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Everything posted by xrook

  1. what mods are broken this 1.26 patch?
  2. try doing this step 1 have a squad step 2 plant a bomb step 3 keep moving forward you will see something weird in front of your screen, its like TPW hud like to show some strange bug
  3. blackfoot crash site task isnt saved in resume, i used to do so before ---- spam Error in expression < _radius = _radius + 1000; _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp> Error position: <selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File missions\__cur_sp.altis\findPos.sqf, line 14 Bad conversion: array Error in expression < _radius = _radius + 1000; _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp> Error position: <selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File missions\__cur_sp.altis\findPos.sqf, line 14 Bad conversion: array Error in expression < _radius = _radius + 1000; _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp> ---- and too many AAs, i get rid of one... another comes in creating "camp wolf" is too much of a risk than not making it ---- theres some sort of weird script in your mission that each time you load the game, your squadmates will equip their original eyewear/glasses that they start with and replace the one you equip them ---- my reinforcements from HQ when i have less than 4 members are all wearing civilian clothes rather than NATO/CTRG fatigues
  4. nice, do i have to new game resume? or i can just continue normally?
  5. i should also add that the only way for people to go to your 'gear feature' is to either rush build your own factory or dedicate a few hours into the game until you have captured a factory/airport a blackmarket dealer should solve the early access to the gear feature if your gonna add a load/save gear make it only available at the start of the game, because loading a full gear loadout itself is kinda a cheat, having everything already added as soon as possible- bypassing the buying of ammo and such
  6. i kind of agree @SaOk right now im sure a lot of people use some other kind of loadout mod to get their gear than using your 'gear feature' to keep the third party loadout mod optional and to encourage people to actually use your 'gear feature', it first needs to be improved can i suggest a blackmarket dealer? a civilian dressed in guerrilla outfit with a 3d marker above his head to tell he is a dealer. he can sell everything in your 'gear feature' at a more expensive price also before starting the game you should give us the option to buy things from your 'gear feature' at 0 price to set up our starting loadouts
  7. Error in expression <= tpw_hud_nearunits select _ct; _dist = _unit distance player; if( !isNil "_unit> Error position: <_unit distance player; if( !isNil "_unit> Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit File TPW_MODS\tpw_hud.sqf, line 358 EDIT: this is from your other last update
  8. tried to revert game and still the same
  9. Error in expression <"_thresh","_uthresh"]; _thresh = 8; if (tpw_core_sunangle < 0) then { _thresh => Error position: <tpw_core_sunangle < 0) then { _thresh => Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_core_sunangle i started the a new game in WLA then clicked continue from briefing, this occurred
  10. dont remove it, something new and different for players to do is a good thing, your new side chain task "black hawk down" is actually a good addition (if only you could add more of it but of course not yet as you should prioritize on what you have first) something fresh = good, turning tasks into a todo chore = bad the defend supply road just need some adjustments to make it more immersive than just an empty shell of a task, you could probably even turn it into another chain task edit: speaking of task, your task obtained from civilians, friendlies, and POWs can be abused into repetition- and thats bad. adding a sleep timer or changing the dialogue path should fix it ex. of POW dialogue --> ask if has surrendered --> ask if he as information --> if yes --> get information & send to pow cell automatically or if no pow cell then delete unit (to prevent repetition of obtaining task) \ \ --> send to pow cell --> if no --> send to pow cell automatically or if no pow cell then delete unit (to prevent repetition of obtaining task) ---- i keep crashing seconds later after capturing blue CSAT camp, do i have to do a new game 'resume' in each and every update? ----- started new game Error in expression < 0 == "TIMMUL") then {setTimeMultiplier (_x select 1);}; if (_x select 0 == "SAO> Error position: <(_x select 1);}; if (_x select 0 == "SAO> Error Missing ; File missions\__cur_sp.altis\SaOkSave.sqf, line 372 Error in expression < 0 == "TIMMUL") then {setTimeMultiplier (_x select 1);}; if (_x select 0 == "SAO> Error position: <(_x select 1);}; if (_x select 0 == "SAO> Error Missing ; File missions\__cur_sp.altis\SaOkSave.sqf, line 372 ----- and a few seconds later Error in expression < then {TIMMUL = 60;}; setTimeMultiplier TIMMUL; }; case "Max VZones": { MAXACTIV> Error position: <TIMMUL; }; case "Max VZones": { MAXACTIV> Error Missing ; File missions\__cur_sp.altis\StartDialog.sqf, line 170 Error in expression < then {TIMMUL = 60;}; setTimeMultiplier TIMMUL; }; case "Max VZones": { MAXACTIV> Error position: <TIMMUL; }; case "Max VZones": { MAXACTIV> Error Missing ; File missions\__cur_sp.altis\StartDialog.sqf, line 170
