Hey Raid,
first let me say i'm psyched that someone is making an F-22 for A3!
If you want any tips/tricks on how to model an F-22 check this quasi-tutorial out http://mikejamesmedia.com/f_22_edits_15.html. He has done many revisions/updates over the years with some good information either on the aircraft or how to model it, and yes I know his level of detail is way too extreme to reasonably use in A3 but it could still help.
Also I think implementing stealth in A3 would be a great feature and it has been done before on a previous A2 mod for the F-117, may want to look into it :). Oh, another if you want to know what the Raptor is capable of in a more in depth manner try perusing the discussions on F-16.net lots of great information and discussion there.