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10 Good

About fuke

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  1. Kudos to Makhno for this. Beautiful map with a lot of potential for cool missions! I really like the hill towns in the center of the map, they look great and the narrow alleys between the buildings can make for some intense house-to-house fighting. Also I like the idea of a map without roads, but - and this isn't a criticism - the density of trees and rocks makes it extremely difficult just to get to some towns without roads. Obviously this is the intention and there are places like this in real life, but it makes you wonder how the imaginary people living in these towns would move around, produce food or trade with each other without even narrow footpaths or narrow vehicles like motorcycles (or horses, mules and camels). Have you thought of making a separate version with dirt roads? Or maybe just adding a partial/very limited road system that only connects some towns, or just connects the big towns outside the valley, the airfields and small industrial areas?