  11. this yours? Error in expression <i" from 0 to _fadetime step _delay do { _grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele> Error position: <_grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele> Error Undefined variable in expression: _grpiconcolor File A3\modules_f\marta\data\scripts\fnc_effect.sqf, line 35 Error in expression <_difR = ((_grpIconColorEnd select 0) - (_grpIconColor select 0)) * _step; _difG > Error position: <_grpIconColor select 0)) * _step; _difG > Error Undefined variable in expression: _grpiconcolor File A3\modules_f\marta\data\scripts\fnc_effect.sqf, line 29 Error in expression <i" from 0 to _fadetime step _delay do { _grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele> ----- BUG: somethings wrong with the 'resume' feature of your mission, your random task that you obtained (repair vehicle, destroy hidden enemy vehicle etc.) dont transfer when you do a new game "resume" oh and yeah mortar support isnt also transfered, the one you get after meating geowhateverhiswhas for the 2nd time
  12. this is a new task i never got before "defend supply road" my question is who leaves 3 important fuel trucks unguarded, in the middle of the road? anyway i would understand it if the trucks engine got damaged somehow and the drivers are stranded until help arrives (AKA us)
  13. i believe that is a vanilla bug, not WLA what i do is equip my pistol and shoot the "injured unit" to lower his health even more for the medic to properly heal him i believe if your(any unit) above 90+ health and you try to heal him this bug occurs also happened during campaign when an explosion only chipped my HP, i asked for a medic and the medic only kept looping the healing animation until he says "cannot comply" @SaOk you need to separate the button when gathering equipment and disassembling a car when near a factory i only wanted to gather the medkits but also disassembled my construction car at the same time
  14. it just showed up one time.. never saw it again
  15. still there Error in expression <rkers - 1) do { _marker = allmapmarkers select _ct; if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g> Error position: <select _ct; if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g> Error Zero divisor File TPW_MODS\tpw_hud.sqf, line 692 also i dont think this is a health indicator anymore, i thought i had half the HP since this is a heartbeat indicator now how can i tell if im damaged aside from noticing my bloody clothes ---- Error in expression <elect _ct; if (!lineintersects [eyepos _squadmem, eyepos _unit,vehicle _unit,ve> Error position: <_squadmem, eyepos _unit,vehicle _unit,ve> Error Undefined variable in expression: _squadmem File TPW_MODS\tpw_hud.sqf, line 1081
  16. Solved: it was Xlib mod the new version(a requirment for X39's map markers mod) , i reverted back to the old (that came with the map marker mod itself) and reverted to a new game (resume), now its fine ---- Error in expression <units _groupCTP) select _i; if (vehicle _xx == (_chop select 0)) then { _nul = > Error position: <_xx == (_chop select 0)) then { _nul = > Error Undefined variable in expression: _xx File missions\__cur_sp.altis\ChopperTransportPara.sqf, line 57 ---- or not... Solved: it was Xlib mod the new version(a requirment for X39's map markers mod) , i reverted back to the old (that came with the map marker mod itself) and its fine now after reloading to continue my save the problem returned... :( --- after experimenting around as of why sidestep is broken for me i was able to replicate as of why im able to move (ASWD) even though i have the construction menu up (with out having to press the function "move" in the menu) simply enter a vehicle and exit again, voila! you can move around and construct properly which is a good bug that benefits convenience meh bulshit
  17. well... theres no static or anyone there yet just prisoners :D because you know "assets locked by task" thing, so this is after finally getting my assets
  18. i dont know if this is fixed yet as im still using the version before the 2 latest ones Error in expression <rkers - 1) do { _marker = allmapmarkers select _ct; if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g> Error position: <select _ct; if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g> Error Zero divisor File TPW_MODS\tpw_hud.sqf, line 676 happens im near a (hostile?) boat or static weapon TPW cant identify
