This update has completely ruined arma 3 for me, the weapon sway has gone to the point where i can no longer snipe while prone even after not moving for 5-10 minutes at a distance of around 500m Due to the amount of sway the devs call "realistic" I have shot multiple rifles at all 3 different stances and I don't have this so called "realistic weapon sway" and real life is as close to realistic as possible. I can no longer play arma 3 due to the fact that it is nearly impossible to aim and i can't get any enjoyment out of not being able to play the game. i had put a few thousand hours into arma 2 and i highly doubt ill be putting anymore hours into arma 3 unless they fix it.
The bootcamp has nothing to do with this if it was the only thing they released in the update i would be 100% fine with it but they had to go and tinker with shit and break it.
Their was nothing wrong with the weapon sway before and i don't know why they changed it. all these people saying it's fine now, have you gone and tried to snipe in koth at a distance of 900m or more ? while prone with nothing else but a sniper.