This is proving extremely, extremely frustrating, I spend a good hour setting up a nice looking base, including a fence around most of the perimeter, I click save, and bam, stuff is skewed, moved, and overlapping.
I look and see that it is a problem, so I go in again and follow the tips that someone gave, saving after each item, not saving more than one but still, whenever I save stuff moves or gets tilted or set askew, no matter what I try!
I figured maybe it's because I am building on a bit of an incline, but even on level ground stuff gets moved around.
I have that jon-c5 editor update, is there another that fixes this, or some third party editor? I don't know what it is but I can't make anything without stuff moving, yet I see people making small towns and military bases, I can't imagine they go through and reposition everything every time they save. (and even then it would not work for me, it saves them all messed up).
How on earth do I do this?