  19. BUG: this is the bug i was talking about http://i59.tinypic.com/33nb9cj.jpg sidestep, undo, then sidestep again http://i58.tinypic.com/2lvmzoz.jpg ---- when did this tiny shack became a blue base?? http://i62.tinypic.com/erd35x.jpg theres like 8-13 people inside and it was easy murder them all :D http://i59.tinypic.com/3534dap.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/1e5a8z.jpg hahaha ---- i think theres something wrong with your 'base creation' script http://i59.tinypic.com/qs5q1h.jpg that is not even a proper green base that i usually see, and it was next to the blue base i posted above who builds these kind of bases?? the chinese? --- as soon as i get the mortar support Error in expression <"Ping_New_Available", BIS_SUPP_channels select ([WEST, EAST, RESISTANCE] find si> Error position: <select ([WEST, EAST, RESISTANCE] find si> Error Zero divisor File A3\modules_f\supports\procedures\refreshMainWindow.sqf, line 45 --- Bug: i dont know what happened here but these are the guys thats suppose to spawn and protect the captured blue base http://i58.tinypic.com/30a9w6p.jpg :butbut: --- Bug: (never mentioned it because im sure you would atleast notice this one) the AI guards that you buy in the construction menu still comes in with separate vehicles --- assist to defend what??? http://i59.tinypic.com/2mcujqa.jpg that base on the far north west of the map is doomed. i was wondering why vehicles keep spawning at that location... i thought it was a spawn point or factory --- Bug: this is the storage I made, i dont know why i still have to take over it :confused: http://i57.tinypic.com/2drxaur.jpg --- small typo: "you already have thAT guard" ----th->AT<--- ---- small... bug? error? sometimes the men you bought via AI guards on construction menu, they are wearing civilian clothes instead of a proper military uniform http://i59.tinypic.com/2w4dyqb.jpg
  20. bug: the two resistance group that you meet (optional) before rescuing the resistance POW are still registered as 'civilians', whether they are in your group or turned HC TPW hud shows them as 'civilians' bcombats no AI fatigue feature also shows no affect on them will find and hire another NPC if this bug applies to them too EDIT: nope just them ---- i know you cant set where the paradrop ends but at least give us the ability to call 'when'
  21. just started new game if(typename _pos1 == "OBJECT") then {_pos1 = getpos > Error position: <_pos1 == "OBJECT") then {_pos1 = getpos > Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos1 File A3\functions_f\geometry\fn_dirTo.sqf, line 20 Error in expression < select 0; _e = _this select 1; _dir = [_s, _e] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _dis = _s di> Error position: <_s, _e] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _dis = _s di> Error Undefined variable in expression: _s File missions\__cur_sp.altis\SharedFuncs.sqf, line 609 Error in expression <) then { sleep 0.1; if (!([getmarkerpos _x,(_this select 0)] CALL SAOKWATERBETWE> Error position: <_x,(_this select 0)] CALL SAOKWATERBETWE> Error Undefined variable in expression: _x File missions\__cur_sp.altis\AlarmEvents.sqf, line 18 Error in expression < = _s distance _e; _p = 50; while {_p < _dis} do { _Pos = [(_s select 0)+(sin _d> Error position: <_dis} do { _Pos = [(_s select 0)+(sin _d> Error Undefined variable in expression: _dis File missions\__cur_sp.altis\SharedFuncs.sqf, line 612 Error in expression <r = [_s, _e] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _dis = _s distance _e; _p = 50; while {_p < _di> Error position: <_s distance _e; _p = 50; while {_p < _di> Error Undefined variable in expression: _s File missions\__cur_sp.altis\SharedFuncs.sqf, line 610 and an AA in the middle of the sea :D http://i59.tinypic.com/iog5qu.jpg ---- restarted and it didnt give me that error anymore --- task issue: guard blackfoot crash site has major issues, especially when im in a terrain disadvantage the armored vehicle is at the other side of the hill and its not even close to the crash site (100-200 meters away reloaded multiple times) yet it has somehow able to "obtain" the crashed chopper http://i58.tinypic.com/2wqbqs8.jpg --- reloaded and tried again this time i was able to destroy the tank before it could even get near but this time it was the infantry group that got close and failed the task http://i61.tinypic.com/9ut5w2.jpg ---- already doing my best to not any enemy get near that danm chopper yet it still fails... i dont even know how to complete this task anymore ---- i warn you man, you gotta 'perfect' what features you have now before adding new ones otherwise by the time you hit the deadline you might end up submitting an unpolished game. if your stressed out i suggest take a day off and go to a strip club or something --- i have to admit some parts of your mission is frustrating, but some parts of it make me laugh like hell http://i60.tinypic.com/2j4ubfc.jpg this was not the best way to start the mission... the truck landed on the roof of the house and exploded, killing the civilians inside it HAHAHA Suggestion: instead of giving us the truck at the start of the game, turn it into 1 free call support via 0-8-1 (you never used this function, i wonder why). this way when we found the proper location to set up camp we would just simply call it, instead of going all the way back to its location or risk of dragging it around when enemies are within the radius
  22. are you playing Whole Lotta Stratis? that map is too outdated switch to Atlis