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D. Patterson

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Posts posted by D. Patterson

  1. .RPT: https://pastebin.com/VYTk9FPG

    Server_Config.cfg: https://pastebin.com/PqDUMF4t

    start.bat: arma3server_x64.exe  -port=2302 -config=Server_Config.cfg -profiles=C:\ArmA3\Users -name=Server

    Server is AWS EC2 Instance (Tried m5.large, m4.large, c4.large, z1d.large)

    OS is Windows Server 2012 RC2, Hardware is 16gb RAM, 1 core / 2 vcore Intel Xeon

    Network is 10Gbps 


    So since EC2 is pay per hour, I got my server up and running on a t2.medium (Cheap 1 core/2 vcore 4gb instance). However once it was up and running I swapped the instance to a m5.large which is the same core config (just faster), more RAM, and better network allotment.   

    However, while everything should remain the same, when a player tries to connect they get stuck on the map loading screen. I've already gone through the basic troubleshooting steps (Removed all mods, keys, removed custom mission cycle, verified 2302-2306 UDP were open on host firewall and windows firewall), even tried letting it connect for an hour. Nothing seems to work and there are no obvious errors.

  2. 2 hours ago, monty bravo said:

    D. Patterson, Check out the instructions.  IIRC setting them to 'FULL' results in AI charging into battle.


    Ai will still go prone, find cover, and engage until they are no longer being shot at. If this happens at 300m out, they never make it to the objective.  


    A quick test I just did:  

    VCOM AI W/ Speed set "FULL", Behaviour AWARE.

    Opfor initially engaged while 300m from Blufor defensive position. 

    Opfor took defensive position and attempted to engage Blufor.  

    After about 3 minutes, first push from Opfor, about 20m transversed.  

    1 minute later, another push from Opfor, about 10m transversed.   

    6 minutes later, a 50m push. 

    2 minutes later, a 10m push.  

    6 minutes later, a 20m push.   

    1 minute later, a 5m resulting in the death of the final opfor Unit.


    Default AI W/ Speed set "FULL", Behaviour AWARE.

    Opfor initially engaged while 300m from Blufor defensive position. 

    Opfor continuously approached until eliminated.



    I want them to run in with absolutely no regard for their own safety until x distance has been reached.    

  3. _Shell = "Sh_120mm_HE" createvehicle [((_Pos select 0) - (sin _dir * 900)),((_Pos select 1) - (cos _dir * 900)),(1500 + _Height)];    
    _Shell setVelocity [(sin _dir * 202.8), (cos _dir * 202.8), -338]; 

    This is the relevant parts of my code. That 900 might need to be fixed to compensate for the fact that the shell bleeds velocity as it travels, but as it stands it should be off by the same amount every time. However depending where I execute it on the map, and what direction I use, I get different results. For example 50m wide right on the East side of the island might end up 50m wide left on West side. 180 degrees might miss by 5m, 270 degrees might miss by 30m.

  4. 8 hours ago, Sgt. Dennenboom said:

    You use deleteAt, which shortens the array immidiatly. Since the count isn't updated each iteration, _i will eventually be larger than the actual size of the array (which gets smaller every iteration).


    So is there a way to get around this and update the count?  


    Edit: This seems to work.  


  5. So I'm trying to integrate TPW furniture into Ares Achilles So these are my three scripts.


    Here is a screencap of the error.


    When the script is run, spawning the furniture works great, without errors.  But when it comes to deleting when multiple houses are involved, the furniture will be removed partially, but then throw this error and it ceases the deletion.  

    I can keep running the script and a little more furniture will be deleted each time, until eventually it reaches a point where _bld becomes undefined, but some furniture still exists.  


    Edit: So I seemed to narrow down the issue to the tpw_spawned array, which will occasionally have a null object in it. However I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it.

  6. Suggestion: Integrate TPW Furniture into a "Furnish Building" Module that acts like other building modules (Such as destroy building or lock doors). You click somewhere on the map, choose range or nearest building, hit enter and the building is furnished. 

  7. When I place an "Execute Code Module" does that module have any "this" parameters such as location?  

    Can I do something like this

    "C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle position this;

    where it would place an offroad where I clicked on the screen with the module? 

  8. Well I just did a performance test and it took the engine 0.0014 Milliseconds to evaluate If(AmmoGun == "SmokeShellGreen") then {[] execVM "Teargas.sqf"}; when false and 0.0088 Milliseconds when true.  So if the math scales linearly, and I will have a max of about 10 shooting simultaneously, I could technically run about 360 of these event handlers before I get a noticeable stutter.

  9. Firstly pass the projectile into the script, that way you don't need a nearestObject check, secondly, again, allUnits is highly unnecessary as you only need units within a specific radius, so I recommend:

    {} forEach (getPosATL _projectile) nearEntities [["Man"], 10];

    ^This will only loop through AI men that are within 10 meters of the smoke grenade projectile. Instead of all possible units.


    And again as well, for the effect wearing off portion I recommend spawning it in instead of leaving it to suspend within the script. You also don't need to keep a local array of "effected" NPCs considering this will only be running locally on each NPC, in other words, you have one unit to worry about no others.


    I'm getting a Type Number, Expected Object error on the line _Projectile = _this select 0;

    This is my Init code: this addEventHandler ["fired",{If(_this select 4 == "G_40mm_SmokeGreen") then {[(_this select 6)] execVM "TearGas.sqf"};}];

    _Projectile is reporting back as 1780056: ugl_slug.p3d


    I also added: 


    _Null = [_x] spawn 
    _AI = _this select 0;
    Sleep 65;
    _AI enableAI "ANIM";
    _AI setVariable ["Blinded",0,false];
    to my code, I assume this is what you meant by the spawn.