RHS mods from Play With Six by the way, I will try the Torrent later. For some reason I'm the only one with this problem, other members in my clan have no issues with this happening. Thanks
  3. Edmundoh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That's the type of tactic I was hoping to fix, It's not really what you're meant to do. I was hoping for something similar in Arma 2's ACE mod and nodunit's AH-64 mod, when switching on the laser designator/ to hmd mode, it would adjust in order for the rounds to land where you aim. An attack helicopter Any helicopter needs to always be on the move nearer a hostile AO, hovering comes into play when it's over 5k out from the target behind cover, launching guided AGMs.
  4. Edmundoh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey all, loving the mod, really enjoying it so far. For a long time in the Arma series there's been a problem with the gunners on attack helicopters. You can only shoot accurately when stationary, it'd be great if there were someway to turn on a designator to auto adjust the cannons while moving. I just wanted to know if you guys have already looked into this or perhaps could consider a fix for this in the future, as you seem to have done something similar for the tanks. Thanks and great job on the mod so far:D
  5. Edmundoh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'd like to first congratulate on what an awesome mod you guys have made and released, really enjoying it so far, especially the russian BTRs:cool:. I just want to throw a suggestion if it hasn't already been mentioned yet, I'm sure you guys have a lot to do and work on currently but I just want to put this out there. The cannons on helicopter gunships by default in Arma 3 aren't accurate while moving, there is no compensation for the rounds when shooting. I remember playing with ACE in Arma 2, there was a way to turn on the laser designator on the apache and whilst moving, shooting the 30mm would still land where the crosshairs aimed, that way I could still circle an AO 1.5 clicks out and still have my gunner use the 30mm when needed. Was wondering if you guys have already or could consider looking into a way for any similar fix to this? Thanks again!